Generation Z is the largest “un-churched” generation America has ever known. Only 20% of this age group attends a church on a regular basis.  However, you can find all of them online somewhere on social media platforms. Every major evangelism organization is putting massive efforts into guiding this generation onto a Christian website or platform that will expose them to the Gospel.

Our approach is somewhat different. We provide training and support to equip people for sharing their faith in today’s social media environments. This training includes:

  • Basic Christian apologetics skills.
  • Identifying your target social media platforms.
  • Building strategic and intentional profiles on the venues you choose.
  • Building relationship skills with people out of your sphere, relational evangelism and situation evangelism.
  • “Casting your hook” with questions that require a response. Asking the big questions.
  • Sharing your testimony without “preaching”, salvation scriptures, step-by-step guide to leading someone to Christ and getting to the point of decision.
  • Suicide prevention and crisis training.
  • Follow up, discipleship plan strategy, and connecting into the local church.

e-Evangelist provides training materials, a “Rethinking Evangelism” book, certification and even ongoing support. This seminar is a two-night event from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and will be accessed through a Zoom. We provide seminars in churches, Zoom trainings and personal couching. For more info contact our office at 865-227-0508 or email us at

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