Secret Sorcery The Apocalyptic Encryption

In his first 2010 fiction book Secret Sorcery the Deception Begins, Shawn Patrick Williams describes the novel like this, “The ancient prophecies of a global release of secret sorcery have been fulfilled!
Crowley’s deceptive efforts to use music as a tool to release a wave of witchcraft over North America have come of age. Paul Heiner, a teen who has fallen under the power of this secret sorcery, runs away from home to join a band in Los Angeles. Reverend Bill Batesburg uncovers occult efforts to carry out Crowley’s plan using front media groups and businesses. Reverend Bill is confronted with a series of demonic battles that drive him to search for answers. As difficult as the search is, the deception runs much deeper than he anticipates. Intriguing characters find themselves in life-threatening battles with known and unknown people and principalities. Right on time, divine providence brings a powerful prayer team together to fight against an unseen satanic army. But their greatest battles are yet to be fought.”


“We saw way more many young people touch through this novel than even fifteen years of youth outreaches in churches. It was awesome to see teens read the book through in 24 hours and many times they had never been to a church. God blessed us to have national coverage of this. We did book signings at Book-a-Million and Barnes and Noble stores from Philadelphia to Florida. God placed this novel in twenty plus maximum security prisons across the nation. It was really crazy how so many people seemed to identity with or go through the same spiritual battles that are involved with the drug and music lifestyle.  For five years we have been getting letters from readers that live all over America that have so many similar stories to mine and the characters Paul, Nancy and other characters in this book series.”
In his second fiction book Secret Sorcery The Apocalyptic Encryption to be released at first strictly on amazon on Dec 19th, Williams gives readers some closer and a new adventure. He describes this book as a continuance of the same storyline like this, “Fleeing the Five Points Records initiation, Paul escapes the occult with his life. Rev. Bill and the FBI save Paul and he falls in love with Nancy, the kidnapped teen from Atlanta. They uncover a huge conspiracy with the global illuminati group Mediacom. Paul discovers sorcery embedded in a web of shell entertainment groups. The musical note the diminished fifth was banned in the eighteenth century church for having the repeated pattern of 666 as the numerical value. After recovering new information that ties this Mark of the Beast into almost every scope of modern entertainment Paul is shocked to see everyone involved in this apocalyptic theory. All levels of society are involved, including the law enforcement protecting him. Who can he trust? Where will he go? What will do?”

Williams says, “We have been really blessed to have some awesome people work on these projects. The main editor for the first fiction book was the same guy who edited the book turned into football movie, Facing the Giants. The second book has had an awesome group of people rally around it, as well. If The  Harry Potter and The Twilight book series can be so influential on a generation , I think the avenue of fiction has potential to reach the millennials with the Gospel in our stories. The America public wants to see the good news represent in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. I’ve had meetings with NBC Universal producers looking for Christian content, because the demand has increased so much. We have seen the trends in the past few years and I thank God media is reaching them with non-traditional ways of outreach.

I’m all for church and preaching the gospel. In fact, the reason these books are five years a part is because I’ve travel extensively sharing my testimony and preaching revivals. We are a part of many church and evangelistic efforts, but if the church is going to reach the largest “unchurched” generation America has ever had it will be through unconventional ways. Most people don’t realize this, but America has become the third largest mission field in the world. Only twenty percent of the millennials attend a church on Sunday morning, but eighty eight percent of them read fiction. If the church is going to reach them it won’t be in the church. We have to ‘Go to the highways and byways’ before they will come in the doors of the church.”

“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”  Luke 14:32 KJV

After being radically saved from 10 years of drug and occult involvement in a bar through a Damascus road experience, Shawn Patrick received a burning commission to evangelize the United States and the world. His style of preaching brings a revival culture to the Body of Christ.

Shawn Patrick has also authored several books and has co-hosted and wrote televisions scripts for five seasons of Roc House Café, a Christian music video show which airs internationally. Recognized nationally and internationally as an end time evangelist, he has traveled to 23 nations and ministered in 26 denominations. Shawn Patrick passionately speaks each year through radio, TV, conferences, festivals, concerts, churches and international crusades. His personal experience of the power of the Holy Spirit, powerful deliverance from addiction and the occult, and background has aided in giving him a platform to speak to the next generation of Believers. His passion is revival fire and seeing Christ saves lives. He attended Christian Life School of Theology and received his Masters from the Institute of Theology and Christian Therapy. He has a Doctor of Divinity from Day Spring University and was ordained as a bishop in 2009 and is ordained in the IPHC. He then launched Warrior Nation Fellowship, which is a ministerial network. He is founder of an outreach to the  millennials called i3, which is his base in Greenwood, SC.

Shawn Patrick lives in Greenwood, South Carolina with his wife Christy and their four children: Sethe Patrick, Isabella Jordan, Ada Grace, and John Ellison.