Book Shawn Patrick Williams

If you would like to book Shawn Patrick Williams or an available team member, for your event, please call our office at (864) 227-0508 or email us at with the dates and details of the event.

Shawn Patrick Williams preaches revivals, teaches prayer and evangelism seminars, and conducts youth and college conferences of all kinds with cutting edge, relevant messages. He shares his testimony as the Lord opens the doors.

Shawn Patrick does not require a set fee to come speak. He only asks that the hosting organization cover his minimal travel expenses and allow for a love offering to be received. WNIM is also flexible for organizations that prefer to give the ministry an honorarium instead.

Shawn Patrick makes sure finances never get in the way of the preaching of the Cross. Please check our calendar for available dates. Once a date is confirmed, WNIM will email a complete promotion pack to help assist you in the preparation of your event.