A Mercy Harvest by Shawn Patrick Williams

A Mercy Harvest

I was in the sanctuary of our ministry center in Greenwood SC praying about what has happened in Asbury, America, and around the nations in the past few months and the Lord spoke to me. “I am sending a mercy harvest.”

What is currently taking place around the four corners of the world is nothing less than God’s divine mercy, before His divine judgment is released upon the earth. We cannot ignore the providential timing of this release of God’s Spirit, at the same time that all the players in bible
prophecy are on the chess board moving around and getting in place for the great battle at Megiddo. God is holy and judgment is coming to the earth, but God is merciful and still has a heart that not one soul be lost.

This is what Compassion International describes mercy as, “Mercy is the compassionate treatment of those in distress, especially when it is within one’s power to punish or harm them.
The word “mercy” derives from the medieval Latin merced or merces, which means “price paid.” It has the connotation of forgiveness, benevolence and kindness. Mercy is often used in a religious context of giving alms, caring for the sick or the poor. In the legal sense, mercy often refers to compassionate behavior from a person in power, such as when a judge shows clemency, leniency or mercy during sentencing.” God’s mercy and judgment collides and mercy wins. God is about to move in mercy like we have not seen before.
As the Most High is bringing into alignment nations and peoples that are sheep nations and goat nations, He is separating the wheat and the tares. Matthew 13:24-43
1 Peter 4:17-18 KJV
17  For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 18  And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
1 Peter 4:17-18 The Message
17-19  It’s judgment time for God’s own family. We’re first in line. If it starts with us, think what it’s going to be like for those who refuse God’s Message! If good people barely make it, What’s in store for the bad?
What I believe is taking place in this current outpouring of the Holy Spirit is God is preparing His church to receive the largest harvest the church has ever seen! He is cleaning and reviving the Body of Christ, while bringing in a new generation of Joel’s Army. Three things are being release upon the church during this outpouring. 1. A deep repentance. This repentance goes back to root causes trauma points and mother wounds. The Holy Spirit is getting very detailed in identification repentance in this hour. 2. There is fresh oil being release upon the Body through new believers receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the older believers being refreshed by this fresh oil. 3. A mass movement of deliverance is taking place across the earth. This is
preparing and purifying the Bride with a spirit of burning. As you look at the current revivals these are the main traits.

Why is this revival taking place?

Acts 1:8 NLT

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Let us not forget that the main purpose of the Holy Spirit is not just to prophesy, or speak in an unknown tongue. Signs and wonders follow believers as we follow Jesus. So what is the main reason God is releasing this great river of revival. The main purpose of the Holy Spirit is to empower the church to be a witness!

This river is flowing from the mercy seat out through the Throne room into the streets of gold and out into the rivers of heaven. These rivers flow from heaven to earth. And out of our bellies. Everywhere a believer is, there is potential for revival.

John 7:38 38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

As this river increases throughout the nations, this mercy harvest will touch regions, nations and peoples that were though unreachable. This mercy harvest will bring in the largest revival and numerical amount of souls the church has ever seen. This is going to hit Sydney, Christchurch, Aden, Islamabad, Tehran, New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Karachi, Rio de Janeiro, Havana, Abu Dhabi, Cape Town, Accra and even Singapore. This river will start in the unknown areas of the earth. From Dubbo, Darfield, Damt, Sangla Hill, Rafsanjan, New Jersey, Sugar Hill, Pasadena and even Garfield Heights.

This will usher in increase and not a few. Churches that have had 10’s will now have 100’s and 100’s will now have 1000’s and 1000’s will now have 10,000’s. There will be an increase of media ministry. God will increase theater ministry, social media ministry, documentaries and
evangelical media production hubs across the world. Mercy is being released in this hour. The heart of the Father is torn to see His kids, but broken because of rejection of His grace. Mercy will triumph.

Gathering the Harvest for our King,

Shawn Patrick Williams


PO Box 2352 Greenwood , SC 29646


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