A Recalibration Coming to Australia


A Re-calibration Coming to Australia

“Ask of me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession.” Psalm 2:8

I sense a re-calibration for the economy in Australia.  Witty ideas and inventions are coming forth. A technical software revolution is coming. Some things are about to reset. In the long term it will advance the kingdom of Christ. Some ministries have been in a holding pattern regionally and logistically up until now. This re-calibration will loose the delay in these areas and advance their vision. The re-calibration will create a shift in the church that will break a glass ceiling that has been over much of the churches of the nation. This is a ceiling of religion. Once the new level of Glory is released, it will cause a new generation of evangelist to be released to the nations of the earth. They will have fire in their belly and the Word of the Lord on their lips.

A marriage of the church and the mountain of government is about to take place. Spirit filled believers executing the laws of the land, with grace. This will balance the shock and fear that is trying to come upon the land because of the spirit driving Islam and it’s stronghold in Australia. A divine marriage of the two.

I see apostles, prophets and intercessors gathering. They will provoke heaven with prayers and crying for redemption of the nations. Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast. Geelong, Arbury, New Castle, Adelaide, Toowoomba, Alice Springs and yes, even Mildura. A wave of new apostolic centers in this nation. Awakening for the land and reviving for the church!

After being radically saved from 10 years of drug and occult involvement in a bar through a Damascus road experience, Shawn Patrick received a burning commission to evangelize the United States and the world. His style of preaching brings a revival culture to the Body of Christ. He attended Christian Life School of Theology and received his Masters from the Institute of Theology and Christian Therapy. Shawn Patrick has spent 10 years working with over 4,000 troubled teens in a clinical setting. He has worked with many teens struggling with the occult, suicide, cutting, gangs, drug addiction and many more issues.

Shawn Patrick has also authored several books, which have been covered by The 700 ClubTBNDaystarCornerstone, plus other nationally broadcast TV and radio networks. He has had many of his books in stores like Books-a-Million, Family Christian Bookstores and Parable Bookstores. Shawn Patrick has co-hosted and wrote televisions scripts for five seasons of Roc House Café, a Christian music video show which airs internationally. Recognized nationally and internationally as a man of God, Shawn Patrick passionately speaks each year through radio, TV, conferences, festivals, concerts, and churches. His personal experience of the power of the Holy Spirit, powerful deliverance from addiction and the occult, and background has aided in giving him a platform to speak to the next generation of Believers. His passion is revival fire and seeing Christ saves lives. He has a Doctor of Divinity from Day Spring University and was ordained as a bishop in 2009. He then launched Warrior Nation Intl. Fellowship, which is an apostolic network. He is founder of the apostolic training centers called i3, which is his base in Greenwood, SC.

Shawn and Christy