Word to Partners!

Dear Partners,

We have been so blessed in 2011 to see God work in many people’s lives in so many awesome ways! He’s not dead in a tomb somewhere, He is still alive! He is still working miracles in the earth to testify that He is resurrected.

We have been getting letters from all over the nation and even some from other countries testifying of God touching someone through a meeting, a book, or a media interview.

That’s why we are in the ministry, to SEE JESUS CHANGE LIVES! Thank you for standing with us in prayer and financial support sending us to go minister.

Be looking for us on WGGS’s “Nitleline” television show out of Greenville, SC in 2012. We have been asked to host some of their shows and look forward to ministering to the masses on this TV program.

Please pray for us as we are interviewing many different people in the Body of Christ. We are praying that this new outlet will help influence the Body of Christ to become the “endtime warrior” thatthe Holy Spirit wants them to be in these last days.

The Gathering services are starting back and we expect the to be stronger than ever! We have several leaders and churches locally that have committed to be involved in 2012 and they are “on fire” churches! If you are in the area, please try to make some of these services!

The “Warring with the Word” Basic Training Manual is being used as a Bible study for a South Carolina women’s prison, Praise the Lord. If you don’t have a copy, think about getting one. It is a powerful tool for discipleship. Once again, thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Together we are Gathering the Harvest for the King!

God bless you all,

Shawn Patrick & Christy Williams