Answer the Call!

“Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:9
Two years ago, I was in a service in Miami and I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit tell me, “Go to Haiti.” I at tempted to go twice, but the trip didn’t come together until 2012. Out of all of the places I have ever been to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Haiti has broken my spirit the most! I have never seen the poverty levels of a nation so high. 80% of the Haiti is unemployed and 70% can’t read or write. Most of the food in Haiti is imported. The capitol still is in ruins and Haiti’s eight-story “IRS” equivalent building is still not repaired. It’s an empty lot! The UN is there current military and during the trip we saw them carry out an operation that arrested 50 of 1500 people trying to start a militia. During this trip, I stayed with the people of the churches, ate what they brought and experienced Haiti like the believers of Haiti do. Not as a tourist, but a missionary. We preached in 5 different locations with Pastor Moses from Ephata Tabernacle Mission. He kept us driving to different parts of Haiti 4 to 8 hours a day, almost every day.
In Port-au-Prince, we encountered a Hip-Hop group that practiced sorcery. They would do blood sacrifices before performing at shows. We prayed and declared the Blood of Jesus to speak on our behalf in the spiritual realm. I slept like a baby that night! The next day, we held two services and a medical clinic in Gonaives, North Haiti, where we spent the night with members of the church. This church was full of people that traveled from afar for the clinic the next day. This church had no roof. We went back to Port-au-Prince to the base and spent the night. The next day we went to Grand Goave, South Haiti. This church was in a corn field between a Voodoo witch’s house and an occult group called Army Celeste. At this service the power of got the Holy Spirit was so strong that people received healing and were set free by the Holy Ghost!
We went straight to the main church in Grand Goave for a night service, where the people worshipped the Lord with intense passion. We “broke bread” with the leaders and then went to their house to sleep for the Sunday morning service. Sunday we had morning service at Grand Goave. We drove to an orphanage called, Hope for Kids, where we gave out toys and soccer balls. The needs far outweighed the supplies we brought. Then, we drove back to the main church in Port-au-Prince for a night service. The next day we held another night service at Port-au-Prince. WNIM was able to give out two water filters, over 200 bottles/packs of medication, more than 150 toys, and six soccer balls for the kids. Some kids were playing soccer with plastic bottles, and the balls that they did have were so worn out, you couldn’t even see the leather shell. We had over 250 salvations on the trip with many more testimonies of God touching people with His healing and delivering power. But I will say that the biggest life changed was mine! The Haitian people are moving forward with life, despite unbelievable circumstances. I couldn’t help but weep many times during the travels. People were lying in trashy sewage and even dead on the side of the road.
WNIM is praying and planning to continue medical clinics and helping these orphans over the next years in these Haiti churches. We ask you to pray for us and support the work we are doing there.
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”
James 1:27
One of the pastors in the Southern region told our interpreter that our team was one of the first American teams they have encountered that came on a mission trip that wasn’t treating the trip like a vacation. I know this statement doesn’t represent all the short term missions America has been doing, but it does reflect how the concept of “Missions” has changed over the 50 years in the American church. No matter where we are going to shine our light, we must have the understanding that the world is watching and we must keep ourselves unspotted from the world in order to shine our light to the world.
Gathering the Harvest for our King,
Shawn Patrick Williams
P.S. It’s not too late to get involved in the TN Appalachian Mission Trip June 18th-24th. Even if you can only come for part of the trip, come on. We need all the help we can on this mission! For more information go to