Being Led by the Spirit

August 16, 1998 was a pinnacle in my understanding of being led by the Spirit of God. It was the first time I understood that being Christian has nothing to do with joining a religious group, but everything to do with a living relationship with Jesus Christ, through the leading and empowerment of His Spirit.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:14

1. A believer must be filled with the Spirit of God, in order to be led by the Spirit. Many “church” experiences are absent from a true Spirit indwelling and that creates a religious experience rather than a life changing relationship. I firmly believe that when you truly get saved, you receive the Spirit of Christ.

“And do not be drunk with wine, which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:18

The word “filled” in Greek is translated “to be continually being filled.” It is an ongoing experience with the person of Christ, through the Spirit. If the only experience I ever had with my wife was at our wedding, I wouldn’t have an intimate relationship with her 11 years later.

2. A believer can’t be led by the Spirit, following after the world. The average young adult consumes 7 hours of media a day in some form. If the content is full of worldly content, their minds will be consumed with the voices of this world. When the voice of the Spirit tries to lead or speak to the individual, the voice of this world can’t be louder. Our Spirit gets born-again, but our mind has to be renewed by God’s word. This generation spends more time on video games and Facebook than praying and reading the Bible. When you follow the world, the world leads you. And it’s not by the Spirit of God.

3. You must be familiar with the Spirit to be led by the Spirit. I’ll never forget the first time I has a true God inspired dream. I woke up to His presence. As first, I was scared because I wasn’t familiar with the experience, nor did I know the verses and chapters of Scripture that validated the experience. Some are in Genesis, Judges, I Kings, Daniel, Job, Matthew, & other books. We must get familiar with the ways the Spirit leads His children or we will miss out on some of the spiritual road signs that He gives.

Years late I have come to understand the more familiar you are with the accounts of God interacting with man in the Bible, the easier it is to recognize the road signs God places along our paths. God never leads you to a place Scripture can’t validate or confirm. God wants to have a deep relationship with His people. That intimacy only comes through the Holy Spirit. Ask God today to touch your life with a fresh unction of the Holy Spirit. He wants to do it for you more than you know!