Day of Atonement

“Come now…though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.”
Isaiah 1:18
Dear Friends and Partners,
With the Day of Atonement approaching, I can’t help but think about the blood that was shed for us. September 26 is the day that has been appointed by the Lord as a “holy day” set aside to celebrate the covenant that we are blessed to have with the Lord. Also known as Yom Kippur, Leviticus 23:27 says that we are to assemble, deny ourselves, and bring special gifts to the Lord. A day established on Israel’s sacred calendar as a covenant of repentance and promise for you, it is given to release His blessings and presence in your life. Now, I know that through the New Covenant we have access to the Lord and blessings daily through the Cross and that we celebrate as New Testament believers the atonement everyday. However, Jesus came to fulfill the law, not do away with it. If the day of atonement were only for the Old Testament, why would He say and set aside the day to be celebrated forever. We are to forever celebrate His blood shed for us through the lenses of the Old and New Testament.
There is heighten warfare around this holy day and season in the earth realm. Anyone experienced any increased financial turbulence, tribulation, confusion, supernatural activity against you and your families. The earth groans yearly with earthquakes and hurricanes in the three months around this season than any other season of the year. Why? Because the enemy knows that this is the season of atonement when we remember, glorify, celebrate, and sow to the One whose blood defeated the enemy of our souls and specific blessings and breakthroughs are released afresh: increase, revelation, fresh anointing, restoration, prosperity, deliverance, intimacy with the Lord. (Joel 2:23-28).

Your time of struggle- whether it is your marriage, your health, your finances, whatever your turbulence- is overcome through the promises of atonement. Your obedience to the Lord releases your blessings. Just as we celebrate in one day a years worth of love towards our kids for their birthdays, we have this appointed time to sow towards what the Lord did for us through His mercy.
I thank God and celebrate that through the blood, I am saved. I don’t know about you, but I am going to obey Him no matter what comes against me or hurdles I have to overcome! I encourage you to celebrate the Day of Atonement and all that He has ordained. Whatever He tells you to do, say, give, or go- just obey, not out of tradition, but out of grateful hearts. We can never go wrong obeying Him!

Gathering the Harvest for our King,
Christy Williams