Believe Big in 2013!

Dear Partner & Friend of Warrior Nations,

Believe big in 2013! We are in the last days and God wants to do uncommon things for His people in this season. “For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37.  Don't let the disappointments, or victories of your past set the expectation for 2013. Have faith & believe bigger! God wants to expand you in 2013 beyond your ability (1 Corinthians 2:9). Come clean in 2013! Don't go into your next without dealing with your now. Now is the time to deal with any unforgiveness, bitterness, addiction, strife, pride, religion, shame, doctrinal arguments and all that keeps you from the fullness of God's covenant. 2013 is the year the Church will excel in the purpose that God put it in Earth for. It's the year for souls, restoration, signs, miracles, and wonders.  The schemes that the devil is plotting in 2013 can't touch you if you know your God and obey Him! “But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits” Daniel 11:32. You are a warrior, not a wimp…you are a victor, not a victim…it's your time to be empowered, not entitled!

Ten years ago, my wife Christy and I launched Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries in October 2002. We took her only $500 of retirement and paid for the IRS fee to become a Not-For-Profit organization recognized by our Federal government. We have been traveling and sharing this radical message of grace and holiness ever since!  We now have four kids, a small army of volunteer staff and the mission is still the same. I want to thank the Remnant Partners of Warrior Nations for standing with this ministry to preach the Gospel in these last days. We have a handful of people who have stood with us since the beginning in 2002 and we want to say THANK YOU so much. We can’t do it without your continual prayers and support. My family thanks you for all your prayers and support. Thirty five percent of the ministry budget comes from love offerings, five percent from book sales and sixty percent of the ministry budget is from partners and people just like you that believe we are in the last days and believe in the fruit of salvations God has harvested through this ministry. We can’t do it without you. Please continue to stand with WNIM in these last days!

If you have given a one-time donation in 2012, would you

consider standing with this ministry again? Even on a monthly basis?


WNIM has everything that we do center around the Great Commission.  Warrior Nations has preached in 10 nations and seen over 58,000 decisions for Christ since 2002. Over 1,000 of those have been people called into the ministry. I was bi-vocational until 2008 and the Holy Spirit confirmed to me to stop my secular job and give more focus to the work of the ministry. The economy dropped shortly after we went into “full time ministry” but we have never looked back. Times have been tough around our nation, but our God is not in recession or depression.  Usually outreach budgets instead of building funds are the first thing t

o get cut when budgets have to adjust in churches during hard times. I’ve got good news for you, Warrior Nations hasn’t slowed down due to a budget cut, nor have we changed or stopped the mission. The WNIM mission is simple.  1. Preach the gracious Gospel of Jesus Christ in all the Earth.  2. Take a strong stand against sin. Even when it’s not popular! 3. Empower the believer in their personal walk as a Warrior of Jesus Christ.

In 2013, WNIM has a full schedule and the nations of the earth are calling out for the harvest of souls. We have meetings scheduled worldwide including: London England, Abuja Nigeria, Accra Ghana, Philadelphia PA , Knoxville TN, Port-A-Prince Haiti, West Palm Beach FL, Chicago IL, Baltimore MD, Los Angeles, CA and others. Because of your partnership, Warrior Nations is able to “GO” and YOU reap the soul winner’s reward for sending us! (Philippians 4:17)


Facts about WNIM Outreaches: WNIM is a 501 C-3 Christian Non Profit, every year we conduct prison ministry, international crusades and pastor conferences, mission trips for training the next generation of evangelist and missionaries, medical clinics, humanitarian efforts (helping water wells and water filters), distributing toys to needy children, media evangelism, evangelism publishing, evangelism training and support, revivals, pastoral supply, prayer conferences and rally’s,  ladies conferences, mentoring training and discipleship programs, leadership conferences, radically challenging youth and college outreaches, evangelism webinars and much more. 

Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

  1. Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff regularly!
  2. Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $10, $20, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small! Thank you so much in advance!

You can give securely on our website at or you can mail your seed to:


PO BOX 2352

Greenwood, SC 29646

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”2 Corinthians 9:7-8.

Together We Are Gathering the Harvest for Our King,

Reverends Shawn Patrick and Christy Williams

Warrior Nations International Ministries Founders

[phone] 864-227-0508


P.S. This letter will serve as your January 2013 “Warrior’s Word” newsletter, to better connect with you, our faithful co-laborers and friends of Warrior Nations. If you believe in this

ministry, please tell someone about us!
