Contending For The Faith in a Fallen World

Contending For The Faith in a Fallen World

by Shawn Patrick Williams


There will come a time in every Believer’s life that we will be forced with a choice to contend for our faith.

“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

-Jude 3

Knock Out For Jesus

Jude was the brother of James and most scholars believe the brother of Jesus Christ, as well. The word “contend” means “to struggle for, to fight for.” When I was 14 years old and unsaved, I went with my youth group on a Thursday night witnessing door to door. A boy about my age answer the door and starting cursing at us.  Not knowing the ways of the Lord, I leaned over and punched him straight in the face on his doorstep. Now, I don’t believe that this was the way that Jude was teaching to contend for the faith. So I humorously say, don’t go slapping, hitting, fighting with people who don’t know the Lord. It’s not the Lord.

What was Jude talking about then? My fight for the Gospel and your fight for the Gospel might look completely different in the natural, but there will come a time, when we have to fight for our faith. Yours might be taking a stand for Jesus on your job or in your school. I took a stand once in Nigeria, Africa and was faced with being detained in a local jailhouse for interrogation where I was able to preach the Gospel to the police and prisoners.

For many of our Christian brothers and sisters in the military, there could the possibility of bring “court marshalled” if they share their faith with a person of another faith. That’s right, in the US military there are such laws in this present day.

Perhaps like the fight of Believers in Pakistan, where they are forced with the “blasphemy laws” which basically sets any Believer to be oppressed for almost any reason if Muslim neighbors, businessmen, or family become offended. Christians in Pakistan have a 50/50 chance of receiving persecution for sharing their faith with any unbeliever and being accused of breaking this law punishable by death.

A Contender Like David

My fight and your fight may not be that extreme, but you can rest assured at some point in some way, you will be forced to contend for the Gospel in some way or another. My prayer is that when  our time comes, that God will give us a Holy Ghost boldness to stand and not waver just like David before Goliath!

Its A Fixed Fight

Alexander Hamilton said, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything!” Remember this, if we aren’t boldly standing for Christ in our everyday life, when we are faced with this fight, will we be able to contend? Don’t wait until later, start building up your most holy faith and start contending today. If God be for us, than who can be against us? The battle is not ours to fight, anyway. God fights our battles for us, so pray for opportunities to share your faith. Look for divine moments the Holy Spirit has preordained in your life to shine His Light to the lost  and hurting world around you.  Condition yourself for the fight. Prepare yourself to stand and give an account of your hope.

Gathering the Harvest for our King,

Shawn Patrick Williams

P.S. Please keep in prayer for August 28-30, 2013. We are preaching a camp meeting style revival called “The Augusta Awakening” in Augusta, SC. We are also believing for miracles in the 3 nights of the West Africa World Harvest Crusades that we will be apart of in  September 2013. We have the ticket to get there so far, but we still need the rest of funds for this international outreach. Please contact us if you want to stand specifically with us in this West Africa World Harvest Crusade outreach. We believe that 1000’s are going to come to the Lord during this event, so please pray and stand with us.


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