Raise the Wall Prayer Initiative

Raise the Wall Prayer Initiative

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Since 1963 the prayer wall has been slowly dismantled in America. Due to the effort to take prayer out of schools, efforts to take the Bible out of our national heritage, and the attack on freedom of speech as we know it, socialism is knocking on America’s door and the moral fabric of our nation has been slowly unwound!

From 1963 until today, there has been a 500% increase in teen violence, a 400% increase in the occult, 50% of teens are having sex, 67% of teens that grow up in a Christian home leave the faith when attending a secular university, and more teens have lost their lives to suicide than all the American combat casualties in the Vietnam war! Schools shootings are not uncommon on our universities any longer! The prayer wall has fallen around America! Will you “Raise the Wall”?

Raise the Wall is a multi-level prayer initiative that Warrior Nations has launched in the churches of America. Shawn Patrick teaches a seminar based out of the book of Nehemiah and lays out a simple multi-level prayer initiative for any church to apply with their congregation.

“So we built the wall, and all the wall was joined together … for the people had a mind to work.”

Nehemiah 4:6 KJV

“This prayer initiative has joined our church together a level of prayer that we have never experienced before.”

Dr. Wendell Rhodes
Friendship Worship Center
Abbeville, SC