Rethinking Evangelism Delivering The Gospel Out Side The Box

What is the number one reason that people come to church? What are the
characteristics of a church that has 70% or higher retention rates? What pattern
do we have in the Bible for the explosion of the New Testament Church
evangelism? How can the Church become relevant and beneficial to the
community it serves without compromising the great commission? How can
the internet and viral type methods of communication help catapult your
church into a modern evangelistic atmosphere? Why are the fastest growing
religious organizations in the world out growing the local churches at top rates?
Why is the traditional role of an evangelist still a critical evangelistic
component in the modern church?
“Rethinking Evangelism” will answer those questions and lay out a Biblical,
proven strategy of long term growth in your church. Most churches do not
grow, because they are not structured for growth. “Rethinking Evangelism” is
geared to create an atmosphere of evangelism in the church. “Rethinking
Evangelism” will give you fresh insights into what the top growing churches
in the Nation are doing and help you lay out a strategy for the evangelism that
fits the character of your congregation.