World Harvest Intl. Outreaches 2014/2015! See Our Target Goals.

Just set up a projected 2014/2015 budget for World Harvest Outreaches. Please take the time to read about these very important outreaches!

Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries is trying to raise it’s World Harvest Outreach budget for three meetings from now until Jan 2015. We are outreaching to Australia, Central America, and Bangladesh. This is over and beyond our normal monthly ministry budget. 100% of the funds go to world missions! We are reaching out to let all our social media friends know about the project and need. Warrior Nations has seen close to 70,000 life changing decisions through our outreaches and are pressing towards the 100,000 goal we and our partners prayerfully set last year. Please prayerfully consider helping us fund these outreaches.
All gifts are 100% tax deductible!
Thank You in Advance,

American King James Version
“Pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” Matt 9:38

 Click the link to support, or simply donate off our webpage, or checks to WNIM PO Box 2352 Greenwood, SC 29646