World Harvest Outreach Pakistan Update!

In August the Holy Spirit started dealing with me about our ministries international focus being more in the Asian Pacific area and the “10/40″ window the years ahead. The World Harvest Pakistan Outreach was one of the most important and defining outreaches for WNIM since we started international evangelism.  I believe that the fastest church growth the earth will ever see is about to take place in this window. In an Islamic Republic that is 97.6% Muslim the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not only needed, it’s persecuted! Here are some facts about Pakistan.

  • 2nd Largest Muslim nation in the world
  • World’s 7th Nuclear Power.
  • 6th Largest Military
  • 30% live in extreme poverty
  • 10% of the World’s children who do not go to school live here
  • #10 on the world’s most Christian persecution nations

“And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.” Mark16:20

Over two weeks WNIM conducted 18 meetings over 9 cities. We had well over 30 churches working together to plan and prepare for this awesome time of meetings. In one city close to the Afghanistan boarder we had a ring of heroin traffickers come in a meeting to hear my testimony and give their lives to Jesus Christ. They came to the pastor the next day to “get started with Jesus.” One out door meeting was held 3 blocks away from the largest Muslim protest ever held in Karachi where they protested the French magazine that made fun of their prophet Mohammad. This is considered blasphemy under Sharia law.

In the northern area of Faisalabad, we had the Pakistan equivalent to the CIA in many of our meetings checking to see if we were breaking this law. One the last night I saw them one came forward in the altar call and asked for prayer to receive Jesus. In one area we held a 2 night outdoor meeting two blocks away from a mosque. We had to lower the volume if the hour of prayer took place, but these Christians are bold over there and they don’t care.

Many listened to us from the top of the mosque and came over into our meeting for the altars. We had many people testify of healing, including a boy blind from birth and a lady that lost her voice from cancer. The boy pointed to his mom and said he could see her and the lady said, “Halaluha” after not being able to talk at all.

We had over 230 people receive a call to preach in these meetings and over 3200 salvation decisions, which most were Muslim women. We praise God for Pastor Khalid Naz who has been helping us with these outreaches. Thank you partners for stepping up to fund this outreach. Your giving has impacted the last day church in Pakistan like never before!

Christians in Pakistan face very real danger for their life. Most churches have snipers and pastors carry guns. It is that dangerous. Pastor Khalid tells his people in this end time church region, “The danger is real, but the fear is a choice.”