19 Year Ministry Update

Dear Partner and Friend,                                                                                                                    November, 21st 2021

As of October 2021 Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries was officially 19 years old. We have seen God move the mountains and we have walked through the valleys. We have had times when we have thought we were born for such a time as this and we have had times when we thought God why are you allowing this to happen. From the very beginning the devil has tried to stop this ministry from carrying out its mission of sharing the gospel “from the neighbors to the nations” and raising up Joel’s Army.

I can tell you stories of how right before, during or right after an outreach event the enemy would do something to “slow the go”. I’ve been detained twice overseas for preaching the Gospel and preached my way out of holding. I’ve been confronted by the Taliban, confronted by witches and confronted by religious leaders, as well. Everything I love has been hit at some point. My family, friends, finances and faith have been tested and tried. But I also need to tell you that I’ve seen the lame walk, the deaf hear, the blind see, the broken whole, the sick healed,  the addict free, the hopeless hope and the lost saved. I’ve seen 100’s of devils come out of people and 100,000’s of people repent and come to the cross. There is nothing like seeing a person filled with the Spirit of Jesus Christ for the first time!

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV

I give God thanks for all! Somewhere in eternity God has a providential plan for everything that takes place in our life. God doesn’t wish or will evil to happen, but He works all things together for our good! I want to thank every person that has had a part in sending us, praying for us, sowing into trips or projects and simply supporting our family when we are home. During this holiday season, give God thanks. Be mindful to be thankful. No matter how bad things may seem, it will get better. Trust the Lord and be thankful.  

We appreciate all you have done over the years and we are looking for another fruitful 20 years ahead. Thank you for your prayer, love and support in the times ahead.

Gathering the Harvest for our King,

Shawn Patrick Williams

PS Our new book “Memoirs of the Miraculous” will be our very soon. TBN has joined the project and is setting a release date for it in early 2022. The work is done, now it’s in distribution phase. I will be providing updates on it and our WHO India trip in December.