Summer Update!

Dear Partner and Friend,                                                                                                                                       Summer News Letter 2022

I wanted to report to you that our headquarters in Greenwood, SC has been in revival! In the past 90 days people have been visiting from all over the nation and we have had revivalist from Australia, West Africa, New Zealand, South and North Carolina, Washington, California, and Georgia speaking and laboring with WNIM.  The New Zeland meetings have extended into week two! People are watching from all over the world and driving from all over the nation to come to these meetings to receive from the Lord. People are hungry for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has been touching people like crazy! Many people have come to the Lord and been called or healed! It has been amazing to see the Holy Spirit visit the ministry center in this time of visitation. Everyone has a time of visitation. I believe America is coming into a time of visitation and a new shift after Roe vs Wade gets overturned. It will mark a new era in the spirit for our nation. At the time of this writing the Uvalde, Texas shooting have taken place. America does not need more laws or debates. America needs revival! That is what will change a evil heart into good. America needs a visitation.

The most dangerous thing is not recognizing your time of visitation. Jesus wept over Jerusalem because He knew judgment was coming directly because they missed their time of visitation. Luke 19:44. Read the scripture in context. Let’s pray for our family and friends to embrace this time of visitation for our land. Look for opportunity to share the Gospel in this hour. God is opening doors like never before. You are God greatest weapon. On your summer vacations, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to open doors to witness and use that time as a evangecation. It may be someone else’s time!

Gathering the Harvest and Advancing His Kingdom,

Shawn Patrick Williams

PS Keep us in prayer. Over the next six months WNIM has events in Kansas, Georgia, South Carolina and West Virginia. Also, my youngest daughter and I are planning a mission trip to Ghana, West Africa next spring.  We are beginning the planning now!  Thank you for your prayers and support that enable WNIM to go. We receive support through our website electronically, or PO Box via mail. Thank you in advance!