Revival and Ministry Update for August!

Fellow Warrior and Dear Friend,

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.”

Acts 3:19

Revival update is we are still going on into our 11th week of revival! People have come from all of the nation, and we have seen the Spirit of the Lord save, heal, deliver and touch people in an uncommon way. So many testimonies that we are not able to record all of them, but dozens of kids and youth have testified that they are experiencing the Holy Spirit of Jesus for the first time in their life. From drug dealers to local government officials, the Lord is touching this SC Upstate region. Please keep our teams in prayer during this time, as we are working through details of continued meetings. Please see our social media, or blog for links to these meetings photos and videos. Try to come visit, if you haven’t!

We have a new website after 10 plus years! Check it out. We have a blog, email sign up, online courses for evangelism and school of the spirit, ministry and mission training and more! We have tried to make it a place to keep up with the outreaches and get plugged into the ministry activities in a deeper way. i3 Ministry Center website has got a new look and a great place for discipleship tracks. We made it easy for churches to use the tools available on this new site.

We are still actively planning outreach to many cities and nations for the next nine months. Columbia, SC, , Philadelphia, PA, Virgina, Miami, the pacific realm, the middle east and more! Your prayer covering and monthly support have been huge for us to keep going. Warrior Nations monthly partnership accounts for 65% of the ministry budget. Thank you! The Rethinking Evangelism Online Course just launched as well! School of the Spirit 101 online is live, as well. Keep us in prayer, as these developments continue to grow.

We thank you for your continued support and prayers. The sowing of the seed of the good news of Jesus Christ is the most important mission in humanity. Your commitment to helping us conduct that commission is priceless. We are so grateful to you! Giving is easy at and the best ways to support the ongoing ministry. If you don’t support WNIM on a monthly basis, please pray about doing so.


Together We are Gathering the Harvest for our King,

Shawn Patrick Williams