Your Aldersgate!

Dear Partner and Friend, 2-22-2023

“ And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.” Joel 2:28-29

These are exciting times we are living in! All over the world God is pouring His Spirit out and people are coming into His Kingdom like never before! Reports from leaders in Asia, Africa and here in America are coming in with revival updates! God is fulfilling His promise for renewal and revival! He is coming back soon, so what do we do?The name “Aldersgate” has significance in the Methodist faith because of its founder, John Wesley. His experience in a worship setting at Aldersgate Street in London on May 24, 1783, radically changed the course of his walk with Jesus. From that point on, churches were named “Aldersgate” in memorium to the stories that were told of Wesley’s experience. Over the following years the message became that you don’t have to go to London to have an “Aldersgate” experience, God is near to all who will seek Him.

In the same way, this current move of the Holy Spirit that started at Asbury University is taking shape on college campuses in America. The good news is, you don’t have to go to one of these meetings to experience this outpouring, as much as you just must seek His face. He will show up and give you your own “Aldersgate” , or Asbury if you seek Him.

Keep us in prayer. WNIM has not had doors open like we are seeing now in many years. You can see an evident shift in the Spirit. From now until June we are preaching in GA, TN, SC, and Nigeria via Zoom. Ada Grace and I will be travelling to Ghana, West Africa in June. Your prayers are greatly appreciated, and we cannot begin to thank you enough for your continued support.

Together we are Gathering the Harvest for our King,

Shawn Patrick Williams D. D.

Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries

P.O. Box 2352 Greenwood, SC 29646

Tax ID # 42-1556672 

 PO Box 2352 Greenwood, SC 29646
