The Power of the Cross!

The Power of the Cross!
You will never become a warrior for Christ, until you understand the power of the cross. My whole life, when I heard someone preach the Cross, I heard about the wonderful promise of Heaven. I also, heard of the tormenting place called Hell. One thing was for sure, I didn’t want to burn! Because I had a “Fire Insurance Faith” it didn’t last. There was no real change in my life. Once I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, in 1998, I learned about the power of the Cross! I want to share with you about the age old, amazingly fresh, and powerfully broad power of the Cross. Let’s look at what it really means.
The power of the Cross destroys sin! John 3:15-17
Sin will take you to a literal burning Hell if the power of the Cross doesn’t destroy it through the forgiveness of your sins. If the blood doesn’t destroy it, this life is as good as it gets. But if you surrender your life to Jesus, this old world is as bad as it will ever be. Amen! If you can’t say that, if you died today, you would go to heaven, ask Jesus to be Lord today. Repent of your sins and turn from them. You’ll never be the same. The power of the Cross doesn’t just forgive your sins, but it destroys the power of that sin over your life. It doesn’t have dominion over you no more. Romans 6:14 When I read that scripture and believed it, I was set free totally from drug addiction.
The power of the Cross protects you from Satan! 1 John 3:8
When I came out of the occult, I had demons that were released through spells and talismans on me that got so angry, that they tried to bully me through death, fear, doubt, addiction and all the dirty stuff they do. Manifestations of demons started and they tried to scare me into giving up on my pursuit of Jesus. I learned how to plead the Blood of Jesus over my mind, my house, my life and everything that I knew. For 6-9 months evils spirits harassed me, but one thing was totally for sure. Every time I called the name of Jesus and spoke out the Blood, devils left in fear of God! I went through a “spiritual boot camp” and I learned, first hand, the untouchable power of the Cross! Demons can’t stay around Jesus. I encourage you to read our book “Warring with the Word”.
The power of the Cross delivers your mind and heals your body! What does the word “saved” really mean? Once I got this realization, everything changed. In John 3:17 the word “saved” in its’ Greek origin sōzō means “safe”; to save, to deliver or protect, to heal, preserve, save, do well, be (make) whole. God can heal your body! He can set you free from mental torment! The power of the Cross is the total package. It doesn’t just mean you get a free pass to Heaven. God wants you in victory now on this Earth. Jesus’ entire ministry was teaching the Apostles how to pray Heaven on Earth. I don’t understand why some people get healed instantly, and I’ve seen 100’s, or why some people never get healed and had the same people pray them same prayers. I can’t answer that, but that’s not gonna keep me from praying the power of the Cross, or from believing in the power of it. All I know is that He is able and His Word says He can. Therefore, I will pray and believe until I see it, or I see Him. Just like Shadrack, Meshack anmd Abendego.
The power of the Cross brings “the Acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19
This was a phrase know by the Hebrews as the year of Jubilee, or debt cancellation to the Jewish people every 50 years. This meant that Jesus brought “the year of Jubilee” to all who believed on His name, not just every 50 years. When you understand the power of giving tithes, offering and alms, God’s economy, it will break the power of lack and poverty. God doesn’t operate like the world system and He isn’t broke, in depression, or recession. The power of giving to God is a wonderful part of the atonement promises.
Jesus didn’t stay on the Cross! Acts 1:8 & 2:1-5
Jesus gave us the power of the Holy Spirit now to live out these promises. You can’t do it without the Holy Spirit. He wants His people to experience the unction of the Holy Spirit working in their lives. It’s His down payment towards eternal life. I pray today that the Lord Jesus Christ cause His Spirit to rise up on inside of you, so that you can walk in the fullness of the power of the cross, in the name of Jesus!