Word From Christy Jordan Williams

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

~Philippians 3:13-14

Dear Friends & Partners,

I don’t know about you, but there has been a fight that has been awakened inside of me “for such a time as this.” With every blow that the enemy tries to make against the plans and purpose that God has ordained, the Lord overwhelms me with a peace that surpasses all understanding. Many are in a time of transition in the kingdom of God, but it is only a season, within the year of blessing, that God has ordained for 2013. You may be experiencing resistance, sickness in your body, or torment in your thoughts. Mark my words, it is only because the enemy is mad! He knows he loses and is troubling you only because he is troubled, for he sees your victory is at hand.

I hear the Holy Spirit saying, “Shift. Shift in your thinking. Shift in your obedience and delve into radical obedience. Shift in your confessions. Shift in your vision.” God is not limited; however, we limit Him with small visions and thinking. If you can do it, then it is too small.  Moses stood before the Red Sea unable to do anything in his own power concerning parting the waters. David stood before Goliath not in his power but in the power and might of the Lord fully persuaded to take the Giant and any of his relatives or friends. Abraham stood ready to sacrifice his promise in full obedience unless the Lord intervened. Ruth dared to cleave to her mother-in-law as obedient unto the Lord not seeing promise fulfilled yet. Paul stood before King Agrippa in the power of the Lord preaching the Gospel and the King said, “you almost persuaded me to be saved.”

Beloved, these folks in the Bible, stood not in their own power, but dared to believe that the Lord of Hosts was faithful to His word! I press forward forgetting my past defeats, reaching forward to my future, attaining the prizes allotted to me, as a follower of Jesus Christ! From the popular hymn “I Have Decided To Follow Jesus” Sandhu Sundar Singh shared the words of an Indian man who faced unthinkable persecution. Revival ensued after the testimony was shared. “I have decided to follow Jesus; no turning back, no turning back. Though none go with me, still I will follow; no turning back, no turning back. The world behind me, the cross before me; no turning back, no turning back.” It is a high calling of God to be a Christian. That means we must reach, strive, labor in the Kingdom, no matter the cost. In order to make a difference, we must be different.

In His Service,

Christy Jordan-Williams



Ministry Partnership

Remnant Partners are co-laborers with WNIM in the ministry that the Lord has given us. We pray often for our Remnant Partners and are delighted to see how the Lord is working!

Friends who commit to pray daily for our outreaches and provide regular financial support become Remnant Partners. Some give $30 per month; others give more per month as God directs and provides. Partners can give via mail or securely over the web.

Would you becoming a monthly Remnant Partner today?

Questions • PARTNERSHIP • Booking

Warrior Nations International Ministries, Inc. • PO Box 2352 • Greenwood, S.C. 29646

phone (864) 227-0508        web warriornations.org/support

Contending For The Faith in a Fallen World

Contending For The Faith in a Fallen World

by Shawn Patrick Williams


There will come a time in every Believer’s life that we will be forced with a choice to contend for our faith.

“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

-Jude 3

Knock Out For Jesus

Jude was the brother of James and most scholars believe the brother of Jesus Christ, as well. The word “contend” means “to struggle for, to fight for.” When I was 14 years old and unsaved, I went with my youth group on a Thursday night witnessing door to door. A boy about my age answer the door and starting cursing at us.  Not knowing the ways of the Lord, I leaned over and punched him straight in the face on his doorstep. Now, I don’t believe that this was the way that Jude was teaching to contend for the faith. So I humorously say, don’t go slapping, hitting, fighting with people who don’t know the Lord. It’s not the Lord.

What was Jude talking about then? My fight for the Gospel and your fight for the Gospel might look completely different in the natural, but there will come a time, when we have to fight for our faith. Yours might be taking a stand for Jesus on your job or in your school. I took a stand once in Nigeria, Africa and was faced with being detained in a local jailhouse for interrogation where I was able to preach the Gospel to the police and prisoners.

For many of our Christian brothers and sisters in the military, there could the possibility of bring “court marshalled” if they share their faith with a person of another faith. That’s right, in the US military there are such laws in this present day.

Perhaps like the fight of Believers in Pakistan, where they are forced with the “blasphemy laws” which basically sets any Believer to be oppressed for almost any reason if Muslim neighbors, businessmen, or family become offended. Christians in Pakistan have a 50/50 chance of receiving persecution for sharing their faith with any unbeliever and being accused of breaking this law punishable by death.

A Contender Like David

My fight and your fight may not be that extreme, but you can rest assured at some point in some way, you will be forced to contend for the Gospel in some way or another. My prayer is that when  our time comes, that God will give us a Holy Ghost boldness to stand and not waver just like David before Goliath!

Its A Fixed Fight

Alexander Hamilton said, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything!” Remember this, if we aren’t boldly standing for Christ in our everyday life, when we are faced with this fight, will we be able to contend? Don’t wait until later, start building up your most holy faith and start contending today. If God be for us, than who can be against us? The battle is not ours to fight, anyway. God fights our battles for us, so pray for opportunities to share your faith. Look for divine moments the Holy Spirit has preordained in your life to shine His Light to the lost  and hurting world around you.  Condition yourself for the fight. Prepare yourself to stand and give an account of your hope.

Gathering the Harvest for our King,

Shawn Patrick Williams

P.S. Please keep in prayer for August 28-30, 2013. We are preaching a camp meeting style revival called “The Augusta Awakening” in Augusta, SC. We are also believing for miracles in the 3 nights of the West Africa World Harvest Crusades that we will be apart of in  September 2013. We have the ticket to get there so far, but we still need the rest of funds for this international outreach. Please contact us if you want to stand specifically with us in this West Africa World Harvest Crusade outreach. We believe that 1000’s are going to come to the Lord during this event, so please pray and stand with us.


Ministry Partnership

Remnant Partners are co-laborers with WNIM in the ministry that the Lord has given us. We pray often for our Remnant Partners and are delighted to see how the Lord is working!

Friends who commit to pray daily for our outreaches and provide regular financial support become Remnant Partners. Some give $30 per month; others give more per month as God directs and provides. Partners can give via mail or securely over the web.

Would you becoming a monthly Remnant Partner today?

Questions • PARTNERSHIP • Booking

Warrior Nations International Ministries, Inc. • PO Box 2352 • Greenwood, S.C. 29646

phone (864) 227-0508        web warriornations.org/support

Warrior Nations is coming up on its 11th year anniversary, with over 58,000 decisions made for the Lord! I want to share some stories with you.

Dear Partners and Friends,

The Lord has been dealing with me this past few months to share with you what has been going on with Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries.  I want you to be aware of what’s happening with us and the direction the Holy Spirit is taking this ministry. I have never been more convinced that we are living and breathing in the last moments of the last days.  The signs of the times are everywhere and the Lord Jesus Christ is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh! We are in the greatest time the church has ever known.

Warrior Nations is coming up on its 11th year anniversary, with over 58,000 decisions made for the Lord! I want to share some stories with you.

Chris wrote a letter to us from a prison in TX. He said, “I didn’t even realize the cycles the devil had over my life and how he deceived me, until someone in jail gave me one of your books. I read your testimony and some of the teaching. It was like a light bulb came on. I could see the cycles and now God has set me free. Thank you! Please send more books.”

Francine called our office one day and said, “You came to a rehab where I was in GA to share your testimony. I gave my life to Jesus then, but had a struggle when I got out.  I moved 2 or 3 times after I got out, but these annoying Warriors’ Word newsletters seemed to keep following me as well. One day I read a message on radical grace in the newsletter. God touched me and now I am in full time ministry. Thank you for not giving up on me.”

Philip, a teen from FL said, “I went to one of your Beyond the Darkness meetings. You were talking about the power of music, good and bad. I thought you were crazy at first, but God began to show me how I made compromises in my music that led to compromises in my life. No more half way in, for me. I’ve closed that door and can see a major difference in my life.”

A lady from TN came into one of our meetings recently. She had tried to stab two pastors and church members with a knife over the past two years in a small town called, Harriman. One of the church elders brought her to one of our meetings. When we prayed for her in the name of Jesus Christ, a spirit was broke off her life. She got up a brand new woman and testified in her right mind the next night that Jesus Christ set her free from mental torment and sleepless nights! You couldn’t even tell she was the same woman.

In 2011, Warrior Nations started a leadership fellowship to other ministries and ministers, at no charge. We have been able to help launch foreign missionaries to America from Africa, pastors and evangelist in their calls. We have met many ministers ready to give up, but are now serving God in full swing and making an awesome impact for the Kingdom! Warrior Nations has helped launch over 30 ministries and seen over 1000 ministers’ surrender to the call in 11 years. In 2007, Warrior Nations started international harvest crusades all over the world. We have some crazy testimonies of healings and mass salvations. We have been doing them on a shoe string budget, but God has been so faithful to maximize our efforts with the little that we have had. Over the span of 11 years, Warrior Nations has averaged one decision for Christ for every ten dollars given to this ministry. We have learned to be very faithful with very little. You can do the math and see what I’m saying. Our donations and tax filings are public record and can easily be read on line.

God has been dealing with Warrior Nations about shifting to the next level. We are preparing for the greatest revival this world has ever known and I want to be ready! We are doing everything we know to do to prepare to go to the next level in every area. Will you go with us?

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor” Ecclesiastes 4:9.

Eleven years ago, my wife Christy and I launched Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries in October 2002. We took all of her $500 of retirement and paid for the IRS fee to become a Not-For-Profit organization recognized by our Federal government. We have been traveling and sharing this radical message of grace and holiness ever since!  We now have four kids, a small army of volunteer staff and the mission is still the same. I want to thank the Remnant Partners of Warrior Nations for standing with this ministry to preach the Gospel in these last days. We have a handful of people who have stood with us since the beginning in 2002 and we want to say thank you so much. We can’t do it without your continual prayers and monthly support. My family thanks you for all your prayers and support. Thirty-five percent of the ministry budget comes from love offerings, five percent from book sales and sixty percent of the ministry budget is from partners and people just like you that believe we are in the last days and believe in the fruit of salvations God has harvested through this ministry. We can’t do it without you.   Please continue to stand with WNIM in these last days!

If you have partnered with us, or given a one-time donation in the past, would you

consider standing with this ministry again?


WNIM purposes that everything we do center on the Great Commission. I was bi-vocational until 2008 and the Holy Spirit called me to stop my secular job and give more focus to the work of the ministry. The economy dropped shortly after we went into “full time ministry” but we have never looked back. Times have been tough around our nation, but our God is not in recession or depression.  Usually outreach budgets instead of building funds are the first thing to get cut when budgets have to adjust in churches during hard times. I’ve got good news for you, Warrior Nations hasn’t slowed down due to a budget cut, nor have we changed or stopped the mission. The WNIM mission is simple.  1. Preach the Grace Gospel of Jesus Christ.  2. Take a strong stand against sin. Even when it’s not popular! 3. Empower the believer in their personal walk as a Warrior of Jesus Christ.

WNIM is praying for new people to make a commitment of new monthly partnership in order to meet the monthly budget! If you have never given to Warrior Nations, or taken a step of partnership, would you consider taking the challenge? We are on the front lines and need your help.

 If you are a pastor, or leader in a church, would you consider factoring in the evangelistic outreaches of Warrior Nations as part of your outreach budget? We will send regular updates of the details of decisions made for the Lord. We do not have a set fee to come and share with your church. We believe in the old fashion way of working with churches, which is having a relationship, not a business deal.

Facts about WNIM Outreaches: WNIM is a 501 C-3 Christian Non Profit who annually conduct prison ministry, international crusades and pastor conferences, mission trips for training to the next generation of evangelist and missionaries, medical clinics, humanitarian efforts/helping water wells and filters, distributing toys to needy children, media evangelism, evangelism publishing, evangelism training and support, revivals, pastoral supply, prayer conferences and rally’s,  ladies conferences, mentoring training and discipleship programs, leadership conferences, radically challenging youth and college outreaches, evangelism webinars and much more. 

Please prayerfully consider taking the Warrior’s challenge!

  1. 1.       Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff regularly!
  2. 2.       Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $10, $20, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small! Thank you so much!

You can give securely on our website at www.warriornations.org or you can mail your seed to:

PO BOX 2352

Greenwood, SC 29646

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”2 Corinthians 9:7-8.

Together We Are Gathering the Harvest for Our King,


Reverends Shawn Patrick and Christy Williams

Warrior Nations International Ministries Founders



The Power of the Cross!

The Power of the Cross!
You will never become a warrior for Christ, until you understand the power of the cross. My whole life, when I heard someone preach the Cross, I heard about the wonderful promise of Heaven. I also, heard of the tormenting place called Hell. One thing was for sure, I didn’t want to burn! Because I had a “Fire Insurance Faith” it didn’t last. There was no real change in my life. Once I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, in 1998, I learned about the power of the Cross! I want to share with you about the age old, amazingly fresh, and powerfully broad power of the Cross. Let’s look at what it really means.
The power of the Cross destroys sin! John 3:15-17
Sin will take you to a literal burning Hell if the power of the Cross doesn’t destroy it through the forgiveness of your sins. If the blood doesn’t destroy it, this life is as good as it gets. But if you surrender your life to Jesus, this old world is as bad as it will ever be. Amen! If you can’t say that, if you died today, you would go to heaven, ask Jesus to be Lord today. Repent of your sins and turn from them. You’ll never be the same. The power of the Cross doesn’t just forgive your sins, but it destroys the power of that sin over your life. It doesn’t have dominion over you no more. Romans 6:14 When I read that scripture and believed it, I was set free totally from drug addiction.
The power of the Cross protects you from Satan! 1 John 3:8
When I came out of the occult, I had demons that were released through spells and talismans on me that got so angry, that they tried to bully me through death, fear, doubt, addiction and all the dirty stuff they do. Manifestations of demons started and they tried to scare me into giving up on my pursuit of Jesus. I learned how to plead the Blood of Jesus over my mind, my house, my life and everything that I knew. For 6-9 months evils spirits harassed me, but one thing was totally for sure. Every time I called the name of Jesus and spoke out the Blood, devils left in fear of God! I went through a “spiritual boot camp” and I learned, first hand, the untouchable power of the Cross! Demons can’t stay around Jesus. I encourage you to read our book “Warring with the Word”.
The power of the Cross delivers your mind and heals your body! What does the word “saved” really mean? Once I got this realization, everything changed. In John 3:17 the word “saved” in its’ Greek origin sōzō means “safe”; to save, to deliver or protect, to heal, preserve, save, do well, be (make) whole. God can heal your body! He can set you free from mental torment! The power of the Cross is the total package. It doesn’t just mean you get a free pass to Heaven. God wants you in victory now on this Earth. Jesus’ entire ministry was teaching the Apostles how to pray Heaven on Earth. I don’t understand why some people get healed instantly, and I’ve seen 100’s, or why some people never get healed and had the same people pray them same prayers. I can’t answer that, but that’s not gonna keep me from praying the power of the Cross, or from believing in the power of it. All I know is that He is able and His Word says He can. Therefore, I will pray and believe until I see it, or I see Him. Just like Shadrack, Meshack anmd Abendego.
The power of the Cross brings “the Acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19
This was a phrase know by the Hebrews as the year of Jubilee, or debt cancellation to the Jewish people every 50 years. This meant that Jesus brought “the year of Jubilee” to all who believed on His name, not just every 50 years. When you understand the power of giving tithes, offering and alms, God’s economy, it will break the power of lack and poverty. God doesn’t operate like the world system and He isn’t broke, in depression, or recession. The power of giving to God is a wonderful part of the atonement promises.
Jesus didn’t stay on the Cross! Acts 1:8 & 2:1-5
Jesus gave us the power of the Holy Spirit now to live out these promises. You can’t do it without the Holy Spirit. He wants His people to experience the unction of the Holy Spirit working in their lives. It’s His down payment towards eternal life. I pray today that the Lord Jesus Christ cause His Spirit to rise up on inside of you, so that you can walk in the fullness of the power of the cross, in the name of Jesus!

The Rapture, The Anti-Christ, The Apostasy And The Strong Delusion Audio Message Link

Follow this link to an important free audio message about the last days. Don’t be in the dark! Pass it along and forward it to your friends, family, pastor and the lost!


Believe Big in 2013!

Dear Partner & Friend of Warrior Nations,

Believe big in 2013! We are in the last days and God wants to do uncommon things for His people in this season. “For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37.  Don't let the disappointments, or victories of your past set the expectation for 2013. Have faith & believe bigger! God wants to expand you in 2013 beyond your ability (1 Corinthians 2:9). Come clean in 2013! Don't go into your next without dealing with your now. Now is the time to deal with any unforgiveness, bitterness, addiction, strife, pride, religion, shame, doctrinal arguments and all that keeps you from the fullness of God's covenant. 2013 is the year the Church will excel in the purpose that God put it in Earth for. It's the year for souls, restoration, signs, miracles, and wonders.  The schemes that the devil is plotting in 2013 can't touch you if you know your God and obey Him! “But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits” Daniel 11:32. You are a warrior, not a wimp…you are a victor, not a victim…it's your time to be empowered, not entitled!

Ten years ago, my wife Christy and I launched Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries in October 2002. We took her only $500 of retirement and paid for the IRS fee to become a Not-For-Profit organization recognized by our Federal government. We have been traveling and sharing this radical message of grace and holiness ever since!  We now have four kids, a small army of volunteer staff and the mission is still the same. I want to thank the Remnant Partners of Warrior Nations for standing with this ministry to preach the Gospel in these last days. We have a handful of people who have stood with us since the beginning in 2002 and we want to say THANK YOU so much. We can’t do it without your continual prayers and support. My family thanks you for all your prayers and support. Thirty five percent of the ministry budget comes from love offerings, five percent from book sales and sixty percent of the ministry budget is from partners and people just like you that believe we are in the last days and believe in the fruit of salvations God has harvested through this ministry. We can’t do it without you. Please continue to stand with WNIM in these last days!

If you have given a one-time donation in 2012, would you

consider standing with this ministry again? Even on a monthly basis?


WNIM has everything that we do center around the Great Commission.  Warrior Nations has preached in 10 nations and seen over 58,000 decisions for Christ since 2002. Over 1,000 of those have been people called into the ministry. I was bi-vocational until 2008 and the Holy Spirit confirmed to me to stop my secular job and give more focus to the work of the ministry. The economy dropped shortly after we went into “full time ministry” but we have never looked back. Times have been tough around our nation, but our God is not in recession or depression.  Usually outreach budgets instead of building funds are the first thing t

o get cut when budgets have to adjust in churches during hard times. I’ve got good news for you, Warrior Nations hasn’t slowed down due to a budget cut, nor have we changed or stopped the mission. The WNIM mission is simple.  1. Preach the gracious Gospel of Jesus Christ in all the Earth.  2. Take a strong stand against sin. Even when it’s not popular! 3. Empower the believer in their personal walk as a Warrior of Jesus Christ.

In 2013, WNIM has a full schedule and the nations of the earth are calling out for the harvest of souls. We have meetings scheduled worldwide including: London England, Abuja Nigeria, Accra Ghana, Philadelphia PA , Knoxville TN, Port-A-Prince Haiti, West Palm Beach FL, Chicago IL, Baltimore MD, Los Angeles, CA and others. Because of your partnership, Warrior Nations is able to “GO” and YOU reap the soul winner’s reward for sending us! (Philippians 4:17)


Facts about WNIM Outreaches: WNIM is a 501 C-3 Christian Non Profit, every year we conduct prison ministry, international crusades and pastor conferences, mission trips for training the next generation of evangelist and missionaries, medical clinics, humanitarian efforts (helping water wells and water filters), distributing toys to needy children, media evangelism, evangelism publishing, evangelism training and support, revivals, pastoral supply, prayer conferences and rally’s,  ladies conferences, mentoring training and discipleship programs, leadership conferences, radically challenging youth and college outreaches, evangelism webinars and much more. 

Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

  1. Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff regularly!
  2. Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $10, $20, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small! Thank you so much in advance!

You can give securely on our website at www.warriornations.org or you can mail your seed to:


PO BOX 2352

Greenwood, SC 29646

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”2 Corinthians 9:7-8.

Together We Are Gathering the Harvest for Our King,

Reverends Shawn Patrick and Christy Williams

Warrior Nations International Ministries Founders



[phone] 864-227-0508


P.S. This letter will serve as your January 2013 “Warrior’s Word” newsletter, to better connect with you, our faithful co-laborers and friends of Warrior Nations. If you believe in this

ministry, please tell someone about us!


The Grinch That Stole Christmas, by Shawn Patrick Williams

As a child one of my favorite Christmas movies was “The Grinch That Stole Christmas.” The Grinch came and stole all the Christmas presents from the little town, but he couldn’t steal their Christmas joy! I know that it is just a movie, but imagine with me if you will how that same scenario is played out not only during Christmas but all year around.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” Galatians 5:22-23. As a spirit-filled born again believer, we have the power living inside of us to bear the fruit of the spirit at all times! When you live the Christian life, led by the Spirit, the character of the Holy Spirit will flow through your life. It is a very powerful principle and Satan knows it. He doesn’t want the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit flowing out of your life. When a believer has this revelation and applies it, miracles start to take place.
That is why Jesus said the greatest commandment was to live by the law of love, toward God and man. When you live by this law, the very essence of God Himself (Love) lives through you!
Satan will do anything he can to keep you from living out love, joy, and peace by the Spirit. He will try to offend you, get you to judge people, and harbor unforgiveness or bitterness in your heart. He might use someone close to you like a family member or friend or even an incident that has happened sometime ago.
Early in my life, I had a false perception of an incident that happened in the church my family was attending. It was my perception of what happened and was very real to me. I became offended by the incident and judged all Christians and churches by that situation. Bitterness took root overtime and I swore off “church.” I’ve met hundreds of people who have had a very similar experience. As a result, I walked with bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart for years, because of this incident. It affected every area of my life, not just “church.”
Satan will do anything he can to steal your supernatural love, joy, and peace. Just like the Grinch that stole Christmas, the Devil will try to do this to you all the time. Don’t let Satan steal your joy!
Colossians 3:14-15 says, “And above all these things put on charity (love), which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.”
What’s ruling your heart today? Is it the fruit of the Holy Spirit, or has the “Grinch” made a visit to your house? Let go and let the Spirit of God rule your heart today.

Want to go through a Warrior Nations training course? It’s free!

Warrior Nations Webinar “Special Ops Training” –

November 15, 2012, 7:00 PM |

Beyond The Darkness World Wide Webinar Satanic Music

October 30, 2012, 7:00 PM

Beyond The Darkness World Wide Webinar

Evangelism Mobilization

July 19, 2012, 7:00 PM

Basic Training Classes

June 28, 2012, 7:00 PM

Basic Training Classes

June 14,

2012, 7:15 PM

Basic Training Classes

April 12, 2012, 7:00 PM

Basic Training Classes

March 29, 2012, 7:00 PM

Basic Training Classes

March 15, 2012, 7:00 PM | |

Basic Training Classes

March 01, 2012, 7:00 PM

From the Desk of Shawn Patrick Williams: Evangelism Update!

October 30, 2012
Dear Partners and Friends of Warrior Nations,
This is your support update letter, replacing our annual Banquet for this year, to better connect with you, our faithful co-laborers and friends of Warrior Nations. Please take a moment to read this letter and let us share with you our story and update you on the ongoing support of Warrior Nations. As we are all aware, God places mandates on individuals, as well as ministries. We want to be obedient. In order to do all that He has called us to, it takes the prayers of the saints and monetary funds. We have purposed to be good stewards and want to share with you, our Partners and Friends, what the Lord has laid on our hearts. We love you guys!
“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall one will lift up his companion, but woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up… though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him and a threefold cord is not easily broken” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.
My wife Christy and I launched Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries in 2003. We took her only $500 of retirement and paid for the IRS fee to become a Not-For-Profit organization recognized by our Federal government. We have been traveling and sharing this radical message of grace and holiness ever since! We now have four kids and a handful of volunteer staff and the mission is still the same. I want to thank the Remnant Partners of Warrior Nations for standing with this ministry to preach the Gospel in these last days. We have a handful of people who have stood with us since the beginning in 2003 and we want to say thank you so much. We can’t do it without your continual prayers and support. My family thanks you for all your prayers and support. Thirty five percent of the ministry budget comes from love offerings, five percent from book sales and sixty percent of the ministry budget is from partners and people just like you that believe we are in the last days and believe in the fruit of salvations God has harvested through this ministry. We can’t do it without you. Please continue to stand with WNIM in these last days!
If you have partnered with us, or given a one-time donation in the past, would you
consider standing with this ministry again?

WNIM has everything we do centers around the Great Commission. Warrior Nations has seen over 58,000 decisions for Christ since 2003. Over 1,000 of those have been people called into the ministry. I was bi-vocational until 2008 and the Holy Spirit confirmed to me to stop my secular job and give more focus to the work of the ministry. The economy dropped shortly after we went into “full time ministry” but we have never looked back. Times have been tough around our nation, but our God is not in recession or depression. Usually outreach budgets instead of building funds are the first thing to get cut when budgets have to adjust in churches during hard times. I’ve got good news for you, Warrior Nations hasn’t slowed down due to a budget cut, nor have we changed or stopped the mission. The WNIM mission is simple. 1. Preach the Grace Gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. Take a strong stand against sin. Even when it’s not popular! 3. Empower the believer in their personal walk as a Warrior of Jesus Christ.
If you have never given to Warrior Nations, or taken a step of partnership, would you consider taking the challenge? We are on the front lines and need your help.
If you are a Pastor, or leader in a church, would you consider factoring in the evangelistic outreaches of Warrior Nations as part of your outreach budget? We will send regular updates of the details of decision made for the Lord. We do not have a set fee to come and share with your church. We believe in the old fashion way of working with churches, which is a relationship, not a business deal.
Facts about WNIM Outreaches: WNIN is a 501 C-3 Christian Non Profit, every year we conduct prison ministry, international crusades and pastor conferences, mission trips for training the next generation of evangelist and missionaries, medical clinics, humanitarian efforts/helping water wells and filters, distributing toys to needy children, media evangelism, evangelism publishing, evangelism training and support, revivals, prayer conferences and rally’s, ladies conferences, mentoring training and discipleship programs, leadership conferences, radically challenging youth and college outreaches, evangelism webinars and much more.
Take the Warrior’s Challenge!
1. Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff regularly!
2. Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $10, $20, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small! Thank you so much!
You can give securely on our website at www.warriornations.org or you can mail your seed to:
PO Box 2352
Greenwood, SC 29646
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”2 Corinthians 9:7-8.
Together We Are Gathering the Harvest for Our King,

Reverends Shawn Patrick and Christy Williams
Warrior Nations International Ministries Founders