Undaunted- Daring to do what God has called you to do

February 24, 2015

Undaunted- Daring to do what God has called you to do

Fast Time: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 6am-6pm

Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing! Above all, please be Spirit-led as you fast. Please note that this is the designated time frame set forth by the Shine Empowerment Network. You are invited — but not required — to join us in any way that you can. If you have a medical condition that prevents a complete fast, then please look for another way to participate. Use wisdom and follow the Holy Spirit.

Teaching: Undaunted- The Event

I am so excited to share with you that Shine Empowerment Network will be kicking off a new series on Saturday, March 7, 2015. I believe that it has been picked out by the Lord Himself for us to plow through. I want to encourage you to make plans to attend. Grab the book, Undaunted by Christine Caine online and meet us at 9:30 am at The Greenwood Building at 104 Maxwell Avenue Greenwood, SC.

Psalm 34:18 NIV, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in Spirit.”Isaiah 60 NIV, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”

Revelation 12:11 NKJV, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.” 

Come and let’s discover Christine Caine’s story of becoming undaunted. Webster defines the word “undaunted” as “not afraid to continue doing something or trying to do something even though there are problems, or dangers.”  Using her own dramatic life story, Christine writes about how God rescued her from a life in which she was unnamed, unwanted, and unqualified. She overcame abuse, abandonment, fears, and other challenges to go on a mission of adventure, fueled by faith and filled with love and courage.Her story offers life-transforming insights about not only how to overcome the trials, wrong turns, and often painful circumstances we all experience. She also shows us how to grow from those experiences and be equipped and empowered to help others.

Her Story and Our Stories Can Bring Glory To Him

I believe in the power of testimony. In Revelation 12:11, the Word speaks of how to overcome the enemy. It says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and loved not their lives unto death.”

Notice, they were covered by the blood. We must be covered in His blood, having received Him as Lord and Savior FIRST. You can’t bypass the first step. He is Alpha and Omega- your beginning and your end. Everyday, we must remember it is by His blood that we overcome. Secondly, it was by the word of their testimony in Him that they overcame. There is so much power in your story. Jesus told stories to illustrate points all throughout the Word, Your very LIFE shares HIS STORY if you will let it. You are a walking illustration to either darkness or light. I don’t know about you but I want to SHINE forth His light in this dark world. Our lives daily have that potential. Thirdly, they loved not their lives unto death. Let’s say, clearly, that these folks had settled the song that we have sang for years in the church, “no turning back, no turning back.” They were sold out. There was NO PLAN B, only His plan, YAH WAY- His way. They obeyed even unto death. They obeyed no matter the danger. They obeyed fully.

We all want to be courageous, obedient, and hear “well done thy good and faithful servant.” Don’t we? The stories in this book, will inspire you to hear your own name called- just as Christine hears hers- to go into a dark and troubled world. Each one of us possess in Him what it takes to bring hope, create change, and live completely for Christ. God sets us free, to free others. Come and join us and we delve into this book and walk out together letting Christ’s light shine through us with purpose to a lost and dying world.

A Word From Christy

Pick up a copy and make plans to attend on March 7, 2015. I believe that this book is going to be a catapult to you having the courage to say “yes” to ALL that God is calling you to do. I believe that you will gain insight into a strong woman of God’s life, perhaps see somethings in your own walk come to the light and purpose in your heart that YOU can make a difference where ever He plants you. There is power in your story. There are those awaiting you to share it. There is purpose in your story and I believe it is partly to set others FREE! Hope to see you all there! Much love!

Shining Brightly for the King,

World Harvest Outreach Pakistan Update!

In August the Holy Spirit started dealing with me about our ministries international focus being more in the Asian Pacific area and the “10/40″ window the years ahead. The World Harvest Pakistan Outreach was one of the most important and defining outreaches for WNIM since we started international evangelism.  I believe that the fastest church growth the earth will ever see is about to take place in this window. In an Islamic Republic that is 97.6% Muslim the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not only needed, it’s persecuted! Here are some facts about Pakistan.

  • 2nd Largest Muslim nation in the world
  • World’s 7th Nuclear Power.
  • 6th Largest Military
  • 30% live in extreme poverty
  • 10% of the World’s children who do not go to school live here
  • #10 on the world’s most Christian persecution nations

“And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.” Mark16:20

Over two weeks WNIM conducted 18 meetings over 9 cities. We had well over 30 churches working together to plan and prepare for this awesome time of meetings. In one city close to the Afghanistan boarder we had a ring of heroin traffickers come in a meeting to hear my testimony and give their lives to Jesus Christ. They came to the pastor the next day to “get started with Jesus.” One out door meeting was held 3 blocks away from the largest Muslim protest ever held in Karachi where they protested the French magazine that made fun of their prophet Mohammad. This is considered blasphemy under Sharia law.

In the northern area of Faisalabad, we had the Pakistan equivalent to the CIA in many of our meetings checking to see if we were breaking this law. One the last night I saw them one came forward in the altar call and asked for prayer to receive Jesus. In one area we held a 2 night outdoor meeting two blocks away from a mosque. We had to lower the volume if the hour of prayer took place, but these Christians are bold over there and they don’t care.

Many listened to us from the top of the mosque and came over into our meeting for the altars. We had many people testify of healing, including a boy blind from birth and a lady that lost her voice from cancer. The boy pointed to his mom and said he could see her and the lady said, “Halaluha” after not being able to talk at all.

We had over 230 people receive a call to preach in these meetings and over 3200 salvation decisions, which most were Muslim women. We praise God for Pastor Khalid Naz who has been helping us with these outreaches. Thank you partners for stepping up to fund this outreach. Your giving has impacted the last day church in Pakistan like never before!

Christians in Pakistan face very real danger for their life. Most churches have snipers and pastors carry guns. It is that dangerous. Pastor Khalid tells his people in this end time church region, “The danger is real, but the fear is a choice.”



The Heartbeat of Warrior Nations International Ministries: Evangelism!

I want to share with you the heart of Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries. Make no mistake about it, the heartbeat is souls! The very heartbeat of God is that no one should experience the torments of Hell. He does not want one person to go to Hell, so much that He gave His only Son! Everything WNIM has done has always centered around the “Great Commission”. We have seen many testimonies and miracles along the way, but they all followed the preaching of the good news of Jesus Christ!

Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink and deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

Mark 16:15-20

For years we have targeted evangelism locally, statewide, nationally and internationally. We are celebrating eleven years of ministry in twelve nations and 58,300 decisions for the glory of God. This has always been a part of what God has called us to do. I’m not inclined to pick up snakes, but the apostle Paul put this scripture to work. (I pray I never have to get bit by a snake to believe this scripture … and I sure am not gonna go looking for a real snake to grab!) I’ve eaten food overseas many times and prayed to the Lord that I would not be harmed, in accord with this passage. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t! I’ve seen the Lord do amazing things in the context of these verses many times, all centered around the preaching of the good news of Jesus Christ overseas and in the United States.

Every time I have experienced “signs and wonders” they have caused me to worship Jesus even more. The problem many have with this is when people start following the signs and wonders, instead of Jesus. When this off-balance cycle occurs it will cause a person to become what I call being “spiritually bipolar”. Gifts of the Spirit without the fruit of the Spirit are a byproduct of this dysfunction that is occurring across the Body of Christ. People who are blindly focused on the gifts of the Spirit can fall into error, and because of this many don’t want anything to do with signs and wonders.  The fruit of the Spirit will remain forever, but the gifts will fade away one day (see 1 Corinthians 13:8). Where does this leave us?

Make no mistake about it, we are living in the last days, and the Spirit of God is being poured out all over the world on multitudes with undeniable signs and wonders. What do we do? Just because maybe you have never experienced it yourself, don’t speak against it. Never speak against something you don’t understand. If it’s truly the Lord, it will stand. But if it’s not of God, then it won’t. I don’t understand all I’ve seen, but I can find a multitude of Biblical references that validate what happened and that it should be happening. You can’t find any specific text that say these things don’t happen anymore, but an array of verses that say they do and should.

Warrior Nations has long sought to bring a balance to this in the Body of Christ, but our mission is simply to preach the Good News. What is the good news? The word “saved” in the New Testament used in John 3:16-17 means, “to be made whole”. Yes, eternal life is part of the package, but so are healing, deliverance, peace and love! I believe people will experience different things in the process of the new birth. These experiences are based around what they need to bring them to a place of being made whole. Most people haven’t gotten involved with the occult, and many people haven’t had as a dramatic testimony as mine simply because they weren’t as messed up as I was. I believe God meets you at the point of your need. It might be a need for healing, or peace or encouragement, or provision or deliverance from something, but He meets us the same. Thank God He meets us! He meets us at the cross. That’s the place where divinity meets humanity.

Please keep us in prayer. We will be preaching a West Africa World Harvest crusade Sept 13-23rd in Ghana and Nigeria. We still need to raise $1,900 for the trip, and we are looking for quite a few things to take place on the planning side among the host churches in Ghana. Stand with Warrior Nations as we are believing for 100,000 souls in our ministry for the glory of God!


WNIM is praying for new people to make a commitment of new monthly partnership in order to meet the monthly budget!
If you have never given to Warrior Nations, or taken a step of partnership, would you consider taking the challenge?
We are on the front lines and need your help.

If you are a pastor, or leader in a church, would you consider factoring in the evangelistic outreaches of Warrior Nations as part of your outreach budget? We will send regular updates of the details of decisions made for the Lord. We do not have a set fee to come and share with your church. We believe in the old fashioned way of working with churches, which is having a relationship, not a business deal.

Facts about WNIM OutreachesWNIM is a 501(c)(3) Christian nonprofit that annually conducts prison ministry, international crusades and pastor conferences, mission trips for training to the next generation of evangelists and missionaries, medical clinics, humanitarian efforts (helping provide water wells and filters, distributing toys to needy children), media evangelism, evangelism publishing, evangelism training and support, revivals, pastoral supply, prayer conferences and rallies,  ladies conferences, mentoring training and discipleship programs, leadership conferences, radically challenging youth and college outreaches, evangelism webinars and much more. 

Please prayerfully consider taking the Warrior’s challenge!

  1. Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff regularly!
  2. Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $10, $20, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small! Thank you so much!

You can give securely on our website at www.warriornations.org or you can mail your seed to:

PO BOX 2352
Greenwood, SC 29646

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8.

Together We Are Gathering the Harvest for Our King,

Reverends Shawn Patrick and Christy Williams
Warrior Nations International Ministries Founders