Answer the Call!

“Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:9
Two years ago, I was in a service in Miami and I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit tell me, “Go to Haiti.” I at tempted to go twice, but the trip didn’t come together until 2012. Out of all of the places I have ever been to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Haiti has broken my spirit the most! I have never seen the poverty levels of a nation so high. 80% of the Haiti is unemployed and 70% can’t read or write. Most of the food in Haiti is imported. The capitol still is in ruins and Haiti’s eight-story “IRS” equivalent building is still not repaired. It’s an empty lot! The UN is there current military and during the trip we saw them carry out an operation that arrested 50 of 1500 people trying to start a militia. During this trip, I stayed with the people of the churches, ate what they brought and experienced Haiti like the believers of Haiti do. Not as a tourist, but a missionary. We preached in 5 different locations with Pastor Moses from Ephata Tabernacle Mission. He kept us driving to different parts of Haiti 4 to 8 hours a day, almost every day.
In Port-au-Prince, we encountered a Hip-Hop group that practiced sorcery. They would do blood sacrifices before performing at shows. We prayed and declared the Blood of Jesus to speak on our behalf in the spiritual realm. I slept like a baby that night! The next day, we held two services and a medical clinic in Gonaives, North Haiti, where we spent the night with members of the church. This church was full of people that traveled from afar for the clinic the next day. This church had no roof. We went back to Port-au-Prince to the base and spent the night. The next day we went to Grand Goave, South Haiti. This church was in a corn field between a Voodoo witch’s house and an occult group called Army Celeste. At this service the power of got the Holy Spirit was so strong that people received healing and were set free by the Holy Ghost!
We went straight to the main church in Grand Goave for a night service, where the people worshipped the Lord with intense passion. We “broke bread” with the leaders and then went to their house to sleep for the Sunday morning service. Sunday we had morning service at Grand Goave. We drove to an orphanage called, Hope for Kids, where we gave out toys and soccer balls. The needs far outweighed the supplies we brought. Then, we drove back to the main church in Port-au-Prince for a night service. The next day we held another night service at Port-au-Prince. WNIM was able to give out two water filters, over 200 bottles/packs of medication, more than 150 toys, and six soccer balls for the kids. Some kids were playing soccer with plastic bottles, and the balls that they did have were so worn out, you couldn’t even see the leather shell. We had over 250 salvations on the trip with many more testimonies of God touching people with His healing and delivering power. But I will say that the biggest life changed was mine! The Haitian people are moving forward with life, despite unbelievable circumstances. I couldn’t help but weep many times during the travels. People were lying in trashy sewage and even dead on the side of the road.
WNIM is praying and planning to continue medical clinics and helping these orphans over the next years in these Haiti churches. We ask you to pray for us and support the work we are doing there.
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”
James 1:27
One of the pastors in the Southern region told our interpreter that our team was one of the first American teams they have encountered that came on a mission trip that wasn’t treating the trip like a vacation. I know this statement doesn’t represent all the short term missions America has been doing, but it does reflect how the concept of “Missions” has changed over the 50 years in the American church. No matter where we are going to shine our light, we must have the understanding that the world is watching and we must keep ourselves unspotted from the world in order to shine our light to the world.
Gathering the Harvest for our King,
Shawn Patrick Williams
P.S. It’s not too late to get involved in the TN Appalachian Mission Trip June 18th-24th. Even if you can only come for part of the trip, come on. We need all the help we can on this mission! For more information go to

WNIM Haiti Mission Trip May 15th-22nd


May 15th-22nd

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:19-20

WNIM has been committed to World missions since 2007. The cry of the Nations for the coming of our Lord has been strong and Jesus is commissioning fresh and fiery soldiers to “GO!” This WNIM Haiti mission trip will be focused on preaching the Gospel, taking food, med supplies, toys, and a water purifier to the participating churches and orphanages. We will be shipping a container one week before we arrive toPort-au-Prince. This town will be our base for the week. From Port-au-Prince WNIM will travel to Petit-Goâve to preach in two churches and visit one orphanage. WNIM will take a team to the city of Croix-des-Bouquets. There we will preach in two churches and visit a school and two orphanages. WNIM has a pediatrician coming to conduct a medical clinic in each city we are visiting. WNIM has a pediatrician coming to conduct a medical clinic in each city we are visiting and a localGreenwood,SCpharmacy donating antibiotics for the doctor to administer. WNIM will be training the leaders how to use water purification systems, that WNIM will leave for them. We will be taking toys and large amounts of food for each orphanage.

Port-au-Prince. French pronunciation: Haitian Creole pronunciation: is the capital and largest city of the Caribbeancountry of Haiti. The city”s population was 704,776 as of the 2003 census, and was officially estimated to have reached 897,859 in 2009.

The city of Port-au-Princeis on the Gulf of Gonâve: the bay on which the city lies, which acts as a natural harbor, has sustained economic activity since the civilizations of the Arawaks. It was first incorporated under the colonial rule of the French, in 1749, and has been Haiti”s largest metropolis since then. The city”s layout is similar to that of an amphitheatre; commercial districts are near the water, while residential neighborhoods are located on the hills above. Its population is difficult to ascertain due to the rapid growth of slums in the hillsides above the city; however, recent estimates place the metropolitan area”s population at around 3.7 million, nearly half of the country”s national population.

Port-au-Princewas catastrophically affected by an earthquake on January 12, 2010, with large numbers of structures damaged or destroyed.Haiti”s government has estimated the death toll at 230,000 and says more bodies remain uncounted.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Petit-Goâve (Haitian Creole: Tigwav) is a coastal town in Ouest Department, Haïti. It is located 68 kilometres (42 mi) southwest of Port-au-Prince. The town has a population of approximately 12,000 inhabitants.

The town is one of the oldest cities of the country, and was named Goâve by the Amerindians. The Spanish called it Aguava at the end of the 16th century. After French colonization through the releasing of the Spanish, the French divided the city into two halves; Grand-Goâveand Petit-Goâve. Petit-Goâve became a wealthy settlement in the western half of Hispaniola and briefly became the “pre-capitgal” of the prosperous colony of Saint-Domingue.

January 2010 earthquake

It was significantly affected by the 12 January 2010 earthquake. On 20 January a strong aftershock of magnitude 5.9 Mw struck Haiti. The U.S. Geological Survey reported that its epicentre was almost exactly under Petit-Goâve.

Croix-des-Bouquets is a city in the Ouest Department of Haiti. It is located 12.9 kilometers (8.0 mi) to the northeast of Haiti”s capital city, Port-au-Prince. Originally located on the shore, it was relocated inland after the 1770 Port-au-Prince earthquake. Due to this fact, it was not as badly affected in the 2010 Haiti earthquake. The became home to refugee tent villages of about 10,000 refugees each when the first wave of refugees began to be resettled there.

Croix-des-Bouquets is a northern suburb in the Port-Au-Prince metropolitan area. Haiti is world famous for its exuberant art, richly influenced by nature, history and religion, both Christian and Vodou. The entire village of Croix des Bouquets is a good example of Haitian creativity – it resonates with the sounds of clanging and banging of the mallets and chisels in the process of transforming raw metal into stunning, and often haunting, iron sculptures. The city of Croix-des-Bouquets is on the Plaine du Cul-de-Sac, where many people grow organic foods such as beans, sweet potato, and corn. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


WNIM is asking for donations to cover the following humanitairian efforts of this trip:

Food $1000

Water purifier $350

Toys for Kids $300

Shipping $300

Trip Expenses $1050

Total Cost $3000

All Tax deductable donations can be made out to:

WNIM/Haiti Mission

PO Box 2352

Greenwood, SC 29646

WNIM is a 501 C-3 Non-Profit that is a Christain Base organization that has it’s main funcation as an evangelistic ministry. WNIM partners with seclar Non-Profit organization on humanitarian efforts, such as water wells, food aid, and what ever needs the indigonis people have Christian meetings are being held.

Warrior Nations 2012 Training Program with Shawn Patrick Williams

Warrior Nations will be offering discipleship courses online via “Webinars” Jan 26th at 7pm 2012. We will offer:

1. Level One/ Warrior Nations Basic Training This discipleship course gives you the foundational teachings of from Scripture that every Believer should know.

2. Level Two/ Warrior Nations Advanced Training This discipleship course will focus on ministry training. The course is a general preparatory course for anyone who has a last days call from God to preach the Gospel.

3. Level Three/ Warrior Nations Special Operations

This training is for those who have a strong foundation of the Word and are defined in their general calling. This course will go “in depth” with spiritual warfare and prepare someone who is called to be a last days covert operations soldier in the army of Jesus Christ.

Each level is six sessions. Each class includes an educational tool,.e. E-workbook, PowerPoint, Ebook. Each course is a suggested $30 donation and can be accessed at at the bottem of the home page. Click on the “Any Meeting” logo . It will take you to this webinar each night. These classes are scheduled to be held on Thursdays. If you are interested in signing up for trainings, please e-mail us at

Class titles and dates will be posted in our calender of events on the main website and on our newsletter every month. Theemails let us know how many to look for, but the sign in happens the time of the webinar, each night.

Word to Partners!

Dear Partners,

We have been so blessed in 2011 to see God work in many people’s lives in so many awesome ways! He’s not dead in a tomb somewhere, He is still alive! He is still working miracles in the earth to testify that He is resurrected.

We have been getting letters from all over the nation and even some from other countries testifying of God touching someone through a meeting, a book, or a media interview.

That’s why we are in the ministry, to SEE JESUS CHANGE LIVES! Thank you for standing with us in prayer and financial support sending us to go minister.

Be looking for us on WGGS’s “Nitleline” television show out of Greenville, SC in 2012. We have been asked to host some of their shows and look forward to ministering to the masses on this TV program.

Please pray for us as we are interviewing many different people in the Body of Christ. We are praying that this new outlet will help influence the Body of Christ to become the “endtime warrior” thatthe Holy Spirit wants them to be in these last days.

The Gathering services are starting back and we expect the to be stronger than ever! We have several leaders and churches locally that have committed to be involved in 2012 and they are “on fire” churches! If you are in the area, please try to make some of these services!

The “Warring with the Word” Basic Training Manual is being used as a Bible study for a South Carolina women’s prison, Praise the Lord. If you don’t have a copy, think about getting one. It is a powerful tool for discipleship. Once again, thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Together we are Gathering the Harvest for the King!

God bless you all,

Shawn Patrick & Christy Williams