Dear Pastor,

After being radically saved from ten years of drug and occult involvement in a bar through a Damascus-road experience, I received a burning commission to evangelize the United States and the world. After this call, my wife Christy and I launched Warrior Nations International Ministries. Our mission is to bring a revival culture to the Body of Christ. I attended Christian Life School of Theology and received a Masters in Psychology from the Institute of Theology and Christian Therapy in Granbury, Texas and an honorary doctorate in Christian psychology from Dayspring University. I have spent ten years working with more than 4,000 troubled teens in a secular clinical setting and worked with hundreds of teens struggling with the occult, suicide, cutting, gangs, drug addiction and many more issues. God has allowed us to speak passionately each year through radio, TV, conferences, festivals, concerts, and church events. Here is a video of my testimony that CBN produced:

Over the years I have written several books about spiritual warfare and living a victorious life through the Word of God. Several of these books have been covered by The 700 ClubTBNDaystarCornerstone, plus other nationally broadcast TV and radio networks. I co-hosted and wrote televisions scripts for five seasons of Roc House Café, a Christian music video show which airs internationally.

I would like to share with you about some of the outreaches of Warrior Nations. Please take time to read these.

Raise the Wall Prayer Initiative

Since 1963 the prayer wall has been slowly dismantled in America. Due to the effort to take prayer out of schools, efforts to take the Bible out of our national heritage, and the attack on freedom of speech as we know it, socialism is knocking on America’s door and the moral fabric of our nation has been slowly unwound!

From 1963 until today, there has been a 500% increase in teen violence, a 400% increase in the occult, 50% of teens are having sex, 67% of teens that grow up in a Christian home leave the faith when attending a secular university, and more teens have lost their lives to suicide than all the American combat casualties in the Vietnam war! Schools shootings are not uncommon on our universities any longer! The prayer wall has fallen around America! Will you “Raise the Wall”?

Raise the Wall is a multi-level prayer initiative that Warrior Nations has launched in the churches of America. Shawn Patrick teaches a seminar based out of the book of Nehemiah and lays out a simple multi-level prayer initiative for any church to apply with their congregation.

“So we built the wall, and all the wall was joined together … for the people had a mind to work.”

Nehemiah 4:6 KJV

“This prayer initiative has joined our church together a level of prayer that we have never experienced before.”

Dr. Wendell Rhodes
Friendship Worship Center
Abbeville, SC


A Biblical Perspective on Sexual Purity

  • 50% of America is affected by it.
  • More money is spent on it annually than all the money spent on professional football, professional baseball, and professional basketball, combined.
  • 57 million hits a day are clicking on websites containing it.
  • 4 out of 10 pastors are struggling with it!
  • What is it? It’s America’s #1 addiction: Pornography.

5 out of 10 teens will become sexually active before they get married. 1 out of 4 of those teens will contract a sexually transmitted disease. 2 out of 10 girls become sexually active will get pregnant, and half of those babies will be aborted or miscarried.

How do we overcome porn and sexual immorality? What can we do to avoid it? How can we be healed from it? Is it okay to think about sex? What is okay to do? What does the Bible say about sex?

Blind is a men’s Bible study series for single and married men. Shawn Patrick conducts these seminars.

Beyond The Darkness: Exposing Occultism in America

by Shawn Patrick Williams

“Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.”

John 12:35

Over the past decade there has been over a 400% increase of occultism in America. Beyond the Darkness gives you an in-depth look at how occultism is affecting our American culture. Shawn Patrick Williams brings his personal experiences, extensive research of the social and medical evidence, plus a clear scriptural foundation of how occult teachings and concepts have invaded every level of the American culture. From music to media, fantasy books to video games, Beyond the Darkness covers every major trend in the past decade that has had some measure of occult influence on this generation. These meetings are engaging and relevant to the youth/college, but not off balance on the central focus of the Gospel message.

Shawn Patrick tells you of his own struggle of American street life and how he became involved in occult groups. He tells of the circumstances that surrounded his dark vow and how the divine intervention of the light of Jesus Christ set him free from addiction, bondage, and occultism.

Rethinking Evangelism

  • What is the number one reason that people come to a church?
  • What are the characteristics of a church that has 70% or higher retention rates?
  • What pattern do we have in the Bible for the explosion of the New Testament Church evangelism?
  • How can the Church become relevant and beneficial to the community it serves without compromising the great commission?
  • How can the internet and viral methods of communication help catapult your church into a modern evangelistic atmosphere?
  • Why are the fastest growing religious organizations in the world outgrowing local churches?
  • Why is the traditional role of an evangelist still a critical evangelistic component in the modern Church?

Rethinking Evangelism will answer those questions and lay out a Biblical, proven strategy for long term growth in the Church. Rethinking Evangelism is designed to create an atmosphere of evangelism in the Church. Most churches do not grow because they are not structured for growth.
Rethinking Evangelism will give you fresh insights into what the top growing churches in the U.S. are doing and help layout a strategy for evangelism that fits the character of your congregation.


The Pillars of Marriage Preparing and Repairing the Foundations for the Journey of a Lifetime.

Over 50% of marriages end in divorce in the church. The devil attacks this holy union more than anything. Shawn Patrick and Christ share personal stories from there struggles and victories along there journey in marriage. They also give four powerful bible base teaching and a handout for the attendees to take tools back home to implement.  This outreach is usually starts on a Saturday  morning  in a mixed session. At lunch we separate into men’s and women’s groups and then come back together for a ending evening mixed session. This is a four session marriage conference. We offer some powerful tools communication, prayer, devotional time, understanding the differences between men, women and personality types. This conference is design to give your marriage pillars to stand on.


Warrior Nations does not have a set fee to come to share one of these outreaches at churches, nor do we require that you let us take up our own offering. We are willing to work with churches regardless of their size, whether it’s 50, or 5,000. We can work out the details. Our heart is to impact the Body of Christ with these core outreaches. When you review our doctrine statement, you will find that we are centered on the Word of God and the life-changing message of Christ. We can provide references, if needed. If your ministry does decide to host one of our outreaches, we may ask if we can have permission to video the meeting for our TV program.

Please feel free to call our office at (864) 227-0508 or Contact Us with any questions or possible dates. We look forward to working with you to equip and edify the saints in your area!

Gathering the Harvest for the King,

Shawn Patrick Williams