Cultivating a Kingdom Culture By Shawn Patrick Williams

Cultivating a Kingdom Culture

By Shawn Patrick Williams

As I have traveled around the world to share my testimony, one of the most significant blessings has been seeing the amazing diversity in the Body of Christ. I grew up in a denominational setting and I praise God that I did, because it was a very evangelical environment. I attribute my passion for souls to the deposit that was given to me during that time. However, I have grown to appreciate all the amazing facets of Christ’s Kingdom on this earth.

”Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:10 (KJV)


The word kingdom in this verse introduces a new concept, as Christ was establishing the New Testament Church. The word means “Realm.” In this context, the word is referring to a royal heavenly realm. Jesus was laying a foundation for all His followers to continue in and that was bringing unity between Christ’s heavenly kingdom and this fallen earth. Denominations have done the opposite of that. Over two millennia the kingdom of Christ become extremely divided. Jesus established the Church, not denominationalism.

There have been seven major groups of denominations which have arisen from the Biblical historical Christian faith: Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and four Protestant families. No matter what Protestant belief you are it was a byproduct of one of these groups: Pre-Reformer, Lutheran, Anglican, or Reformed.

The doctrine of the Christian faith is universal, but the philosophies that carry that doctrine vary greatly. It is extremely significant to understand the difference between doctrine and philosophy. I belong to a denomination that very much mirrors the philosophy and understanding of how I demonstrate my faith in Christ. However my basic doctrine is the same as all followers of Jesus Christ in the global Christian church. I have been to 23 nations and preached in 26 different denominations of the Christian church without compromising what I believe to do so. I have learned to focus on their strength instead of their weakness, and the teachings, practices and protocols I have learned have been extremely beneficial to my ministry.

The Apostle Paul made some important statements in his letter to Philemon (a leader in the home church in the home church in Colossae) in order to establish how followers of Christ’s kingdom should view each other. Paul was writing to reconcile a converted slave name Onesimus, who is believed to have left Philemon, his wealthy owner and ran away for his freedom. Paul was trying to neutralize Philemon from looking at Onesimus as an investment and view him as a newly converted brother in the family of God. When Paul addresses Philemon, I believe God was speaking intentionally about how we are to perceive our brothers and sisters in the Kingdom, especially those who adhere to a different group or denomination.

Fellow Labourer

“Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer” Philemon 1:1

Fellowlabourer means “coworker”. Paul was establishing that they were working toward the same cause. Christ kingdom being established on earth. At the end of the day their efforts and energy were going toward the same goal. The present day church must learn to work together much like the first century church did.

Fellow Soldier

And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house” Philemon 1:2

Paul used the term “fellow soldier” to address the believers helping Philemon in the house church. This word literally means, “co-campaigner”. Now the word campaign means, “A series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal.”  Paul was referencing the fact that they were promoting the same cause. When two opposing politicians get in a campaign fight they are promoting two opposite agendas. The outcome is a zero-sum game: one loses and one wins. In the Body of Christ we are supposed to have the same campaign and the same cause.  Paul had to address this in a different situation with the church of Corinth.


Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:5-9

Paul made it clear that in the functioning of the churches, we are one in God’s eyes. It’s not my ministry or your ministry. It’s Christ’s ministry, and He will judge us according to our heart’s attitude in the way we work together. The spirit of competition is killing the New Testament church in North America. I’ve seen jealousy and envy destroy and divide many churches at their appointed time of the Spirit visiting their church.

However, I have seen prayer, worship and youth pull a city together for the cause of Christ unlike anything else. If you can focus on these topics, almost any Christian group will come together and put their differences aside. If we don’t learn how to work together down here, we are in for a big surprise when we get to heaven.

Fellow Prisoner

There salute thee Epaphras, my fellowprisoner in Christ Jesus” Philemon 1:23

Fellow prisoner means, “co-captive” and is a reference to the shared tribulations Christians face. Paul was not stranger to tribulation. He understood what the New Testament Church was facing ahead. John, author of the book of the Revelation, had a peek at this when the angel told him of the martyrs in the last days waiting on the rest of their brothers and sisters that would be killed in Revelation 6:10-11.

According to a 2013 report from the Vatican 237 Christians die a day for their faith. Todd Johnson, director of CSGC, told the BBC, “The truth is two thirds of the 2.3 billion Christians in the world today live… in dangerous neighborhoods. They are often poor. They often belong to ethnic, linguistic and cultural minorities. And they are often at risk.”

Just recently a proposal was made to the United Nations to recognize the current global killing of Christians as this century’s new holocaust. I traveled to Pakistan this January and visited the site of churches burned by the Taliban. I have worked in Nigeria for a decade and heard pastors tell how their churches were burned. Some saw their families and church members martyred for their faith in Christ. As a global church we must stand together in prayer and support in times like this. In speaking to a bishop from Uganda he told me of the national persecution that actually brought the believers in his nation closer together. They learned to stand together to make it through the fire.

My encouragement to the Christian church today is that we lay aside the things that divide us and focus on the things that unite us. If we learn to die to our agendas and prejudices, the love of Christ will be what the world sees in us. We won’t have any problems cultivating healthy and successful churches.

Gathering the Harvest for the King,

Shawn Patrick Williams

Shawn and Christy

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Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

1. We believe that partnership is based on relationship.

Partnership isn’t a veiled attempt to raise funds. It’s the joining of efforts, resources and faith to empower you for victory and bring in the last days harvest of souls.

2. We are good stewards of any gift.

As you sow into Warrior Nations, you can be assured that your money will be handled with integrity. We pray over your harvest, use the funds to share the Word of God on every available level of our reach via revivals, international “World Harvest Crusades”, books, street outreaches, media, “Impact” school of ministry, international and local humanitarian efforts, prayer ministry, prison ministry and more…

3. We pray for you every day!

Shawn Patrick and Christy, their family and the Warrior Nations volunteer staff are committed to you. We pray for your prosperity, health, victory and protection on a daily basis.

4. You will be updated monthly.

Every month, Shawn Patrick and Christy personally write a letter to their partners. We made the commitment in 2002. We stay before the Lord until we receive a fresh word just for you.

5. You get access to Word-based teaching.

We have more than 12 years in ministry teachings available for you. Whether you read the newsletters, partner letters, visit our website, watch our broadcasts on television or YouTube, attend an event or enjoy a specific book teaching, you’ll always find teaching you need.

6. Your information will never be shared.

We value your trust, and want you to understand that the information you give us is precious and protected. Warrior Nations will nevershare, rent or sell any of your information.

7. Together, we’ll make a difference.

As we join together in partnership, we share each other’s anointings and giftings—and make a bigger impact on the world because of it. By ourselves, we can do some good…but together, we’ll truly make a difference!


Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff everyday!

Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $30, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small!

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”
2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Thank you and may God richly bless you for supporting the end time harvest!