Religious “Ice Melt” in Iceland by Shawn Patrick Williams


Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. Buthis word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay. ~ Jerimiah 20:9

“There is a fire coming to Iceland that is going to burn in the nation a refining fire. It will melt the ice of religion off the nation. It will burn from Reykjavik to Vik, all the wat to Akureyri and to Isafjoraur yes and even Baenahusio. This fire is commissioned from the Throne room, because of the cries of intercessors that have been going up. A star has been commissioned to light the flame in the candlestick of Iceland for this great last days awakening for the land.  The Church is about to experience a major time of growth. Watch tradition and denominational walls fall in this season. I will use my end time warriors there to revive the church. Yes, they will have no fear and a boldness to speak forth the oracles of heaven without fear. Iceland will become an international hub for revival. Yes. Many have said, ‘What good could come out of this little nation’, but I say this nation will rise up voices to the nations. There is a new sound of worship coming from Iceland and it will be majestic and release healing.

Iceland holds a key to refuge. In this nation there is refuge for the saints. It is a place of safety and strategy. A bridge from Iceland to the USA, Europe, Asia, Australia and Russia will be built through the work of the saints in this mighty nation.”

Recognized nationally and internationally as an end time evangelist, Shawn Patrick has traveled to 26 nations and ministered in 27 denominations. He has also authored several books. He passionately speaks each year through radio, TV, conferences, festivals, concerts, churches and international crusades. He has a Doctor of Divinity from Day Spring University and was ordained as a bishop in 2009 and is the founder of the One Hour Prayer Alliance. He then launched Warrior Nation Fellowship, which is an apostolic network. He is founder of the apostolic training centers called i3, which is his base in Greenwood, SC with his wife Christy and their four children.

Revival 3