Warrior Nations Missions Alert!

In 2010 Warrior Nations started an initiative for leaders called, Warrior Nations Fellowship. This network of leaders brought together Joel’s Army leaders around the world for connection, encouragement, networking and discipleship. As I began to travel around the nation and the globe to preach revivals and missions, I found a hunger for leaders to connect to an end time mission for the church. We started to see the Holy Spirit develop this network around the same passion and mission WNIM began with.

“Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”

2 Timothy 1:3

At this current time WNF has affiliates in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and America. We conduct World Harvest Outreaches all over the world, with Pakistan and New Zealand as important target nations. A WNF affiliate is one of WNIM’s international partners through formal agreements.

The Indian WNF leader has 215 home churches and an orphanage WNF supports monthly covering the food bill. The stateside WNF affiliate outreaches are in NY, NC, SC, FL, TN GA, and PA. We are developing urban outreaches in Atlanta, church planting in NY, FL and PA. The Ghana affiliate missions are 3 mission hubs outside of Accra. The Nigerian affiliate outreaches are different. We have leaders in southern Nigeria, but in the capital something very different is

Nigeria is the most Christian persecuted nation in the world, as of 2021. Over 71,000 Christians have been killed in the past 13 years. I spoke with the journalist Lara Logan in October and she has been covering this genocide. She challenged 100’s of world leaders to do something at the recent Liberty University CEO event, “Networking the Nations”. I spoke with one of the governors in north Nigeria at this event, as well, about corresponding with the government about
our efforts.

Bishop David Ina, WNF’s Nigerian affiliate, is based in the capital Abuja. He has sent 4000 missionaries from southern Nigeria into the north region in the past 23 years. That’s right. 4000 end time missionaries. He conducts 4 retreats a year to plan with these missionaries and recalibrate there assignments if needed. It takes these missionaries rotating at different times to get all of them through these retreats. As he has done this Christian service, local Muslims sympathetic to the north have caused him great problems. They accused him of being a terrorist, which caused an investigation that went all the way up to the DOJ and Interpol. All because he was a Christian working to send missionaries to this impacted area. Our offices were actually contacted by the DOJ during this investigation.

Please keep us in prayer, as we are working very intentionally to support and equip our affiliates to continue this important work in Nigeria. I will be in New Zealand at the revival summit with Pioneer ministry in November. Remember WNIM during this time of travel and WHO outreach efforts. Thank you for all of those who support this ministry with their monthly donations and prayers!

Gathering the Harvest and Advancing His Kingdom,

Shawn Patrick Williams

After being radically saved from ten years of drug addiction and occult involvement through a Damascus Road experience in a bar, Shawn Patrick received a burning commission to evangelize the United States and the world. His style of preaching brings a revival culture to the Body of Christ. He attended Christian Life School of Theology and received his Masters from the Institute of Theology and Christian Therapy.

His personal experience of the power of the Holy Spirit, powerful deliverance and gangster background has aided in giving him a platform to speak to the next generation of believers. His passion is revival fire and seeing Christ saves lives. He has preached in 30 nations and author 12 books. He has a Doctor of Divinity from Day Spring University, was ordained as a bishop in 2009. He then launched Warrior Nation Fellowship, which is an leadership network. He is also founder of the Omega Network and the training centers called “i3,” based in Greenwood, South Carolina.