Word of the Lord For Texas.

                                                                     Warrior Nations International Ministries

Oct 31st 2014, I was on a flight to Miami for a Spiritual Warfare conference and I was halfway between asleep and the reality realm when I heard the Word of the Lord, “Why am I talking to you about Texas? Because I AM pouring My Spirit out there and I AM about to display My nature and power there. In Dallas, in Houston, in Austin, and even in San Antonio says the Spirit of Grace. An open heaven is taking place and this is why Texas is a battle ground.  Battles on the borders and the judicial benches. Battles in politics and pulpits. Texas will prevail and My people have proven to be battle ready. What the enemy meant for harm to My people has not prospered. It has brought them unified. Texas is an example and forerunner to the Nation of America of what is about to come. “Let My People Go!”


Apostles and leaders will rise to strength in this Texas and My Spirit will sweep the land. Texas will display, restoration and even rediscovering its pioneering foundation, but now in the forefront of the Church. A fresh new church planting movement will come forth from this great land and it will reform failing denominations sayeth the Spirit of Grace.

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Shawn Williams