Entries by Shawn Williams

The Grinch That Stole Christmas, by Shawn Patrick Williams

As a child one of my favorite Christmas movies was “The Grinch That Stole Christmas.” The Grinch came and stole all the Christmas presents from the little town, but he couldn’t steal their Christmas joy! I know that it is just a movie, but imagine with me if you will how that same scenario is […]

Summer Update!

Dear Partner and Friend,                                                                                                                                       Summer News Letter 2022 I wanted to report to you that our headquarters in Greenwood, SC has been in revival! In the past 90 days people have been visiting from all over the nation and we have had revivalist from Australia, West Africa, New Zealand, South and North Carolina, Washington, California, […]

19 Year Ministry Update

Dear Partner and Friend,                                                                                                                    November, 21st 2021 As of October 2021 Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries was officially 19 years old. We have seen God move the mountains and we have walked through the valleys. We have had times when we have thought we were born for such a time as this and we have had times […]

Discerning The Times

Discerning The Times In July of 2010, I was walking through a park in mid-town Atlanta, GA. Piedmont Park was a place I knew well. For just 13 years before I work at a bar in the area. I also, was homeless for about four months, during a summer. As I walked through the area […]

Coronavirus 2020: God’s People Living in Goshen

Coronavirus 2020: God’s People Living in Goshen As I began to pray about the coronavirus, the Holy Spirit began to deal with me. “I am coming soon, but I am not leaving My people in defeat before I do.” 3-15-2020.  God is not through with America and is awakening this nation and the world. Get […]

World Harvest Outreach Panama Central America

 The very first mission trip I went on was in Costa Rica, Central America in 1999. God began to burden my heart during this trip to evangelize the nations of the world. All through my Christian walk and early ministry development, the seed of this trip never left my life.  For many years the Holy […]

Raise That Wall by Shawn Patrick Williams

Raise That Wall   “Raise That Wall, Raise That Wall” chanted the supporters of our newly elected President Donald Trump in the November campaigning period. I felt such a sense of urgency, as many of my constituents did, to pray fervently for America and the elections. I was able to lead five prayer rallies in […]