Understanding the Political Mountain

Understanding the Political Mountain

By Dr. Shawn Patrick Williams

We are at a political tipping point in the United States of America. Jesus Christ told the church to “occupy” until He comes and it is part of the church’s “Great Commission” to go into all the world and make disciples. That directive was articulated in the seven mountains strategy that Campus Crusade founder Bill Bright received in 1975, confirmed by other prolific voices in the Body.

These seven mountains are business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion. It is so phenomenally critical for the church to have a sound biblical understanding of the political climate of our nation and what our stance should be as a Body and a believer when we are assessing the political mountain of culture.  There has not been such a vicious and divisive political climate that I’m aware of for the past sixty-five years.  Not only has this year’s election been dividing the political parties, but it has brought division in the Body of Christ. A house divided cannot stand! I know people are angry about the current state of America’s government. How do we navigate through all of the rhetoric and noise coming from the media? How do we understand our duty as the New Testament church?

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;  Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.”

-1 Timothy 2:1-8 (KJV)


I am convinced that the failed results of the past eight years that the political mountain has produced , is directly because the majority of the church spent more time complaining about the current administration, instead of following the biblical instruction to lift our leaders up in prayer, even if we do not like them or agree with them. A follower of Christ must resolve not to get caught up in political drama. People in all parties should be affected by godly character and deep commitment to pray for the governmental leaders. Throughout the history of the church God has placed His people around totalitarian governments and difficult political atmospheres for the very purpose of having their prayers change the governmental mountains of the day.

To gain a deeper understanding of this dynamic, we must grasp the commission of those who are sent to the governmental realm with a kingdom assignment. God has sent many over the centuries to be a “voice of change” and a “root of righteousness” in world powers. God had Daniel influence the shape of Babylon. The Lord used Paul to impact Rome and the entire known world. Moses was a tool God used to shut one nation down and re-birth another. Ultimately Father God sent Jesus to carry the government upon His shoulders.

Let’s look to Moses for a few examples of the commission to the mountain of government. Moses was raised in the known ruler of the world’s house in order to navigate in that established governmental system, but sent to deliver God’s people from the bondage that that same system produced. The most interesting thing is Moses was not received by either party.

”And he said, Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? Intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known.”

-Exodus 2:14 (KJV)

In context, Moses started to mobilize into his mountain for the first time and that’s when the attack and identity crisis came. “What party is he really for? Is he trying to deceive us? How can we trust someone that has Egypt in his political DNA?” All of these questions came to life as he stepped into the realm of government. I want to make it clear that I am not endorsing any candidate in this article.

If you are a believer that feels the call to this governmental mountain, you too will be challenged in these same areas. You will be attacked with all the temptations of idolatry, and your spiritual identity will be tested. You will have to learn to eat lunch with an enemy, but have a resolve to bring the Kingdom into new territory. You will need to be rooted and grounded in your spiritual DNA, in order to not take on a party DNA, as your true source of guidance. The difficult thing will be establishing the kingdom within the party to which you are assigned. There must be believers commissioned in this mountain in order to occupy it! Ignoring the responsibility of the church to influence this mountain would be a grave injustice. Separation of church and state was instituted to keep government out of church, not to keep believers of government. The first Congress in 1776 was a prayer session.

We must understand two critical things. 1. God can use and has used evil kings to establish His purposes under the sun. Do not fret about who gets elected or who does not. He used king Cyrus, Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar for His purposes. God is still the King of kings and Lord of lords. 2. A believer has an obligation to pray for those in government and the responsibility to research the men of God in this political mountain and vote for the candidate that they feel the Holy Spirit has led them to support.

When you vote, vote your morals. Vote guided by biblical truth. Vote your convictions. Above all, pray for all parties and government leaders so we can see unity and a spiritual awakening in our nation!


Gathering the Harvest and Advancing His Kingdom,

Dr. Shawn Patrick Williams

Founder Warrior Nations Intl. Ministries




Shawn and Christy

Recognized nationally and internationally as an end time evangelist, Shawn Patrick has traveled to 23 nations and ministered in 26 denominations. He has also authored several books. He passionately speaks each year through radio, TV, conferences, festivals, concerts, churches and international crusades. He has a Doctor of Divinity from Day Spring University and was ordained as a bishop in 2009 and is ordained in the IPHC. He then launched Warrior Nation Fellowship, which is an apostolic network. He is founder of the apostolic training centers called i3, which is his base in Greenwood, SC with his wife Christy and their four children.

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Plastic Platforms and False Foundations

Plastic Platforms and False Foundations


by Dr. Shawn Patrick Williams

When I traveled to the Philippines last December, I had the chance to go to a place in Manila called Touch of Glory Prayer Mountain. This prayer retreat has prayer closets, huts and even an apartment complex for those who are in a 40-day fast and prayer. They promote spending an hour or more praying with no TV, cell phones, or internet. This was an uncommon opportunity to seek the face of God without distractions.

Don’t Speak

As I went into a prayer closet, the Spirit of God said, “Don’t speak. Simply listen. Call My people to pray! Call the people of America to repent,” says the Spirit of Grace. “My will is grace. My righteousness has to judge. I must judge that which is wood, hay and stubble, and that which is silver, gold and precious stone. I deal with every man pure, true and righteous. I am just and reward the faithful man with covenant promises, even in the middle of the storms.

As I began to think about what the Spirit of God was saying, this teaching from the apostle Paul came to mind.

“According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” 1 Corinthians 3:10-15

Just Stand

We are in the last days. Christians and churches across the globe are being tested. The foundations of each person’s walk and each church’s works are being revealed. We must pray to see any necessary foundational adjustments and make them. Fire will reveal what kind of character you really have. We can shout, “Praise the Lord!” when things are going well, but can the Western church praise God in the middle of persecution? I’ve been to Pakistan where whole churches have been burned to the ground by the Taliban and seen people continue to keep the faith. At one church in Lahore that is normally attended by about twelve hundred people, Al-Qaida set off a bomb killing one hundred and twenty people. The next week twenty-two thousand Christians showed up for worship, even while facing another bomb threat! Fox News reports that two hundred and seventy three people die each day for their faith in Christ. Does the Western church have the kind of foundation laid in its discipleship of believers to thrive under persecution like much of the rest of the world? The apostle Paul even said in the context of this passage from Corinthians that he was still dealing with babies in Christ drinking spiritual milk. Has the American church been on the milk bottle too long? Has the American church made so many scriptural compromises to have large platforms that they are really made of plastic and can’t stand the test of fire?

America has before it an opportunity to see the largest unchurched generation it’s ever had accept Jesus Christ and experience the greatest awakening to date. Seventy-seven million Millennials are in America and only 18% claim to be Christian. America has become the third largest mission field in the world. What are we going to do in our hour of decision? God sent “The spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning” to the nation of Israel in Isaiah 4:4 to correct their hard hearts and prepare them for the coming of the Messiah. In the New Testament this same spirit of judgment and of fire is what the apostle Paul was referring to. We see Peter make an extraordinary statement about what the church can expect before God deals with the world.

“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17 (KJV)

The Western church can expect more things like the Charleston church shooting and the eight African American churches burned in South Carolina three weeks after to happen somewhere again. Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD are just small examples of what the enemy wants to do to this nation. The assignment of one of the four horsemen from the book of Revelation chapter six is to bring civil unrest. Incidents like the shootings in San Bernardino, CA, Columbine, Co, or Umpqua Community College, OR are going to be more prevalent in the future. We must have a stronger foundation to stand firm in the atmosphere of persecution like this. I’ve met many foreign missionaries that actually pray for the church in America to experience persecution in order to be purified. When true fire comes to the church, it burns up all the plastic platforms that have been created by shallow teachings and false foundations. When true fire comes it causes revival fires to break out in uncommon ways.

And See the Salvation of the Lord

In the years ahead I believe America will see cites saved, stadiums filled for revivals, hospitals emptied out from healings and even the dead raised from the prayer of faith! This will come through a refined church that has raised up a prayer wall around its families, churches and cites. As a revivalist, I pray for awakenings like this. America’s church has its greatest hour ahead of it, and that is the hour of prayer! We must build an altar in our hearts and in our homes. It’s our hour in the prayer closet that will preserve us in our hour of testing.

Gathering the Harvest and Advancing His Kingdom,

Dr. Shawn Patrick Williams

Revival 3

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After being radically saved from 10 years of drug and occult involvement in a bar through a Damascus road experience, Shawn Patrick received a burning commission to evangelize the United States and the world. His style of preaching brings a revival culture to the Body of Christ. He attended Christian Life School of Theology and received his Masters in Psychology from the Institute of Theology and Christian Therapy in Granbury, Texas. Shawn Patrick has spent 10 years working with over 4,000 troubled teens in a secular clinical setting. He has worked with hundreds of teens struggling with the occult, suicide, cutting, gangs, drug addiction and many more issues.

Shawn Patrick has also authored several books, which have been covered by The 700 Club, TBN, Daystar, Cornerstone, plus other nationally broadcasted TV and radio networks. He has had many of his books in stores like Books-a-Million, Family Christian Bookstores and Parable Bookstores. Shawn Patrick has co-hosted and wrote televisions scripts for five seasons of Roc House Café, a Christian music video show which airs internationally. Recognized nationally and internationally as a man of God, Shawn Patrick passionately speaks each year through radio, TV, conferences, festivals, concerts, and churches. His personal experience of the power of the Holy Spirit, powerful deliverance from addiction and the occult, and background in Psychology has aided in giving him a platform to speak about these topics to the next generation of Believers. His passion is revival fire and seeing Christ redeem lives. He has a Doctor of Divinity from Day Spring University and was ordained as a bishop in 2009. He then launched Warrior Nation Intl. Fellowship, which is an apostolic network. He is founder of the apostolic training centers called i3 which is his base church in Greenwood, SC.


Shawn Patrick lives in Greenwood, South Carolina with his wife Christy and their three children: Sethe Patrick, Isabella Jordan, Ada Grace, and John Ellison.

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Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

1. We believe that partnership is based on relationship.

Partnership isn’t a veiled attempt to raise funds. It’s the joining of efforts, resources and faith to empower you for victory and bring in the last days harvest of souls.

2. We are good stewards of any gift.

As you sow into Warrior Nations, you can be assured that your money will be handled with integrity. We pray over your harvest, use the funds to share the Word of God on every available level of our reach via revivals, international “World Harvest Crusades”, books, street outreaches, media, “Impact” school of ministry, international and local humanitarian efforts, prayer ministry, prison ministry and more…

3. We pray for you every day!

Shawn Patrick and Christy, their family and the Warrior Nations volunteer staff are committed to you. We pray for your prosperity, health, victory and protection on a daily basis.

4. You will be updated monthly.

Every month, Shawn Patrick and Christy personally write a letter to their partners. We made the commitment in 2002. We stay before the Lord until we receive a fresh word just for you.

5. You get access to Word-based teaching.

We have more than 12 years in ministry teachings available for you. Whether you read the newsletters, partner letters, visit our website, watch our broadcasts on television or YouTube, attend an event or enjoy a specific book teaching, you’ll always find teaching you need.

6. Your information will never be shared.

We value your trust, and want you to understand that the information you give us is precious and protected. Warrior Nations willnever share, rent or sell any of your information.

7. Together, we’ll make a difference.

As we join together in partnership, we share each other’s anointings and giftings—and make a bigger impact on the world because of it. By ourselves, we can do some good…but together, we’ll truly make a difference!


Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff everyday!

Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $30, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small!

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”
2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Thank you and may God richly bless you for supporting the end time harvest!

Secret Sorcery The Apocalyptic Encryption

In his first 2010 fiction book Secret Sorcery the Deception Begins, Shawn Patrick Williams describes the novel like this, “The ancient prophecies of a global release of secret sorcery have been fulfilled!
Crowley’s deceptive efforts to use music as a tool to release a wave of witchcraft over North America have come of age. Paul Heiner, a teen who has fallen under the power of this secret sorcery, runs away from home to join a band in Los Angeles. Reverend Bill Batesburg uncovers occult efforts to carry out Crowley’s plan using front media groups and businesses. Reverend Bill is confronted with a series of demonic battles that drive him to search for answers. As difficult as the search is, the deception runs much deeper than he anticipates. Intriguing characters find themselves in life-threatening battles with known and unknown people and principalities. Right on time, divine providence brings a powerful prayer team together to fight against an unseen satanic army. But their greatest battles are yet to be fought.”


“We saw way more many young people touch through this novel than even fifteen years of youth outreaches in churches. It was awesome to see teens read the book through in 24 hours and many times they had never been to a church. God blessed us to have national coverage of this. We did book signings at Book-a-Million and Barnes and Noble stores from Philadelphia to Florida. God placed this novel in twenty plus maximum security prisons across the nation. It was really crazy how so many people seemed to identity with or go through the same spiritual battles that are involved with the drug and music lifestyle.  For five years we have been getting letters from readers that live all over America that have so many similar stories to mine and the characters Paul, Nancy and other characters in this book series.”
In his second fiction book Secret Sorcery The Apocalyptic Encryption to be released at first strictly on amazon on Dec 19th, Williams gives readers some closer and a new adventure. He describes this book as a continuance of the same storyline like this, “Fleeing the Five Points Records initiation, Paul escapes the occult with his life. Rev. Bill and the FBI save Paul and he falls in love with Nancy, the kidnapped teen from Atlanta. They uncover a huge conspiracy with the global illuminati group Mediacom. Paul discovers sorcery embedded in a web of shell entertainment groups. The musical note the diminished fifth was banned in the eighteenth century church for having the repeated pattern of 666 as the numerical value. After recovering new information that ties this Mark of the Beast into almost every scope of modern entertainment Paul is shocked to see everyone involved in this apocalyptic theory. All levels of society are involved, including the law enforcement protecting him. Who can he trust? Where will he go? What will do?”

Williams says, “We have been really blessed to have some awesome people work on these projects. The main editor for the first fiction book was the same guy who edited the book turned into football movie, Facing the Giants. The second book has had an awesome group of people rally around it, as well. If The  Harry Potter and The Twilight book series can be so influential on a generation , I think the avenue of fiction has potential to reach the millennials with the Gospel in our stories. The America public wants to see the good news represent in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. I’ve had meetings with NBC Universal producers looking for Christian content, because the demand has increased so much. We have seen the trends in the past few years and I thank God media is reaching them with non-traditional ways of outreach.

I’m all for church and preaching the gospel. In fact, the reason these books are five years a part is because I’ve travel extensively sharing my testimony and preaching revivals. We are a part of many church and evangelistic efforts, but if the church is going to reach the largest “unchurched” generation America has ever had it will be through unconventional ways. Most people don’t realize this, but America has become the third largest mission field in the world. Only twenty percent of the millennials attend a church on Sunday morning, but eighty eight percent of them read fiction. If the church is going to reach them it won’t be in the church. We have to ‘Go to the highways and byways’ before they will come in the doors of the church.”

“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”  Luke 14:32 KJV

After being radically saved from 10 years of drug and occult involvement in a bar through a Damascus road experience, Shawn Patrick received a burning commission to evangelize the United States and the world. His style of preaching brings a revival culture to the Body of Christ.

Shawn Patrick has also authored several books and has co-hosted and wrote televisions scripts for five seasons of Roc House Café, a Christian music video show which airs internationally. Recognized nationally and internationally as an end time evangelist, he has traveled to 23 nations and ministered in 26 denominations. Shawn Patrick passionately speaks each year through radio, TV, conferences, festivals, concerts, churches and international crusades. His personal experience of the power of the Holy Spirit, powerful deliverance from addiction and the occult, and background has aided in giving him a platform to speak to the next generation of Believers. His passion is revival fire and seeing Christ saves lives. He attended Christian Life School of Theology and received his Masters from the Institute of Theology and Christian Therapy. He has a Doctor of Divinity from Day Spring University and was ordained as a bishop in 2009 and is ordained in the IPHC. He then launched Warrior Nation Fellowship, which is a ministerial network. He is founder of an outreach to the  millennials called i3, which is his base in Greenwood, SC.

Shawn Patrick lives in Greenwood, South Carolina with his wife Christy and their four children: Sethe Patrick, Isabella Jordan, Ada Grace, and John Ellison.

The Church and Same Sex Marriage by Shawn Patrick Williams

The Church and Same Sex Marriage

by Shawn Patrick Williams

The Church is faced with its biggest challenge in decades. In global ecclesia, there is pressure to take a stance one way or the other on same sex relationships. People are drawing lines, and denominations have been split over this relevant cultural issue. The scripture is the church’s ultimate guidebook to make decisions about cultural issues people are facing. Culture may change, but God’s Word does not. If you’re in a church where the Bible is not your main basis for guidance, get out! That being said, let’s look at some of the scripture church bases protocol for homosexual relationships.

“Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone… So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs… And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man…”

Genesis 2:18-25 ESV

“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”

Leviticus 18:22 ESV

“For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.”

Romans 1:26-28 ESV

“The sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine.”

1 Timothy 1:10 ESV

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality.”

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ESV

“Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.”

Jude 1:7 ESV

It is fair to say that both the Old and the New Testament scriptures agree that homosexual behavior is sinful. There are dozens of references in the Bible on this issue. Even the human reproductive system will testify that a man and a man cannot reproduce naturally, nor can a woman reproduce with a woman. The scripture goes on to show us that it is a sign before the judgment on a culture. Our culture has accepted this as normal and the Supreme Court has made this issue at the forefront of marriage. So how should the church respond?


While many people in America are celebrating the equal rights of all humans, which I’m for, it is important that the church does not celebrate the sin in which this act represents.  I am thankful that I live in a nation that protects the rights of all individuals regardless of race, social status or sexual orientation. However, the church is responsible to lead upholding Biblical truth and instruct culture on spiritual matters, not the government.  If the church celebrates homosexual expression in our society, than we set the example to the society that scriptural compromise is okay on any cultural topic.


Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:8 ESV

For too long the church has been hypocritical in our approach to reaching the LGBT community. If someone dealing with this issue walks in most churches in America, the outcome has been unacceptable. We rebuke the gay couple while we hate, gossip, judge and lie right beside them. Unfortunately, we have called out the same sex couple in public, but not even addressed the other issues sitting right beside them that are Biblically defined as sin, which in God’s eyes are no different from homosexuality.  People who operate out of hate will continue to bring shame to the Body of Christ and cause the world to see an improper representation of Jesus. Hate is the opposite nature of God. He is love. I apologize on behalf of the church to anyone who has ever been singled out or persecuted by the church because they were gay. When the church can love the world instead of retaliating against it we will see the greatest revival the USA has ever known.



“ And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:30-31 (ESV)


What is toleration? Toleration is “the practice of deliberately allowing or permitting a thing of which one disapproves.” God hates sin, but loves the sinner. God sent Jesus to redeem me from my sin, and God tolerated my sin until I made a choice to follow Jesus. The two highest laws in the kingdom of Christ are love God and man. Who is your neighbor? Yes, the LGBT community is your neighbor.  While God is love, He does not compromise. The church must learn love and interact in culture without compromising what they believe the scripture teaches.

I lived in midtown Atlanta, Georgia when I was selling drugs and going through some of the darkest times in my life. Midtown has one of the highest percentages of LBGT people among the communities in the South. Some of the nicest, most nurturing and accepting people are found in the homosexual communities. I have many people in my life that are homosexual, and I love them. I may not agree with them, but I do love them. I will talk about my beliefs as I have opportunity, but I always show the love that brought me to Jesus in the first place.

As a minister, I welcome the LGBT community to my services. I teach the Bible and won’t apologize; however I won’t hate or condemn anyone for anything. It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict.  We have many people who follow the cause of Jesus Christ that used to follow the cause of the LGBT community.  If we spend more time fighting for the cause of Christ, we spend less time fighting for the lesser causes and much less time fighting with each other.  Jesus Christ wants a cultural revolution to take place in the church of America. This is a love revolution that allows all people to receive the love and forgiveness of the cross regardless of their past sins. When we, as the church, can have a community of believers that create an atmosphere that is easy for people, regardless of their past sin, to come hear God’s Word and receive the power of the cross for their life, that’s when people change and the greatest awakening this nation has ever known will take place. Jesus loves you and has an awesome plan for your life, no matter what your past is.




Gathering the Harvest for the King,

Shawn Patrick Williams

Shawn and Christy

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Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

1. We believe that partnership is based on relationship.

Partnership isn’t a veiled attempt to raise funds. It’s the joining of efforts, resources and faith to empower you for victory and bring in the last days harvest of souls.

2. We are good stewards of any gift.

As you sow into Warrior Nations, you can be assured that your money will be handled with integrity. We pray over your harvest, use the funds to share the Word of God on every available level of our reach via revivals, international “World Harvest Crusades”, books, street outreaches, media, “Impact” school of ministry, international and local humanitarian efforts, prayer ministry, prison ministry and more…

3. We pray for you every day!

Shawn Patrick and Christy, their family and the Warrior Nations volunteer staff are committed to you. We pray for your prosperity, health, victory and protection on a daily basis.

4. You will be updated monthly.

Every month, Shawn Patrick and Christy personally write a letter to their partners. We made the commitment in 2002. We stay before the Lord until we receive a fresh word just for you.

5. You get access to Word-based teaching.

We have more than 12 years in ministry teachings available for you. Whether you read the newsletters, partner letters, visit our website, watch our broadcasts on television or YouTube, attend an event or enjoy a specific book teaching, you’ll always find teaching you need.

6. Your information will never be shared.

We value your trust, and want you to understand that the information you give us is precious and protected. Warrior Nations will nevershare, rent or sell any of your information.

7. Together, we’ll make a difference.

As we join together in partnership, we share each other’s anointings and giftings—and make a bigger impact on the world because of it. By ourselves, we can do some good…but together, we’ll truly make a difference!


Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff everyday!

Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $30, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small!

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”
2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Thank you and may God richly bless you for supporting the end time harvest!


Cultivating a Kingdom Culture By Shawn Patrick Williams

Cultivating a Kingdom Culture

By Shawn Patrick Williams

As I have traveled around the world to share my testimony, one of the most significant blessings has been seeing the amazing diversity in the Body of Christ. I grew up in a denominational setting and I praise God that I did, because it was a very evangelical environment. I attribute my passion for souls to the deposit that was given to me during that time. However, I have grown to appreciate all the amazing facets of Christ’s Kingdom on this earth.

”Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:10 (KJV)


The word kingdom in this verse introduces a new concept, as Christ was establishing the New Testament Church. The word means “Realm.” In this context, the word is referring to a royal heavenly realm. Jesus was laying a foundation for all His followers to continue in and that was bringing unity between Christ’s heavenly kingdom and this fallen earth. Denominations have done the opposite of that. Over two millennia the kingdom of Christ become extremely divided. Jesus established the Church, not denominationalism.

There have been seven major groups of denominations which have arisen from the Biblical historical Christian faith: Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and four Protestant families. No matter what Protestant belief you are it was a byproduct of one of these groups: Pre-Reformer, Lutheran, Anglican, or Reformed.

The doctrine of the Christian faith is universal, but the philosophies that carry that doctrine vary greatly. It is extremely significant to understand the difference between doctrine and philosophy. I belong to a denomination that very much mirrors the philosophy and understanding of how I demonstrate my faith in Christ. However my basic doctrine is the same as all followers of Jesus Christ in the global Christian church. I have been to 23 nations and preached in 26 different denominations of the Christian church without compromising what I believe to do so. I have learned to focus on their strength instead of their weakness, and the teachings, practices and protocols I have learned have been extremely beneficial to my ministry.

The Apostle Paul made some important statements in his letter to Philemon (a leader in the home church in the home church in Colossae) in order to establish how followers of Christ’s kingdom should view each other. Paul was writing to reconcile a converted slave name Onesimus, who is believed to have left Philemon, his wealthy owner and ran away for his freedom. Paul was trying to neutralize Philemon from looking at Onesimus as an investment and view him as a newly converted brother in the family of God. When Paul addresses Philemon, I believe God was speaking intentionally about how we are to perceive our brothers and sisters in the Kingdom, especially those who adhere to a different group or denomination.

Fellow Labourer

“Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer” Philemon 1:1

Fellowlabourer means “coworker”. Paul was establishing that they were working toward the same cause. Christ kingdom being established on earth. At the end of the day their efforts and energy were going toward the same goal. The present day church must learn to work together much like the first century church did.

Fellow Soldier

And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house” Philemon 1:2

Paul used the term “fellow soldier” to address the believers helping Philemon in the house church. This word literally means, “co-campaigner”. Now the word campaign means, “A series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal.”  Paul was referencing the fact that they were promoting the same cause. When two opposing politicians get in a campaign fight they are promoting two opposite agendas. The outcome is a zero-sum game: one loses and one wins. In the Body of Christ we are supposed to have the same campaign and the same cause.  Paul had to address this in a different situation with the church of Corinth.


Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:5-9

Paul made it clear that in the functioning of the churches, we are one in God’s eyes. It’s not my ministry or your ministry. It’s Christ’s ministry, and He will judge us according to our heart’s attitude in the way we work together. The spirit of competition is killing the New Testament church in North America. I’ve seen jealousy and envy destroy and divide many churches at their appointed time of the Spirit visiting their church.

However, I have seen prayer, worship and youth pull a city together for the cause of Christ unlike anything else. If you can focus on these topics, almost any Christian group will come together and put their differences aside. If we don’t learn how to work together down here, we are in for a big surprise when we get to heaven.

Fellow Prisoner

There salute thee Epaphras, my fellowprisoner in Christ Jesus” Philemon 1:23

Fellow prisoner means, “co-captive” and is a reference to the shared tribulations Christians face. Paul was not stranger to tribulation. He understood what the New Testament Church was facing ahead. John, author of the book of the Revelation, had a peek at this when the angel told him of the martyrs in the last days waiting on the rest of their brothers and sisters that would be killed in Revelation 6:10-11.

According to a 2013 report from the Vatican 237 Christians die a day for their faith. Todd Johnson, director of CSGC, told the BBC, “The truth is two thirds of the 2.3 billion Christians in the world today live… in dangerous neighborhoods. They are often poor. They often belong to ethnic, linguistic and cultural minorities. And they are often at risk.”

Just recently a proposal was made to the United Nations to recognize the current global killing of Christians as this century’s new holocaust. I traveled to Pakistan this January and visited the site of churches burned by the Taliban. I have worked in Nigeria for a decade and heard pastors tell how their churches were burned. Some saw their families and church members martyred for their faith in Christ. As a global church we must stand together in prayer and support in times like this. In speaking to a bishop from Uganda he told me of the national persecution that actually brought the believers in his nation closer together. They learned to stand together to make it through the fire.

My encouragement to the Christian church today is that we lay aside the things that divide us and focus on the things that unite us. If we learn to die to our agendas and prejudices, the love of Christ will be what the world sees in us. We won’t have any problems cultivating healthy and successful churches.

Gathering the Harvest for the King,

Shawn Patrick Williams

Shawn and Christy

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Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

1. We believe that partnership is based on relationship.

Partnership isn’t a veiled attempt to raise funds. It’s the joining of efforts, resources and faith to empower you for victory and bring in the last days harvest of souls.

2. We are good stewards of any gift.

As you sow into Warrior Nations, you can be assured that your money will be handled with integrity. We pray over your harvest, use the funds to share the Word of God on every available level of our reach via revivals, international “World Harvest Crusades”, books, street outreaches, media, “Impact” school of ministry, international and local humanitarian efforts, prayer ministry, prison ministry and more…

3. We pray for you every day!

Shawn Patrick and Christy, their family and the Warrior Nations volunteer staff are committed to you. We pray for your prosperity, health, victory and protection on a daily basis.

4. You will be updated monthly.

Every month, Shawn Patrick and Christy personally write a letter to their partners. We made the commitment in 2002. We stay before the Lord until we receive a fresh word just for you.

5. You get access to Word-based teaching.

We have more than 12 years in ministry teachings available for you. Whether you read the newsletters, partner letters, visit our website, watch our broadcasts on television or YouTube, attend an event or enjoy a specific book teaching, you’ll always find teaching you need.

6. Your information will never be shared.

We value your trust, and want you to understand that the information you give us is precious and protected. Warrior Nations will nevershare, rent or sell any of your information.

7. Together, we’ll make a difference.

As we join together in partnership, we share each other’s anointings and giftings—and make a bigger impact on the world because of it. By ourselves, we can do some good…but together, we’ll truly make a difference!


Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff everyday!

Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $30, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small!

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”
2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Thank you and may God richly bless you for supporting the end time harvest!

The New Breed of End-Time Intercessors by Shawn Patrick Williams

The New Breed of End-Time Intercessors

by Shawn Patrick Williams


Every spiritual awakening in the United States has been a response to the travailing of an army of intercessors within the Church, standing in the gap for our nation and pushing the forces of darkness back with a bombardment of heaven to intervene in the earth realm with the supernatural power of heaven. It’s important to understand that 90% of churches in America are made up of fewer than 100 members. This is what the majority of the Body looks like in the USA.

The Distracted Warrior                                                                                      Image result for prayer warrior 

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:8 (KJV)


The enemy has assaulted the prayer strategy of the American Church. The function of the prayer warriors and groups operating effectively in the local Body has been non-operable or at best dysfunctional in many ways. A recent study showed that the average American Christian prays one minute a day, while the average pastor prays five minutes a day. I have worked with many churches and prayer groups over 16 years and can say that one of the most difficult outreaches to keep constant and functioning in the local church is prayer.

Distraction is one of the end-time intercessors’ biggest enemies. Our culture has programed this generation through media to have an attention span of roughly five minutes. The new breed intercessor will have 5 or 10 messages pop up on their phone while they are reading the Bible or playing worship music on their smartphone, which breaks the momentum of their prayers.  The older generation “prayed though” until the natural realm was changed by their prayers, but it took focus to “press in” and push toward those things that “be not as though they are”. They did not have all the distractions we have today. The iPhone wasn’t going off at all times of the night and day. Their schedules were not pressed so tightly that prayer times were scheduled right out. This generation’s access to technology can be a great blessing, but it often includes a greater distraction.

The Spiritual Arsonist

If you are one of this new breed of intercessors that has set the parameters that keep your prayer life from being distracted by the things of this world, there is another scenario that can render your gift from being effective. I call this scenario spiritual arson. The spiritual arsonist is passionate and sincere. They haven’t had the experience to understand how their gift functions within the local Body of Christ. They tend to burn everything up around them.  Let’s look at a parallel in the Old Testament:

 2 Chronicles 26:1-21 (NIV)

Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in place of his father Amaziah… Uzziah was sixteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-two years… He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, just as his father Amaziah had done.  He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success…He then rebuilt towns…God helped him against the Philistines…and his fame spread as far as the border of Egypt, because he had become very powerful…Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem… and he fortified them…Uzziah had a well-trained army…he made devices invented for use on the towers and on the corner defenses so that soldiers could shoot arrows and hurl large stones from the walls. His fame spread far and wide, for he was greatly helped until he became powerful.

But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God, and entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense.  Azariah the priest with eighty other courageous priests of the Lord followed him in.  They confronted King Uzziah and said, “It is not right for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the Lord. That is for the priests, the descendants of Aaron, who have been consecrated to burn incense. Leave the sanctuary, for you have been unfaithful; and you will not be honored by the Lord God. Uzziah, who had a censer in his hand ready to burn incense, became angry. While he was raging at the priests in their presence before the incense altar in the Lord’s temple, leprosy broke out on his forehead. When Azariah the chief priest and all the other priests looked at him, they saw that he had leprosy on his forehead, so they hurried him out… King Uzziah had leprosy until the day he died. He lived in a separate house leprous, and banned from the temple of the Lord…”

Uzziah represents the next-generation prayer warrior. They love the Church, have godly mentors, and excel in their assignments, which are many times connected into the community or local government. God gives them favor, business ideas and abilities that are a direct result of their passionate prayer life. Many come into the church with worldly experience, but haven’t had spiritual experience. Therefore they bring a worldly experience into a church function.

Uzziah became dysfunctional in his assignment. His motives were correct, but his heart was not. This led to him stepping out of order in the house of God. Many new generation intercessors have this happen in the New Testament equivalent of the temple, the Church. I’ve seen old-school intercessors give a “word of knowledge” to the congregation that was so on point and accurate, yet they would not even touch the microphone. And they had asked the pastor and elders three times if it was appropriate to share the word at that time. The edification that resulted from their obedience and humility was so evident that you can’t help but hug them, even after being corrected.

The spiritual arsonist will grab the mic without respecting the office of their leader. When they deliver the word it is often out of order, out of season or void of love to edify the Body and restore people to a place of wholeness and function. When this happens the leader will often sit them down or not allow their gift to function until they have matured in it. A byproduct is that some have not learned to take correction from their leaders and retreat or rebel.  Either way, they become dysfunctional in the Church, and just like Uzziah, they attempt to finish their assignments outside the local Body. Many feel hurt, rejected and alone. They hide in a separate house “banned” from the temple.

The Spiritual Ninja

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails (to have or exercise force, or to push) much.”

James 5:16 AKJV

God is raising up spiritual ninjas for our nation and the Church. I have laid hands on thousands of new believers that are operating in a radical prayer anointing. There is a battle for these solders in the spirit realm. They must be trained, refined and released. The devil doesn’t see their anointing or weapons, but they are more effective than any other generation, because this group of spiritual ninjas are taking it to the streets. They don’t just “go” to church; they are the Church. They’re not distracted or out of order. They become effective and respected.

End-time intercessor, don’t be afraid to function. Simply stay in order, don’t be distracted, and function in love.

Gathering the Harvest and Advancing His Kingdom,

Shawn Patrick Williams



Revival 3

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Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

1. We believe that partnership is based on relationship.

Partnership isn’t a veiled attempt to raise funds. It’s the joining of efforts, resources and faith to empower you for victory and bring in the last days harvest of souls.

2. We are good stewards of any gift.

As you sow into Warrior Nations, you can be assured that your money will be handled with integrity. We pray over your harvest, use the funds to share the Word of God on every available level of our reach via revivals, international “World Harvest Crusades”, books, street outreaches, media, “Impact” school of ministry, international and local humanitarian efforts, prayer ministry, prison ministry and more…

3. We pray for you every day!

Shawn Patrick and Christy, their family and the Warrior Nations volunteer staff are committed to you. We pray for your prosperity, health, victory and protection on a daily basis.

4. You will be updated monthly.

Every month, Shawn Patrick and Christy personally write a letter to their partners. We made the commitment in 2002. We stay before the Lord until we receive a fresh word just for you.

5. You get access to Word-based teaching.

We have more than 12 years in ministry teachings available for you. Whether you read the newsletters, partner letters, visit our website, watch our broadcasts on television or YouTube, attend an event or enjoy a specific book teaching, you’ll always find teaching you need.

6. Your information will never be shared.

We value your trust, and want you to understand that the information you give us is precious and protected. Warrior Nations will nevershare, rent or sell any of your information.

7. Together, we’ll make a difference.

As we join together in partnership, we share each other’s anointings and giftings—and make a bigger impact on the world because of it. By ourselves, we can do some good…but together, we’ll truly make a difference!


Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff everyday!

Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $30, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small!

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”
2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Thank you and may God richly bless you for supporting the end time harvest!

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TN Appalachian Mission Trip/Boot Camp 2015

Appalachian Mission Trip/Boot Camp 2015


Date: July 16th-20th 2015

Location: Newport, TN

Venue: Feed My Sheep Ministries 125 C Ave, Newport, TN 37821

(423) 625-3130



4pm Orientation & Welcome

4:15pm Introduction to Staff

& Introduction to the Week’s


5pm Meal

6pm Devotion and Training for Weeks


8pm Hotel Down Time. Swimming,

Chilling, Etc.



8am Breakfast

9am Maximum Impact Prayer Session

10am Teams Break for Daily Assignment

  • Team A: Soup Kitchen
  • Team B: Evangelism

Mobilization Preparation

  • Team C: Miscellaneous

12pm Lunch

1pm Back to Teams

4pm Video Game Tournament

5pm Dinner

6pm Devotional/Service

8pm Hotel Down Time



8am Breakfast and Devotion

9am “White Water Rafting” (Daily


3pm Hotel Down Time

5pm Dinner

6pm Downtown Pigeon Forge

9pm Hotel Down Time



8am Breakfast

9am Devotional

10am Housing Authority Outreach

7pm Topical Small Groups

9pm Hotel Down Time



8am Breakfast

9am Devotional

10am Main Outreach Prep

12pm -5pm Main Outreach

& Closing Week’s Comments.

After Service You are Dismissed.

Safe Travels Home!
We are so excited that you are joining us in this State-side Mission Outreach. We pray that you are not the same at the end of the week as you started. We pray that God moves upon you, rearranges you, and brings out even clearer your call, to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It doesn’t matter what denomination or personal background you may come from, a WNIM mission trip will challenge and equip you to excel in your Christian faith! –Revs. Shawn Patrick & Christy Williams


There is no charge for this trip!!! You must get your own hotel and come ready to serve the Lord through serving others this week!

Ecclesia America: A Church in Crisis by Shawn Patrick Williams

America has been a safe haven for the Gospel for many years. Around the turn of the millennia, America celebrated the fifth centenary of the first preaching of the Gospel on its’ soil. We have been the largest missionary sending nation in the world for over a century shining as a beacon of light, hope and an example of the great commission to all nations.

Presently, America is in crisis. We are no longer the largest Christian nation or the largest mission sending nation. South Korea has taken the lead in missions and China in having the most believers in a nation. As a matter of fact, America has the largest “unchurched” generation it has ever known. According to an article called, “Religion among the Millennials” released by the “Pew Research Center” only 18% of Millennials attend a church regularly.

Franklin Graham said in recent interviews that the two greatest threats to the American church and America are the homosexual and Islamic agenda. I know that these two topics are big controversies for America. I am intensely concerned about both; however, I do not believe that either are the greatest crisis that the Church is facing right now in America.

“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can seeRevelation 3:14-18 (NIV).

The Church of America has lost its’ first love and as a result, all these issues have risen. American Christians for the majority have lost their commitment and passion for Jesus Christ. We have worshiped in buildings that we have not had to pay for, we have preached sermons that we have gotten online that we haven’t sought God for, and we have experienced a harvest on the seed that our forefathers have sown for.

Many American Christians complain when the church service runs too long, or the air is too hot or cold. We leave the church if the leaders tell us something we don’t want to hear, even when it is biblical truth. Leaders have been more concerned about numbers, nickels and noses that we have compromised the message for being culturally sensitive or ecumenical driven.  We have spent more time over 50 years entertaining the church of America rather than training the church of America that we have produced “perverts” instead of “converts”, allowing unbiblical same-sex relationships to not only be married, but ordained. For decades, we have been “seeker friendly” rather than “seeking Him.” As a result of this shift, we now have a harvest of juvenile believers that don’t recognize truth nor desire it. With a shortage of Bible truths, there becomes no foundation to stand on when times get tough, and times are tough.

The American church has become so worldly and the world so “churchy” that we have a hard time differentiating between the two. Perhaps this is one reason people don’t frequent church as much in America anymore. We need to get back to a place where we are presence driven with a purpose, rather than purpose driven limiting His presence. Will the American Church even recognize a true awakening when it takes place? We are accustomed to “four points and a poem.” When believers wait, or tarry for the presence of the Holy Spirit in a service to start moving and have His way, will we label it as weird, witchcraft, or something foreign? The working of the Holy Spirit is sometimes considered unfamiliar to the church rather than common to it.  The pattern for how the New Testament church functions is clear in the Holy Scriptures, which is unchanging.

I have traveled on five continents to see the Church and it is in revival! Jesus is coming back. The Church is alive and well globally. They are passionate, faithful, courageous, and committed, even when they are faced with death, torture or economic isolation. Persecution is a reality and global believers are taught to be ready for this possibility from their beginning stages of discipleship.

Most American believers don’t fully understand discipleship. We have been disciplined and desensitized by our electronic addiction so much that we spend 6 to 7 hours a day on devices, but we don’t read our Bible 6 or 7 minutes a day. America has allowed Hollywood to dictate the trends and Disney to raise our kids. Now we are experiencing the results. We need a New Testament Holy Spirit shaking. Will it take this shaking to get America back to its’ first love? Will the next crisis in America be the catalyst?

I love the words of Jake Hamilton in his song entitled, “The Anthem.” “I can hear the footsteps of my King…I can hear a holy rumbling…Loosing chains and breaking down the walls, I want to hear the Father when He calls. This is the anthem of our generation. Here we are God, shake our nation. I’m gonna shake history. I’m gonna change the world.”

God is raising up a new breed of believers out of the mess in America. It’s one with a warrior spirit, but not with the weapons of this world. They have the love and power of Jesus Christ. We have seen many Muslims and homosexuals come to the Jesus Christ over the 16 years of preaching the cross. It wasn’t because we are preaching a message of hate, nor of anger. The Gospel is a message of love, grace, power, hope, redemption and holiness. That is what changes people’s lives, not comparisons or compromises.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

It’s time for American to humble ourselves, seek the face of God, repent and get back to the biblical foundation on which America was founded. God has an awesome plan for America in these last days. The greatest revival and awakening we have ever known is before us, not behind us. The thing is, it’s coming through a people broken and humbled. It’s coming through a passionate cry to heaven to touch these United Sates of America with rivers of living water. It’s coming through a remnant of prayer warriors who will be relentless and “hot” in their pursuit of Jesus Christ.

So my cry today is, “Where are all the warriors?”

Revival 3

Shift! by Christy Williams

Great News! It’s Time To Shift Into Promise!
View this email in your browser

December 16, 2014

Great News- A Shine Update

Fast Time: Every Other Tuesday (1st & 3rd)

Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing! Above all, please be Spirit-led as you fast. Please note that this is the designated time frame set forth by the Shine Empowerment Network. You are invited- but not required- to join us in any way that you can. If you have a medical condition that prevents a complete fast, then please look for another way to participate. Use wisdom and follow the Holy Spirit.

Teaching: Time to Shift! Are You Willing and Ready?

Anything that is alive, should change. We grow as children into adults, yet in between that process are stages. If a ministry is alive with the Spirit of God, it should be growing, changing, and evolving more and more into the image of Christ. Now, I know we don’t like the word- change, but it doesn’t have to have a bad connotation. We can grow from glory to glory. Change, shift, focus – should all be words that provoke us as Believers to take a closer look. Currently in the Body of Christ, the word “shift” keeps coming up. It also keeps coming up in my spirit. Folks, get ready, it is time to shift! Change is here.

Isaiah 60:1-2, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.”(NIV)

Isaiah 1:19, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land;”(NIV)

Mark 9:29, “And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.”(NIV)

We are entering into the season of change this New Year. It is coming quickly. God is calling for us to arise. He wants us to shift from fear to faith, from doubt to courage, from hiding to shining. God wants the world to see Him. He wants His glory to be experienced. He is ready to show out! His question to us is, “Are you willing and ready?” If so, get ready to eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19)!

Shine Empowerment Network was birthed out of an encounter with God during my prayer time around 11 months ago. We started by obeying the call of God with a one-night conference called, “Shine-Come to the Light Encounter.” It was a powerful night where many were touched by the hand of God. I preached a message from Exodus about Moses encountering the burning bush. Moses encountered the glory of God through that experience and left with instructions directly from God. He was chosen, appointed, and called yet unsure of his abilities to do exactly what God had called him to do.

He may have stuttered his way through fulfilling the call of God, but through it, He met the God of his ancestors. The one His mother had whispered to him about as she nursed him as a child. Through the burning bush, He met face to face, the One and true God. He had heard and been taught of all the gods of Egypt as a Prince, yet in his running from his sin, he ran right into the Most High God. He ran into the one and only one who held his destiny- to be a deliverer of God’s people, foreshadowing the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Let me share this with you. WE CAN’T WALK OUT THE CALL OF GOD ON OUR LIVES ALONE. It MUST be through His Spirit. We just have to be willing and obedient. The rest is up to Him. Folks, this is simply have I have decided to live my life. As Chris Tomlin sings on his Passion cd, “I will follow You- no turning back, no turning back.” God is not calling us to sit down somewhere, but to arise and shift into the promises of God that He dies to give us. It’s not time to quit but to refocus and advance.

Prayer & Fasting
Shine Empowerment Network’s “Shiners,” folks who simply believe and act on the fact that we are called to shine forth His light in a dark world(Isaiah 60:10), are committed to fulfilling the commission that the Lord has given us. We have been doing so faithfully for 10 months through prayer and fasting every Tuesday from 6am-6pm. By direction of the Lord, we will shift and start fasting every other Tuesday in 2015. These will be the first and third Tuesdays of every month. We have seen so much fruit from these days.
Testimonies of deliverance for individuals and others have poured in. Testimonies of financial breakthroughs, healings, and restoration have been sent in. Saints of God have received impartation from the Lord, grown closer to Him, and heard Him clearer in these times. Family members have been saved and lots more have been interceded for on these days. Praying combined with fasting can have exponential effects. He wants to start with you and then extend to others as you intercede.


We will also add 1-2 annual conferences to the schedule of Shine, so be on the lookout for advertisements this upcoming year. These conferences will be held to bring the Body of Christ together as one. We will hold themed conferences as the Lord directs, to be an asset to individuals, couples, families, and ultimately community for the glory of God. No matter what church you attend, God wants us to come together as one body. We will have out of town speakers and worship at these conferences. We will advertise on Facebook, email, and on HIS Radio, so be on the lookout.


At the very beginning of Shine, the Lord impressed on my heart that we would do outreach. One outreach that He showed me would have to do with backpacks. Recently, he has opened a door for us to participate with an agency already set-up and distributing backpacks to the community. We are partnering with The United Way with their “Backpack Snack Packs” outreach to the local elementary schools. We are so excited! I learned a while back that when someone is already doing something well, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. We should come together.

This January 8, 2015 we will participate in our first outreach under Shine Empowerment Network. I shared this information at our last Shine meeting and we signed up folks to help. If you would like to be added as a driver (we already have three), then please contact me by responding to this email or calling. The outreach entails packing small boxes into our cars (at least 4 drivers/cars are desired) and then driving them to your assigned school. The backpacks have to be received by the school anywhere between 12-2 pm. We will meet at 11am to pack cars at The United Way (929 Phoenix Street • Greenwood , SC 29646) and then set out. Sign-up ahead of time (864-337-4965) is a must and being faithful is also a must. We are representing God, by being called Christians. Let’s be His hands and feet, represent Him well, and SHINE!

Shine Emails

The bi-monthly Shine emails will continue. These emails are designed to empower and teach. We believe that you are empowered through His Spirit to live out your faith and shine. We also believe that we are to continue learning because knowledge is key along with wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 24:3-4 (NIV) says, “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” We want to be houses for His presence ever increasing in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, filled and shining with beautiful treasures. May we continue to be expanded in the knowledge of Jesus Christ!


The Rise and Shine Brunches will also continue being held once a month on a Saturday. This is a time of food, fellowship, and impartation through teaching. We will be periodically adding local guest speakers. Make plans to join us. Your presence is needed and welcomed!

As you can now see, change doesn’t have to be bad. Change happens, shifts happen, ALL for the glory of God. Let’s continue growing and make His light BRIGHT for the New Year. May you enter into the promises of God, may He bring restoration and reconciliation, and may He make your way prosperous as you are willing and ready to be obedient. Time to eat the good of the land- SHIFT!

A Word From Christy

Don’t grow weary. Change is on the horizon. Suddenlies are being released. Keep your hope up. It’s not time to faint, but to forge ahead. God is about to show out. Even recently God has been showing out in the sunrises and sunsets. This is only a foretaste to come of the creative power of our Lord. Get ready, get set- SHINE forth! Declare He is coming!

Shining Brightly for the King,


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Demons: Are They Oppressing You?

Demons: Are They Oppressing You?
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November 4, 2014

Demonic Oppression: Are You Kidding Me?

Fast Time: Tuesdays 6am-6pm

Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing! Above all, please be Spirit-led as you fast. Please note that this is the designated time frame set forth by the Shine Empowerment Network. You are invited- but not required- to join us in any way that you can. If you have a medical condition that prevents a complete fast, then please look for another way to participate. Use wisdom and follow the Holy Spirit.

Teaching: Demons: Can They Do That?

With Halloween just passing, I thought, what a better time to talk about this subject. Demons. Some folks don’t even believe that they exist. Some folks believe they do, but they don’t need to concern themselves with the subject. And then there are the others. The ones that are called, chosen, and appointed to do God’s work and are faithful about it. They can tell you that demons certatintly are real and active. You can’t argue with those people. You simply won’t win. You can’t tell them that the enemy that they fight- isn’t real. There is simply too much evidence.

1 Peter 5:8 (KJV), “ Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

I John 3:8 (KJV), “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

Acts 10:38 (KJV),  “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.”

God wants us to come into maturity in our understanding of Satan and his demons. How can you fight, what you do not even acknowledge? He wants us to enforce His victory over their kingdom of darkness. Afterall, He did fight a battle and arise victoriously, right? He wants us to know the Truth and the Truth shall make us free. Only free people, can free others. He wants us to grow in maturity and faith and to appropriate His freedom by casting out demons.

Whether you realize it or not, when you became a Christian, you became an enemy to darkness and everything associated with it. You signed up for war, even if you weren’t aware. But the Good News is, that the war between good and evil- it’s already been decided who the winners are. You just have to know which you are: the loser or the victor! You just have to decide where you stand because God has already offered a better way.

Many Christians do not realize that they can be oppressed by demons. As a result, they do nothing to stop this oppression, which leaves them at the mercy of the Devil. That’s not the place that Jesus left us at. Many people question whether Christians can “have” a demon. A Christian cannot be possessed by demons because possession implies ownership. A Christian is “owned” by God. God tells us that we were bought with a great price. However, Christians can be oppressed by demons if they have provided any open doors or legal ground through which demons can work. To stop demonic oppression, the legal ground must be reclaimed.

Let’s look at two definitions:
1. Demons are invisible spiritual entities with minds, emotions and wills of their own, in league with and under the control of Satan. They are out to do his bidding and to torment the people of God” (Derek Prince). 2. Demonic Oppression is the term used to represent the “pressure” exerted by demons to get us to sin, to keep us involved in sin, to blind us to God’s truth and/or to keep us bound in limitations. Usually demons have an open door to gain access to us.

Many Christians have allowed Satan to deceive them into believing one of two major lies: 1) That he and his demons don’t exist; OR 2) That he and his demons are too powerful for Christian believers. Either lie is devastating to the successful Christian life. These are Ungodly Beliefs that we must get rid of.

It is recorded on many occasions that Jesus did demonic deliverance. It was never strange or hidden. In John 3:8 it says that Jesus came “to destroy the works of the Devil.” Jesus also passed on His ministry to His disciples. The main requirement for doing demonic deliverance is being a Christian believer. “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues” (Mark 16:17). The deliverance ministry is clear. Equally obvious is the fact that Jesus extended His authority and Name to believers to also do deliverance.

Some Ways Demons Oppress

See if you relate to any of the following ways that demons oppress us, working hard to destroy us and our lives.

  • Afflict. To inflict something hard to endure
  • Harass. To annoy or disturb persistently, to wear out by frequent attacks
  • Influence. To exercise indirect power over in order to sway or affect
  • Oppress. To lower in spirit or mood
  • Torment. To cause severe suffering of body or mind
  • Torture. To punish or coerce by inflicting excruciating pain
  • Worry. To disturb one or destroy one’s peace of mind by repeated or persistent torment
  • Wrong. To inflict injury on another without justification
The question arises whether or not demons know our thoughts. The answer seems to be that if the demons are “inside” a person that they can, but they cannot if they are on the “outside.” However, demons do plant thoughts in our minds, so they often know what we are thinking because they have planted the thought! They also study us to know our weaknesses, so they try to predict and influence our behavior.

The first goal of demons is to prevent us from receiving salvation. If that fails, they work at preventing Christian maturity. They try to shut us down and make us ineffective. Their chief strategy is to try to get people to turn away from God. They do this through many forms of temptation, harassment, and also from challenging God and His Word. Demons lie to us and work hard to have us lie to ourselves!

Another form of harassment is accusation and criticism. Demons will interject condemning thoughts into the minds of believers. They particularly like to stir up the past with thoughts of, “You really should have…” or “If only you had done…differently.” Demons are on a “seek and destroy” mission. They work together and strategize. They take advantage of our weaknesses and they love times when people are either physically and/or emotionally weak or vulnerable. They attempt to affect all areas of a person: body, soul, and spirit. They don’t’ play fair. We shouldn’t take demonic oppression lightly.

If we don’t know our weakness, we are in for trouble, because the enemy sure does know our weaknesses.

Open Doors

Demons sometimes target people for special attacks; particularly those who are serious about serving God and who are advancing the kingdom of God. Demons target people, also, where there has been occult involvement and/or dedications in the past generations, or where the person himself has been involved in occult. There are some very specific “open doors” by which demons frequently gain entrance into a person’s life.

Common open doors include:

  • Inherited Curses
  • Sins of the Flesh
  • Emotional Trauma
  • Passive/Trance State of Mind
  • Occult Involvement
The sins of the flesh are the door that we most frequently open. This is particularly true if the sin is repeated and becomes a pattern or lifestyle of indulging the flesh.

It is important to remember who you are in Christ. Christ has given you as part of your identity the authority and rule over Satan and his demons. “Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and (physical and mental strength and ability) over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you” (Luke 10:19 AMP).

It is also important to remember who the deliverer is! Jesus delivers us from demonic oppression. It is the power and authority through HIM that allows us to be free from demonic oppression. We command the demons to leave in the name of Jesus, which is above EVERY name.

“You know Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38 NAS).

Tips For Walking It Out

  • Satan is always roaming around seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8). Therefore, be aware that he will make attempts to get you to return to past behaviors and sin. By returning to the old, you will re-open doors that have been closed through the prayer time. Remember God always provides a way of escape for you in the midst of every temptation. Many times that way of escape is simply the power of your choice (I Corinthians 10:13).
  • If you realize you have re-opened a door, then be quick to repent. Simply get honest with God, confess our sin, and ask for forgiveness. (I John 1:9)
  • Satan may be persistent in trying to draw you back to the old patterns, sin, and behaviors. Stand firm in your authority, and fight those battles. You will get stronger with each victory.
  • Remember to first submit yourself to God (which means you surrender to His way of doing things) and then you resist the Devil and he WILL flee from you. (James 4:7)
  • You can help resist the enemy by guarding your mind, mouth, and your activities. There may be changes in your lifestyle that need to take place, so you can help yourself. (Example: build Godly relationships, let go of ungodly relationships, limit the amount of television, or what you watch on television, don’t listen to ungodly secular music or particular types of music, etc.)
  • You have been learning how to fight and stand against’ Satan. There will be moments in your life as a Christian that you need to engage in spiritual warfare on your own. Remember that as a believer, you have the same authority as any other believer. You just need to  know who you are in Christ.
  • Stay in the Word and spend time in prayer. These two aspects are vital to your growth and life with Christ, and will help you know how to stand against Satan and his tactics. Battles may come daily, so you need to use the weapons of God’s Word and daily prayer, as well. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing which means to talk and communicate with God constantly (Ephesians 6:18).
  • Praise and worship are mighty weapons. If you read the book of Joshua, there are many examples of times in battle where the Israelites praised their way to victory. Turn on a praise and worship CD in times of temptation or struggle and begin to praise and worship God. This helps you get your focus on God, and not on the battle or temptation.
  • Accountability – you may want to develop a one-on-one relationship with someone to help keep you on track in a specific area of your life where you have struggled the most. This type of a relationship offers you prayer support and encouragement that is helpful in the midst of temptation and struggle.
  • Grow in and be filled with the fruits of the Spirit. These are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22)
  • Daily put on the WHOLE armor of God. This includes truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. (Ephesians 6:14-17)

A Word From Christy

Friends, I can personally testify to the freeing power of the Name of Jesus. It is unlike any other name and carries with it authority and power. We come to Him just as we are, but praise God, He doesn’t leave us that way. He didn’t pay the ultimate price, His very life, to have His children walk around defeated and oppressed. He truly came to set the captives free, no matter how long we have been captive, no matter who put us in captivity, no matter what! God is so good that He provides good gifts, good things, and ultimately grace, mercy, and sustaining power to overcome.

I came to the Lord with a lot of issues in my life. I had sinful patterns, generational sins, and life hurts that I needed freedom from. The enemy didn’t want me to gain freedom, but wanted to continue to harass me in these areas. He wanted these doors to remain open in my life so that he could continue to oppress me.

It was a process of finding freedom, retraining my mind in the Word, and becoming comfortable in my new authority as a child of God. I had to grow in it. I never gave up because I had tasted of the freedom and new life in God. So, I continued to work in areas of my life to gain freedom. Let me tell you it is worth it. Any areas that you are experiencing these symptoms, I believe that God is enough to set you free. Will you surrender these area to Him today? Will you trust Him to set you free in His mighty name today from these areas? He is interceding for you right now at the right hand of the Father. He is willing and ABLE to make you free! Just dare to believe, ask, and act!

Shining Brightly for the King,


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