Word of the Lord For Texas.

                                                                     Warrior Nations International Ministries

Oct 31st 2014, I was on a flight to Miami for a Spiritual Warfare conference and I was halfway between asleep and the reality realm when I heard the Word of the Lord, “Why am I talking to you about Texas? Because I AM pouring My Spirit out there and I AM about to display My nature and power there. In Dallas, in Houston, in Austin, and even in San Antonio says the Spirit of Grace. An open heaven is taking place and this is why Texas is a battle ground.  Battles on the borders and the judicial benches. Battles in politics and pulpits. Texas will prevail and My people have proven to be battle ready. What the enemy meant for harm to My people has not prospered. It has brought them unified. Texas is an example and forerunner to the Nation of America of what is about to come. “Let My People Go!”


Apostles and leaders will rise to strength in this Texas and My Spirit will sweep the land. Texas will display, restoration and even rediscovering its pioneering foundation, but now in the forefront of the Church. A fresh new church planting movement will come forth from this great land and it will reform failing denominations sayeth the Spirit of Grace.

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Shawn Williams

Ungodly Beliefs: Freed To Be Free

October 21, 2014

Ungodly Beliefs: Freed To Be Free

Fast Time: Tuesdays 6am-6pm

Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing! Above all, please be Spirit-led as you fast. Please note that this is the designated time frame set forth by the Shine Empowerment Network. You are invited- but not required- to join us in any way that you can. If you have a medical condition that prevents a complete fast, then please look for another way to participate. Use wisdom and follow the Holy Spirit.

Teaching: Ungodly Beliefs- Freed To Be Free

Our beliefs should line up with God’s Word. Have you ever heard a Christian say something that they believed and you thought, “Well, that’s completely not true.” Our beliefs shape us. If we are His, our beliefs should reflect His beliefs. The only way to find out what He believes is to read His Word. Society nor culture should be our foundation for what we believe. It should be the Word of God.

Proverbs 23:7 (AMP), “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

2 Corinthians 10:5, “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Your thoughts have power.  We know that your thoughts have an influence on your actions. You can have godly beliefs or ungodly beliefs. Satan influenced Eve in Genesis 3:4 to disobey by twisting the truth. He deceived her in her mind (her thoughts) before she acted and committed the sin of eating the forbidden fruit. Our thoughts affect our action. They must be taken captive and made to line up with the Word of God. We must be aware and diligent to guard our thought life. After all, thoughts affect our entire life. We have a responsibility to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Living in a fallen world, we must daily renew our minds (Romans 12:2).

Everyone, to some extent, lives out of wrong beliefs. Ungodly beliefs are “lies” about ourselves, about others, and about God. They are dangerous because they affect all of our perceptions, all of our decisions, and all of our actions. Let’s take a look at the source of ungodly beliefs, their power in our lives, and how to exchange ungodly beliefs for godly beliefs.

What Is A Belief System?
How do Our belief system includes our beliefs, decisions, attitudes, agreements, judgments, expectations, vows and oaths. Any beliefs that agree with God (His Word, His nature, His character, etc.) are our godly beliefs. Any beliefs that do not agree with God (His Word, His nature, His character, etc.) contribute to our ungodly beliefs. Our beliefs affect who we are, how we perceive ourselves and how we relate to others, to the world around us, and to God. They determine how Christ-like we become, and even the quality of our Christian lives. The ungodly beliefs can be like a vise grip putting tight constraint on our lives, choking out the abundant life that Jesus promises.

The “perfect” ungodly belief is one that appears to be absolutely true based on the facts of our experience and yet it is absolutely false based on God’s word.

  • “No one loves me.”
  • “I am all alone.”
  • “I am defective.”
  • “God doesn’t love me.”
Although these statements are completely false, most people who think this way do not even realize it. Until an ungodly belief is pointed out to us, we continue on, day after day, living our life based on a lie. When we finally recognize an ungodly belief, we realize how completely at odds it is with God’s Word. John 8:44 clearly warns us that Satan is a liar, it is his character and he hates the truth. Exposing ungodly beliefs exposes Satan’s continuous attempts to drive us away from God’s truth which states we are His beloved children (John 1:12).

What Are Ungodly Beliefs And How Are They Formed?

  • We inherit wrong beliefs from our families or friends.
  • They are lies that have been formed in us since childhood about ourselves, others and God.
  • They are formed out of our experience.
  • Beliefs are formed from hurts, traumas, negative experiences, and words people say to us.
  • Beliefs are formed from the facts of our experiences.
  • An ungodly belief is a belief or attitude that does not agree with the Word of God.
The most tragic ungodly beliefs Satan has introduced to this generation are:
  • You came from nothing.
  • You live for no reason.
  • You are going nowhere.
  • You will never succeed.
Some Results of Ungodly Beliefs
Ungodly beliefs:
  • Set us up for unhappy relationships.
  • Cause distortion so that we make mountains out of mole hills.
  • Cause us to take everything personally.
  • Cause us to be a prisoner to put-downs or sarcasm, anger or other unhealthy patterns of relating.
  • Cause us to hurt and defile those we love.
  • Cause our faith to be eroded.
  • Undermine our relationship with God.
  • Give place for Demonic Oppression.
  • Hinder God’s blessings.
  • Trap us so that we don’t fulfill our destiny.

The Belief-Expectation Cycle

To better understand the Belief – Expectation Cycle, consider this example:
  • Experience.  Teacher embarrasses you in front of others.
  • Belief.  I’m not smart and/or teachers are mean.
  • Expectation.  I’m stupid and/or teachers will always treat me that way.
  • Behavior.  Refusal to study, i.e. What’s the point of studying for a test because I’m stupid? (and/or) I’ll act up in class since teachers will embarrass me anyway.
The way to stop the Belief – Expectation cycle is to intervene between the Experience and the Belief stages of the cycle. We must choose God’s truth as our new belief. When we replace the old lie with God’s truth, then the other parts of the cycle will change.

Think of an example of an ungodly belief that has operated in your life. What experience got this belief established? What expectations and behaviors come out of this belief? Are you ready to change this belief? Let’s do it!

Breaking Free of Ungodly Beliefs

So how do you stop thinking the way you have always thought about things? Romans 12:1-2 says don’t be the way the world is and don’t’ think the way the world thinks, but be transformed into the image of Christ by the renewing of your mind. So how do you do that?

When you think, your brain generates electrical energy that travels from “neuron” to “neuron.” As these electrical pulses travel across your brain, the neurons involved develop more, creating a pathway that is ever more easier for the electrical pulses to follow. Thus your brain develops a system of trails or highways. When you think a thought over and over again, that trail becomes a deep rut. Having thought the thought over and over again, it will begin to affect your reasoning and become a part of your belief system. You will eventually justify or defend your actions even though they may be ungodly. You will eventually convince yourself that you have a good reason or right for your beliefs and resultant actions.

To break out of this downward spiral, it will take some determined effort. It takes time to o change a direction. Just as it took time and repetition to form your ungodly beliefs, it will take time and repetition to replace them with your new godly beliefs. God has provided the way, but you have to choose it. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 instructs us to pull down, tear down, every thought that is against God.

Ungodly beliefs are not God’s thoughts, so those thoughts are trying to put themselves above God. God and His thoughts should be what are exalted in our life, not ungodly beliefs. The battleground is in the mind. We need to apply God’s weapons against everything that would try to keep our thought patterns and habits in the old way. Strongholds of fear, worry, bitterness, anger, shame, control, etc. need to come down and be replaced by Christ’s thoughts. Ungodly beliefs are open doors inviting Satan to come into our minds. If we don’t reject Satan’s lies, then we accept them as truth. Isn’t it awful to think that we are believing and trusting what Satan says about us more than what God says about us? God promises He has given us all we need. (2 Peter 1:3-4).

We become what we believe we are. It is important that we not only verbally agree with the Truth of what God says, but also that we believe it in our hearts. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7 (AMP). The following ideas are practical ways to help you walk out what you have learned about changing your ungodly beliefs to godly beliefs.

  • Remember you have prayed breaking agreement with Satan’s lies. Satan will attempt to bring more lies into your mind, or remind you of old lies. When he does, apply words from II Corinthians 10:3-5 and replace any lies with a Godly Belief.
  • For a season you will need to continually “take captive your thoughts” until Satan understands you are not buying into his lies any longer. Satan may attempt to “hound” you with specific ungodly thoughts or beliefs, but if you continue to take your ungodly thoughts captive and renew your mind with the Word of God, Satan will eventually back off.
  • Since you have gone through the process with your counselor/minister of breaking agreement with ungodly beliefs and replacing them with godly beliefs you are now responsible for applying your new godly beliefs to your entire life.
  • Speak aloud your godly beliefs consistently every day for at least one month. Speaking your godly beliefs aloud helps your mind to be renewed and your heart to be transformed. Some godly beliefs may take several months. Work on them until you know your mind has been renewed.
  • Remember, your mind often wants to continue in the old thought patterns. Do not give up.
God tells us in Philippians 4:8 that we are to think on positive truth, to renew our minds. We begin renewing our mind with the following things. As you think and mediate on these things, they will begin to take root in your heart. He also tells us in Hebrews 4:12 that His Word is alive and powerful. It will expose ungodly beliefs. If you continue to speak your godly beliefs and take time to pray over them, they will become a part of who you are and what you believe.

Reap A Destiny Poem

This poem shows the progress from our experiences leading to a belief and ultimately to our destiny. Our belief system is very important!
If you accept a belief,
You reap a thought.
If you sow a thought,
You reap an attitude.
If you sow an attitude,
You reap an action.
If you sow an action,
You reap a habit.
If you sow a habit,
You reap a character.
If you sow a character,
You reap a destiny.

A Word From Christy

Friends, this prayer counseling material completely set me free when I became a Christian. Thank the Lord for revelation and knowledge. I was stuck for years in wrong beliefs about myself, the world around me, and a lot of other areas! I had to have my mind renewed with the Word. First, I had to recognize the lie, break my agreement with it, and then, replace it with the Word.

I had a precious Christian couple walk me through this process, helping me identify the ungodly beliefs that I spoke and believed. This wasn’t a one time thing. With help from the Holy Spirit, our Helper, I continued to identify ungodly beliefs that I spoke and thought. This is a continual process that brings so much freedom. I pray that you find this material helpful and that pick it up as a tool and break free from the lies of the enemy. Remember, only those who are free, can free others! Choose the abundant life that Jesus died to give you.

Shining Brightly for the King,


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What Do You Do When Life Happens And Leaves You Hurt?

What Do You Do When Life Happens And Leaves You Hurt?
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September 8, 2014

Life Hurts, But God Heals

Fast Time: Tuesdays 6am-6pm

Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing! Above all, please be Spirit-led as you fast. Please note that this is the designated time frame set forth by the Shine Empowerment Network. You are invited- but not required- to join us in any way that you can. If you have a medical condition that prevents a complete fast, then please look for another way to participate. Use wisdom and follow the Holy Spirit.

Teaching: Life Hurts But God Heals

If you have lived for any length of time, you have probably experienced pain at some level.  No one is exempt from life. It happens to all of us- sinners and saints alike. The difference is who we turn to for help. It may be that life slapped you in face in the form of adultery, it could be dealing with your prodigal children and your broken heart, or it may be that life showed up as rejection. Unfortunately, the forms of life’s hurts ALL come in various situations and scenarios; however, the answer to ALL of it is the same. We are all born into this world with the same nature- the sin nature. We are born into it as a result of the Fall recorded in Genesis. As a result of this nature, people hurt people. It’s inevitable. It may have been your beginning, but doesn’t have to be your end.

Isaiah 61:1-3, “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” (NKJV)

Psalm 142, “I cry out to the LORD; I plead for the LORD’s mercy. I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles. When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn. Wherever I go, my enemies have set traps for me. I look for someone to come and help me, but no one gives me a passing thought! No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me. Then I pray to you, O LORD. I say, “You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life. Hear my cry, for I am very low. Rescue me from my persecutors, for they are too strong for me. Bring me out of prison so I can thank you. The godly will crowd around me, for you are good to me.” (NLT)

The pain of past hurts rules many lives. It simmers, it stifles, and sometimes it shuts a person completely down. However, God heals hurts. He is waiting and ready to touch our deepest pain if we will let Him. In a sense, His healing is another divine exchange, in which we offer to Him our hurt and He offers to us His healing. Psalm 147:3 states, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (or sorrows).”  “Brokenhearted” refers to the wounds in the innermost portion of ourselves. Most of us do not know how to go about receiving this wonderful healing gift of God. Some of us have not been aware that this level of deep healing was available. Jesus came to bind up the broken hearted and to heal all our infirmities: spiritual, emotional, and physical.

In an excerpt from He Still Moves Stones, Max Lucado, helps us to see how much God wants to heal our hurting hearts.

“Why did God leave us one tale after another of wounded lives being restored? So we could be grateful for the past? So we could look back with amazement at what Jesus did? No. No. No. A thousand times, no. The purpose of these stories is not to tell us what Jesus did. Their purpose is to tell us what Jesus does. ‘Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us.’ Paul penned. ‘The Scriptures give us patience and encouragement so that we can have hope.’ (Romans 15:4) These are not just Sunday School stories. Not romantic fables. Not somewhere-over-the-rainbow illusions. They are historic moments in which a real God met real pain so we could answer the question, ‘Where is God when I hurt?’ He’s not just doing it just for them. He is doing it for me. He’s doing it for you.”

Hurts of either the soul or spirit of a person are carried and experienced within that person himself. They are hurts on the inside that have been suppressed and hidden. They are invisible. Hurts affect the mind, beliefs, emotions, will, relationship with God, and relationships with others. Sometimes our hurts come not only from what was done to us but also from what was not done.  There are many different intensities of hurt. Some hurts are the result of a one-time incident, but some are ongoing and constant. Ongoing hurts need ongoing healing. Some of you have experienced hurts that only God knows. God cares about your hurts and wants to heal them. Hurts also have consequences when not dealt with. Here are some facts about hurt:

  1. Hurts begin in the family and affect the entire family.
  2. Hurts affect the entire person.
  3. Hurts cause other hurts.
  4. Hurts cause lies (ungodly beliefs) to be established.
  5. Hurts cause ongoing vulnerability and hopelessness.
  6. Hurts cause shame.
  7. Hurts cause defense mechanisms.
  8. Hurts cause us to wear “masks”.
  9. Hurts cause restricted growth.
  10. Hurts cause blocked emotions.
  11. Hurts can lead to demonic oppression.

Hurts cause our real identity to become unrecognizable. Defense mechanisms that we use either to express our hurt or to protect ourselves from further hurt are disguises, like masks, covering the real identity. Do we recognize the hurt underneath these cover-ups and disguises? God explains in Isaiah 61:1-3 and Luke 4:18-19 that Jesus came specifically to heal us and set us free from hurt and Satan’s lies which helps us to remove our masks.

Hurts restrict our vision of who we are and who we can become. Hurts also block intimacy in relationships, affecting whom we relate to and what we let ourselves do. They are like invisible walls, holding us in and others out. They also act as invisible chains that will not let us move too far away from our hurt-distorted concept of ourselves. Hurts, the birthing place of fears, cripple our potential and keep us from becoming all that God has ordained for us to be.

I Pour Out My Complaint
When we find emotions of anger, frustration, helplessness, etc., stored inside of ourselves, it is important to release these negative emotions to the Lord. We were not designed to carry emotions, particularly negative ones. They need to be released so that we can receive healing to our bodies as well as our soul and spirit. God has given us permission to release these in ways that are safe for us and for others.

There are many examples in the scriptures when God’s people “Poured Out Their Complaint” before the Lord. One excellent example is David in Psalm 142. This is a crucial part of the healing process. We are to take the innermost issues of our heart to God. His message is unmistakable – be real. We are to hold nothing back from our heavenly Father who already knows everything that is hidden in our hearts.

There is no formula on how to pour out your heart to God or on exactly how he will minister to you. You just need to be willing to believe and trust God wants to touch the hurt places of your life. This is the time when God wants to do a great exchanging of joy for mourning, healing for pain, purity for shame, love for abandonment, and freedom for captivity. As you are able to release your pain to the Lord, He then is able to fill you with healing, His love and His truth. Remember God is not a taker; He is a receiver and a giver. As you give Him your wounds, pain, and bondage – He receives them and in turn gives you liberty, healing and restoration.

Jesus is the healer. Healing takes place as we invite Him into our situation of hurt. As we encounter Him, He shows us how He sees our particular situation. He gives us the truth so we can begin to change the lies we have believed into Godly Beliefs. He shows us His love, and that He was there with us (even when at times we didn’t realize it). Sometimes He shows us His own pain about what we went through. Sometimes He helps us forgive others, or forgive ourselves. Other times, He may lovingly correct us – and show us where we acted wrongly. When Jesus comes, He brings with Him the full power of the cross – forgiveness, restoration, freedom from hate, fear, anger, guilt and shame.

When we are deeply wounded, we need to continue allowing Jesus to heal our wounds, until there are no more hurts left to heal. The problems may be different that we experience in life, but the answer is the same- Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came to save, deliver, and heal!

A Prayer for Healing from Life’s Hurts

“I ask You, Holy Spirit, to reveal the hurt You want to heal. I choose to pour out my heart, to express my hurt and frustration, my pain, fear, or anger. I humble myself before you repenting of unforgiveness, removing any hindrances in my life that may block your healing from fully healing me. I pour my complaint out. (Tell Him about it.) And I receive Your healing touch. I break my agreement with any and all of the ungodly beliefs or lies attached to this hurt that I had received. In Jesus name, Amen.”

A Word From Christy

I am reminded of a quote from Life Coach/Minister Amanda Wells, from Amanda Wells Ministries in Brisbane, Australia, that we hosted as a guest speaker at a recent i3 service in Greenwood, SC. She said, “You really don’t have a purpose, if, you haven’t had a complaint.” Wow. What good news. The events and hard things that you have went through in life, God can turn around and use for His kingdom. You just may have gone through all that mess to bring about a message! The problem comes when folks wanna skip the healing process for the promotion to the pulpit. God has ordered in His word a process that is beneficial and produces much fruit, if we will submit to the process. Healing is for today- physical, emotional, and spiritual. It is found in Him and His Word. I dare you to get healed today. Stop carrying that hurt and hurting others. Let it go today and pour it out before the Lord. He wants you to be healed more than you want to be healed. After all, He gave His best while we were still in our mess! Let Him bring a wonderful, awe-inspiring, provoking message out of you so that where He has planted you, you may bloom. Don’t forget- He wants the glory. Let Him have it starting today in your life with your life hurts. Let Him make them into Life’s Hallelujahs! Get ready, get set, it’s time to Shine!

Shining Brightly for the King,


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He Is My Victory. He Has Received The Crown!

He Is My Victory. He Has Received The Crown!
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September 15, 2014

He Wears The Victor’s Crown

Fast Time: Tuesdays 6am-6pm

Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing! Above all, please be Spirit-led as you fast. Please note that this is the designated time frame set forth by the Shine Empowerment Network. You are invited- but not required- to join us in any way that you can. If you have a medical condition that prevents a complete fast, then please look for another way to participate. Use wisdom and follow the Holy Spirit.

Teaching: Oh, He Wears The Victor’s Crown

Recently my hubby and I were on our way back from a ministry trip to Houston, TX. As we drove back home from the airport, late at night, we were praying and praising the Lord, like we often do in the car. A series of worship songs came on the radio. They all painted a picture of victory. One in particular was Darlene Zshech’s  “Victor’s Crown” off her Revealing Jesus cd. As we worshipped, the presence of the King, permeated the car. I knew that we not alone and that we had the attention of the Master. He instructed me to research and write about the Victor’s Crown.

John 19:2 (ISV), “The soldiers twisted some thorns into a victor’s crown, put it on his head, and threw a purple robe on him.”

1 Corinthians 15:55-57 (KJV), “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

2 Timothy 2:5, “Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules.”

Revelation 6:2, “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

Let me first share with you the words to the powerful song that touched me.

“You are always fighting for us, Heaven’s angels all around
My delight is found in knowing that You wear the Victor’s crown
You’re my help and my defender, You’re my Saviour and my friend
By Your grace I live and breathe To worship You
At the mention of Your greatness,
In Your Name I will bow down, In Your presence fear is silent
For You wear the Victor’s crown, Let your glory fill this temple
Let Your power overflow, By Your grace I live and breathe
To worship You
Hallelujah, You have overcome, You have overcome
Hallelujah, Jesus You have overcome the world
You are ever interceding, As the lost become the found
You can never be defeated, For You wear the Victor’s crown
Every high thing must come down Every stronghold shall be broken
You wear the Victor’s Crown
You overcome – You overcome
At the cross the work was finished You were buried in the ground
But the grave could not contain You For You wear the Victor’s crown”

I am reminded of an image I saw recently on Facebook. It has a picture of a woman on it with the words, “My dentist says I need a crown. I was like, “I know! Right?!’” As humorous as this is, we as Christians are called to run a race and told that there are prizes or crowns to be given as consolations. We have hope that our efforts to a sacrificial life as saints are achievable and rewarded because of THE finisher of our faith- Jesus Christ.

Many of us have been looking at one point or another in our lives for someone to save us, rescue us, or bring us out feeling that we can’t run anymore. We may have found ourselves in positions that were inescapable in our own power. Depression, financial bondage, rejection, or betrayal, all products of living in a sinful, fallen world, but there has been made a way of escape. You are called to be an overcomer, not a victim, but without a fight, there can be no victory. If these things listed have been an enemy to you at some point or any other situation, heads up- A VICTOR HAS ARRIVED!

In the Scriptures, there are two types of crowns mentioned in the NT, στέφανος [stephanos] and διάδημα [diadēma]. Most discussions of these two words indicate that the stephanos is a victor’s crown, whereas the diadēma is a royal crown. The Greek word used for crown in the following passages: (Matthew 27:29; Mark 15:17; John 19:2,5) all describe Jesus’ crown of thorns as: stephanos – the Victor’s crown.  Jesus’ crown of thorns that the soldiers rammed down onto his head was, in fact, “The Victor’s Crown.”

Let’s take a look at what the Greek word meant when they used it to describe this crown. In ancient Greece, victors in the Olympic games were praised as “wearers of the wreath.” The stephanos was the usual crown of exaltation for victors of games, achievements in war, and places of honor at feasts. Each Victor Crown has it category of rules to be obeyed in order to win the crown. A specific stephanos wreath or crown was given to the victors of each of the four Greek games [Olympian, Nemean, Pythian, and Isthmian]. Paul used the Greek word stephanos for the four Victor Crowns that are available to all church age believers who are willing to engage in the angelic conflict and play according to the rules ascribed to each crown. So we conclude that stephanos refers to the crown worn by a winning athlete. It symbolizes victory. It will be worn by all church believers who compete in specific categories of the angelic conflict and play according to its rules and win (2Timothy2:5).

The Bible mentions five crowns that are available and will be presented. All are victor’s crowns but in different areas. They deal with different aspects of the Christian life.  The crowns reflect levels of maturity in regards to a believers growth and accomplishments of service to the Lord.  They are placed here in a possible list in the order that they could be obtained by the believer. They are as follows:

  1. Incorruptible Crown for mastery over the sin nature.
  2. Crown of Righteousness for living righteously in this world.
  3. Crown of Life for enduring trials while proceeding in God’s plan.
  4. Crown of Joy for leading others to Christ and in righteousness.
  5. Crown of Glory for fulfilling your calling and finishing the work assigned.

Let’s look at each crown for further examination.

1. Incorruptible Crown (1 Cor. 9:25) – this crown would be the first level a believer would attain to.  This crown indicates mastery over the sin nature. The Corinthians are being urged to run the Christian life in such a way as to receive the reward in the end.  Here the emphasis is in self-control.

“They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. . . I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.”  

Paul is focusing the believers on running the race or living the life God has given them to compete in. Just as each life has a race, each life has a reward available. Only those who run the race and run it according to the rules will get a prize. The crown or stephanos would wither and sometimes was withered either of pine or celery at the time of the victory but it meant fame, prestige and fortune.  The symbol of victory would fade but the fame was more enduring. Paul does not run aimlessly (9:26), meaning he does not live his Christian life without purpose or direction.  Nor should we if we want to achieve what has been made available to us.  Consider someone who enters a race not knowing the distance or direction.

2. Crown of Righteousness (2 Timothy 4:7-8) – The second level of crowns goes to those who live righteously in this world while they look forward to Christ’s return.  They are those who are not captivated by this world, but hunger and thirst after righteousness.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”

This is a crown for righteous behavior and an upright life. “Have longed” is in the perfect tense and  suggests those who greatly anticipated Christ’s return in the past and continued to do so up until the moment of the rewarding. This life is describe by Paul to Titus in Titus 2:12,13: “[The grace] teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” “Fought” is the word “agonizomai” and though it can refer to a military fight, it is clearly a reference to training and competing in athletics. It is the same word translated “competes in the games” in 1 Corinthians 9:25  – “make every effort” in Luke 13:24  – “struggling” in Colossians 1:29  – “wrestling” in Colossians 4:12  – “strive” in 1 Timothy 4:10  – “fight” in 1 Timothy 6:12  – “race” is the noun form in Hebrews 12:1.

The same awards awaits all who qualify.  Notice the “fight” (or, the agony of training and competing) comes first, and then the successful “finish” of the race.  The believer cannot think they will achieve victory without the struggle of preparing for and demonstrating righteousness.

3. Crown of Life ( James 1:12; Revelation 2:10) – The third level to attain to is to proceed in God’s plan for your life while enduring trials. The believer who moves forward in God’s call and assignment in the face of difficulty, even martyrdom, will receive this crown.

“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”

“Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer.  I tell you the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days.  Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

Testing and trials are part of the Christian life.  It should be understood that when faced with test and trials many Christians turn back and do not continue on the path God has called them to run on.  Jesus said we would have trouble: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first” (John 15:18). Paul writes to Timothy, “You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings-what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:10-12). The doorway to the next level towards fulfilling God’s plan is to endure hardships and persecution. We are called to be faithful to the Lord in the trial. The Lord is faithful to reward us for enduring the trial.

4. Crown of Joy (Philippians 4:1; 1 Thess.2:19) – This crown is for those who lead others to Christ or demonstrate fruitfulness by influencing others towards righteousness.

“Therefore, my brother, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends!”  “For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes?  Is it not you?  Indeed, you are our glory and joy.”   

Rewards are not just for how we live and what we do, they are also for the influence we have on how others live and what they do. It was being said in Thessalonica that Paul did not really care for the Thessalonicans, but Paul said he did, and it should be obvious, since they will result in a crown for him if they succeed. Gabriel tells Daniel in Daniel 12:3, “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens and those who lead many to righteousness,  like the stars for ever and ever.”

5. Crown of Glory (1 Peter 5:4) – The greatest achievement is to fulfill your calling and finish the work God gave you to do. The scripture reference is speaking to pastors who finish their work faithfully, but this crown is not ONLY for pastors. It is for anyone who finds and fulfills their assignment God has given them.

“To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder. . . One who will share in the glory to be revealed:  Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care. . .and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.”  

Again we see the rewards being given upon Christ’s return.  Here Christ is seen as the Chief Shepherd paying his workers that he contracted out labor to shepherd for him. Earthly crowns or stephanos were made of vines, etc.  This crown is made out of Glory (Isaiah 28:5)! Just like Paul’s crown in 2 Timothy 4:7,8 was available to “ALL who long for Christ’s appearing,” this crown is also available to all who serve at the position and with the capacity they were given. It is not just the office of pastor, although that is the context of the verse. The application extends to all believers who become what God has created them to be and they serve him in that position.

A crown will one day be given to Jesus, according to the Book of Revelation (6:2), to showcase Him as the returning, conquering King. Loyalty to Christ may result in a crown of thorns, but it will ultimately bring a crown of glory.

A Word From Christy

Dear Friends, we are not a people without reward. Our faithfulness and service are not for nothing. Often times, we see others around us being promoted and become jealous. We all have been given assignments from the Lord and with each assignment- the promise of reward. We must remain in the race and be determined to finish well. Jesus was a marvelous example of finishing well. When confronted with death, He said “nevertheless your will, not mine.” With an attitude like that towards life, WE CAN’T LOSE!

He is our reward and our victory! One day we will all stand before Him and give an account. I plan on hearing, “Well done thy good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21-23). I don’t know about you, but I started this race to win it. I have resolved to lay hold of that which has already been purchased for me. I choose to Shine for Jesus-wherever I go, no matter the cost. The price has already been paid. I will obey and leave the consequences and rewards to Him. He is a good Savior and Victor!

I love it! What the enemy meant for harm, God turned it around and used it for good. Satan thought he had mocked Christ and won, but oh the winnings from the race that Jesus ran, had already went into effect. He had crowned Him “The Victor” instead! So, the next time, you find yourself weary, ready to quit, remind yourself, God can get the glory out of this. He wants to further His kingdom through you. Will you let Him Shine through you and get the glory. After all, THOSE crowns we are going to win, we WILL LAY AT HIS FEET! Get ready, get set, Shine. It’s all for His glory!

Shining Brightly for the King,


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Behind The Celebration of Halloween Chapter 14 From Beyond the Darkness by Shawn Patrick Williams

Chapter 14 From Beyond the Darkness by Shawn Patrick Williams

Behind The Celebration of Halloween


Is It A Trick-or-Treat?

Halloween has become America’s second largest celebrated holiday of the year, only second to Christmas. The average American family will spend $44.00 a child on Halloween. America will spend $586 million on decorations, $2 billion on candy, $1.5 billion on adult costumes, and $2.7 million on greeting cards, pumpkins, and party supplies for a total retail sale of $7 billion during Halloween. “Other holidays have become less important. Halloween is the exception. It has become more important,” said Howard Davidowitz, expert on retail sales and president of a retail firm.160 It seems that Halloween has become big business in the American retail market, but what about the origins of Halloween? I mean, where did it all come from and what is it really all about?

It seems Halloween traditions, like many American holidays have been passed down from generation to generation from our dads and granddads and has sort of evolved each year taking on new additions and a few alterations. Over time, much of the original meaning has gotten somewhat distorted, so much to the point that no one really knows or pays attention to the core message.

With children all over the nation “trick-or-treating,” dressing up in costumes, bobbing for apples, carving “Jack-o-Lanterns” out of pumpkins, having large parties, lighting big bonfires, and telling scary stories, it is a time when most American families have a great time together. For adults, it is a time when the biggest parties of the year are held and everyone flocks to the scariest haunted houses for thrills. All the scariest movies are released during Halloween. I can remember my earliest memory of Halloween. The first release of the movie “Halloween” had just come out and I watched it at a preacher’s house. Then, we all went to a haunted house at the church later that night. I was so scared that I never wanted to go back there. With the recent increase of movies like the Harry Potter series, Van Helsing and other similar movies, we tend to lose sight of and sometimes shrug off the core message and meaning coming from these movies. It’s the same with the Halloween celebration. The American culture has become desensitized to the real message of Halloween. When you think of Halloween, what do you think of? Most people are excited about the parties and the candy. Most people plan to attend Halloween parties or go trick-or-treating. It is time of fun! But what are we excited about? What are we really celebrating?

Just think about a bunch of scary fantasies and stories with monsters and ghosts, witches and warlocks, tombstones and blood. Trick or treat? Blessing or curse? Where did it all come from and what does it all mean? Is it a bunch of silly stories and meaningless traditions or is there some truth and reality behind the traditions of the Halloween celebrations?


Discovering The Origins

The word “Halloween” in the American Heritage Dictionary161 says, “Halloween- October 31st, celebrated by children wearing costumes and begging for treats.” Halloween’s origins were not in America. America’s version of the Halloween celebration came from “Samhain,” an ancient Druidic fire festival celebrated by Celts who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Northern France. They celebrated their New Year on November 1st.

Celts believed that on the night before the New Year on October 31st, the door between the worlds of the living and the dead became open. They believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to the earth. They believed that the evil spirits caused trouble and destroyed crops. They also believed October 31st was a time when their Druid priests could make predictions about the future by consulting the dead, much like the modern day psychics do. To celebrate the festival, the Druids built huge sacred bonfires, were Celts gathered together to burn crops and offer animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities, Gwynn Ap Nudd for the British and Arawn for the Welsh. During the bonfire festival, the Celts wore costumes and sat around the fire attempting to tell each other’s fortunes. By 43 AD the Romans had conquered most of the Celtic territory. In the course of the 400 years the Romans ruled the Celtic lands, two Roman festivals were combined with the Druid festival of “Samhain.” The first was Feralia, a day in late October when the Romans celebrated the passing of the dead and the second was the day of Pomona. Pomona was the Roman goddess of fruit and trees and her symbol was the apple.162

How did Halloween become the celebration that it is today? The Roman Catholic Church had a celebration called “All Saints Day,” originally celebrated in May. This was a celebration to honor dead saints and martyrs. In 608 AD Roman Emperor Constantine pushed for the combination of the “All Saints Day,” with the ritual of “Samhain.” Some believe he was trying to appease the populace of new conquered territories. Pope Boniface IV moved it to November 1st. Rome’s Pantheon, a temple built to worship a variety of gods was converted into a church. While Christians celebrated the death of saints on November1st, Pagans devoted the night before October 31st to the lord of the dead. Over the centuries, the night of “Samhain” and “All Saints Day” have been intertwined creating the American version of Halloween.163 This is how Halloween originated!  You can clearly see the origin of some things we do during this time like “bobbing for apples,” carving pumpkins, and “trick-or-treating.”

Here are some facts about Halloween other than just its history. October 31st, Samhain or Halloween is one of the four major holidays (called Sabbats), which Wiccans and Satanists observe.164 Halloween costumes and bonfires on October 31st come from the ancient Druid ceremony of Samhain, where blood sacrifices were given to Celtic gods.165

The “Jack-o-Lantern” originated from occultists who would carve a scary face in a pumpkin and light a candle in it on their doorsteps on October 31st to scare away evil spirits that were released on this day of the dead. The practice of “bobbing for apples” brings together two Pagan traditions: divination and a fertility ritual. In some witchcraft covens, the closing ritual include eating an apple and/or engaging in fertility rites. The Roman goddess for fruit and trees is called “Pomona” and her symbol is an apple.166

The term “trick-or-treat” came from the Irish tradition when a man led a procession to ask for money from farmers. If the farmers would not, their crops would be cursed by demons. Black cats have represented, in the occult, incarnated humans, male violent spirits, or the “familiars” of witches.167

October 31st, 1517 was also the date Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany, which started the protestant reformation. Perhaps you are saying, “I understand the history is not godly, but how harmful can Halloween be? I’m not a witch or Satanist, I’m actually a Christian. I’m just trying to have a little fun! How harmful can Halloween really be? I mean, just because this stuff came from evil beginnings doesn’t mean it’s bad for me, is it?” We’ve already talked about the occultic beginnings of Halloween, but what does the Bible say about Halloween?


Blessing or Curse?

Halloween is the day when divination is practiced around the world more than any other day of the year. Being a festival of the dead, it is a time when witches attempt to communicate with the dead in many different forms.

In Deuteronomy 18:9-13 NASB it says, “When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who cast a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whosoever does these things is detestable to the Lord; and because of these detestable things the Lord your God will drive them out before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God.”

The Bible clearly tells us our festivals and celebrations are supposed to be focused on the Lord and the things concerning the kingdom of God. Our celebrations were never supposed to be focused on occultic history or their practices of the past. God gives clear warning about breaking this biblical law. God says to detest them, not celebrate them.

Because America has “learned to imitate” these detestable things in God’s eyes, our whole society has taken on a heavy occultic influence and seductive bondage as a result of observing ungodly rituals, even as harmless as they seem. Hosea 4:6 says, “God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” Ignoring God’s law can hinder and even destroy your spiritual growth and walk with Jesus Christ. The effects of this can be seen in the youth of the Body of Christ. But can ignoring these laws and celebrating occultic holidays open a “door” spiritually?  It is a scientific fact that the human brain is not finished developing until the average age of 21.

After talking to a child psychologist, she began to explain to me that during the first years 21 years of a person’s life, their mind is still developing boundaries for morals. They are still deciding what is right and wrong. The younger the child is, the more impact the situations have on the development of that child’s values. With America’s glorification of the celebration of Halloween, especially with younger children, the effects on our culture’s view of witchcraft and occultism can be very damaging. Many of the seemingly “harmless” Halloween traditions can be “entries” for the occult and can be very dangerous and destructive in the long run for the unaware, especially little children.

With the recent increase in occultic practices being glorified in our media, entertainment industry, board and card games, many Americans have been desensitized to the seriousness and dangers of occultism.  The consequences of ignoring these seemingly harmless entry points can lead to serious demonic oppression and even possession.

Halloween is nothing more than an introduction to the occult. The scripture says in 2 Corinthians 6:15-18 “And what concord hath Christ with Be’lial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you, And will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” God clearly tells us to be separate from practices and celebrations like Halloween that have occultic origins. Even some practices in America’s Easter and Christmas celebrations have been distorted over the centuries.


Protecting Ourselves

Many people have asked me over the years, “What can we do to protect ourselves from these ‘unknown’ traps in our culture?” First, know the origins of Halloween. Recognize and define occultism biblically. Second, know that the only thing that can protect you completely from all demonic forces and can break every spell and hex is the blood of Jesus Christ over your life. The blood of Jesus is more powerful than any demon and not only that, but it completely washes your sins away.

Listen to this powerful description of the blood of Jesus, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus”( Romans 3:23-26). This scripture says no matter what sin you’ve been involved in, occultism, pornography, murder, addictions, no matter what the sin, that the price of sin was paid for and the blood of Jesus broke the power of sin. It’s the key ingredient to breaking beyond the darkness.


160 John Chartier, “Retailer’s Not Spooked by Halloween,” Money, (CNN, 21 October 2002) p.1.

161 American Heritage Dictionary, ( New York, NY: Dell Printing, 1994) p.378

162 Chuck Missler, Signs in the Heavens, the Mysteries of the Planet Mars Halloween: Invitation to the Occult? (Kiononia House, 1991).

163 Bob Larson, Satanism: The Seduction of America’s Youth (Nashville, TN.: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1989) p.40.

164 Bob Larson, p.209.

165 Bob Larson, p.42.

166 Bob Larson, p.209.

167 Bob Larson, p.42.

Shawn Patrick Williams, Internationally known Evangelist coming to Glory City Church, September 12th and 14th.

Shawn Patrick Williams, Internationally known Evangelist coming to Glory City Church, September 12th and 14th.

You DO NOT want to miss the weekend of September 12th and 14th!  Shawn Patrick Williams is on fire for Christ and your life will not be the same after hearing him speak.  He has just returned from Glory City Church Brisbane and they loved him!

Friday night, September 12th  7:00 pm
Sunday night, September 14th  6:00 pm

Children’s church on Sunday night

Glory City Church
4963 West Price Road
Suwanee, GA 30024

Shawn Patrick Williams

Friday night, September 12th 7:00 pm

Sunday night, September 14th 6:00 pm
Children’s church on Sunday night

Glory City Church
4963 West Price Road
Suwanee, GA 30024

After being radically saved from 10 years of drug and occult involvement in a bar through a Damascus road experience, Shawn Patrick received a burning commission to evangelize the United States and the world. His style of preaching brings a revival culture to the Body of Christ. He attended Christian Life School of Theology and received his Masters in Psychology from the Institute of Theology and Christian Therapy in Granbury, Texas. Shawn Patrick has spent 10 years working with over 4,000 troubled teens in a secular clinical setting. He has worked with hundreds of teens struggling with the occult, suicide, cutting, gangs, drug addiction and many more issues.

Shawn Patrick has also authored several books, which have been covered by The 700 ClubTBNDaystar,Cornerstone, plus other nationally broadcasted TV and radio networks. He has had many of his books in stores like Books-a-Million, Family Christian Bookstores and Parable Bookstores. Shawn Patrick has co-hosted and wrote televisions scripts for five seasons of Roc House Café, a Christian music video show which airs internationally. Recognized nationally and internationally as a man of God, Shawn Patrick passionately speaks each year through radio, TV, conferences, festivals, concerts, and churches. His personal experience of the power of the Holy Spirit, powerful deliverance from addiction and the occult, and background in Psychology has aided in giving him a platform to speak about these topics to the next generation of Believers. His passion is revival fire and seeing Christ redeem lives. He has a Doctor of Divinity from Day Spring University and was ordained as a bishop in 2009. He then launched Warrior Nation Intl. Fellowship, which is an apostolic network. He is founder of the apostolic training centers called i3which is his base church in Greenwood, SC.

Shawn Patrick lives in Greenwood, South Carolina with his wife Christy and their three children: Sethe Patrick, Isabella Jordan, Ada Grace, and John Ellison.

Copyright © 2014 Glory City Church, All rights reserved.
Glory City ChurchOur mailing address is:

Glory City Church

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Suwanee,GA 30024


What’s In A Name?

It Is True That Names Have Power. So, What’s In His Name?
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September 2, 2014

What’s In A Name?

Fast Time: Tuesdays 6am-6pm

Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing! Above all, please be Spirit-led as you fast. Please note that this is the designated time frame set forth by the Shine Empowerment Network. You are invited- but not required- to join us in any way that you can. If you have a medical condition that prevents a complete fast, then please look for another way to participate. Use wisdom and follow the Holy Spirit.

Teaching: There’s Power in The Name

Names are common, right? Everyone seems to have them: Sally, Lucy, Tom, David. After all, if we didn’t have them how would we know who we were talking to when we started to conversate. Names are used for identification. In addition, in ancient Hebrew culture, names carried great significance. They might refer to an individual’s personality, relate to an event surrounding a person’s birth, or indicate a way that God would use the child’s life. A name conveyed the very character and nature of a person.

Philippians 2:5-11, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

John 14:13, “Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

Names are important. We have been especially conscience of what we named our children. We call them repeatedly it seems some days. With every breath, we are calling not only the name but the meaning behind that name as well. God put much importance on the power of our words. So, we speak destiny, purpose, & mission when we call our children what He calls them.  So, what’s in a name? More importantly, what’s in His name?

If you have been born-again, there is one name that should hold more importance to you than others. It is the name of Yeshua or Jesus.  After all, if someone would die for you completely innocent of any sins- that person should be pretty special to you, right? As the Son of God, Jesus was the most exalted person to ever walk the earth; therefore, His name is above every other name. He was blamed yet blameless. He was punished yet undeserving of any of it. He was willingly even though He didn’t have to be.

In Philippians 2:10-11, the apostle Paul explains that one day, every knee will bow to honor our Savior. Notice it says, every knee. That literally means, EVERY KNEE. It is a name that deserves respect and though used as a curse word today by many, one day, will get the respect deserved. It’s not just any name.

The name Jesus is the Greek version of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which means “salvation or God saves.” At the annunciation, the angel Gabriel gave him the name Jesus as his proper name, which expresses both his identity and his mission. This name indicates that Christ’s primary role was as the world’s Savior, not just a moral teacher. Scripture gives over 100 different names for Jesus, including the Son of Man, the Son of God, Prophet, Teacher, King of Kings, Immanuel, the Good Shepherd, the Light of the World, the Bread of Life, the Lamb of God, and our High Priest (Heb. 4:16; 1 Tim. 2:5). In the New Testament, the disciples usually address Jesus as “Lord” (Ps. 103:19).

There is no salvation or hope of eternal life apart from the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12). Many religions teach that people can earn divine favor through good deeds. The truth is, you and I might be able to clean up parts of our lives, but we are powerless to change our sin nature. We need the Savior. There is power in the name of Jesus.

Christ told His disciples, “Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John 14:13). “In Jesus’ name” indicates four basic truths:

  1. We come to Him on the basis of our association with Him—we are His children.
  2. Our relationship with Christ gives us access to Him (Heb. 4:16).
  3. Through Him, we have authority to make requests of the Father (Matt. 7:7).
  4. We must ask according to His will. In prayer, we should seek His purpose instead of our own, and trust that if He says “no,” it is for our ultimate good.

This is no ordinary name I assure you! His name carries power. His name is the name by which we are saved, in which we have access, in which we have authority, in which we must ask according to His will. That is some name!

From the days of the early church, those in the world have hated the name of Jesus (Acts 4:17; Acts 5:28). Today, many people who are okay with talking about the idea of God take offense at the name of our Savior. I believe His name convicts them of their need for salvation.

American culture is increasingly opposed to Christianity. Years ago, prayer and Bible teaching were removed from schools. I believe the assault on Christian values was systematically planned by those who want to make America an atheistic nation. No nation has ever been able to deny the Lord without experiencing His judgment.

Let me leave you with this question- If His name didn’t mean anything or have power, why has the devil throughout mankind tried so hard to erase it from society? He was and is the Messiah come to fulfill the mission that was on His life. He came to save that which was lost, destroy the works of the devil, and separate that which is light from darkness. His name is offensive and divisive only to those not saved. To those who are looking for a Savior, He is the hope of the world and a pleasant drink to a thirsty, dying  people.  That name does in fact have power. So, what’s in His name? Everything.

The Different Names of God & The Meanings

Listed are some other Hebrew names of God that we can call on at the appropriate times, plus other names and their meanings throughout the New Testament. Praise be to God!

Psalm 8:19 (ESV), “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.”


ELOHIMGenesis 1:1, Psalm 19:1 meaning “God”, a reference to God’s power and might.
ADONAIMalachi 1:6 meaning “Lord”, a reference to the Lordship of God.
JEHOVAH–YAHWEHGenesis 2:4 a reference to God’s divine salvation.
JEHOVAH-MACCADDESHEMExodus 31:13 meaning “The Lord thy sanctifier”
JEHOVAH-ROHIPsalm 23:1 meaning “The Lord my shepherd”
JEHOVAH-SHAMMAHEzekiel 48:35 meaning “The Lord who is present”
JEHOVAH-RAPHAExodus 15:26 meaning “The Lord our healer”
JEHOVAH-TSIDKENUJeremiah 23:6 meaning “The Lord our righteousness”
JEHOVAH-JIREHGenesis 22:13-14 meaning “The Lord will provide”
JEHOVAH-NISSIExodus 17:15 meaning “The Lord our banner”
JEHOVAH-SHALOMJudges 6:24 meaning “The Lord is peace”
JEHOVAH-SABBAOTHIsaiah 6:1-3 meaning “The Lord of Hosts”
EL-ELYOGenesis 14:17-20, Isaiah 14:13-14 meaning “The most high God”
EL-ROIGenesis 16:13 meaning “The strong one who sees”
EL-SHADDAIGenesis 17:1, Psalm 91:1 meaning “The God of the mountains or God Almighty”
EL-OLAMIsaiah 40:28-31 meaning “The everlasting God”


A Word From Christy

I pray that you see His name as the name above ALL names in your daily life and your prayer life. He makes ALL the difference and He has so much to offer. We must remember that the God we serve is alive and well. Jesus intercedes at the right hand of throne of God for us. He paid the ultimate price that we would have His name in victory, strength, and power, May we recognize WHO and WHAT we have been given and WALK in it that we may SHINE forth the Good News available to others! Don’t forget in all your getting to Shine! Watchmen Nee said, “‘It is a mighty thing that God has done in thus committing himself to his Church… The name of Jesus is in fact God’s greatest legacy to her.'” May we never forget THAT name!

Shining Brightly for the King,


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GreenwoodSC 29646

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World Harvest Outreach Update!

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Urgent “WHO” Update,

When we originally started planning the 2014/2015 World Harvest Outreach we had planned for Australia, Central America and Bangladesh, Australia being the first trip. After spending some time in prayer the Holy Spirit reminded me that He laid it upon my heart to go to Pakistan about 2 years ago. During that time I tried to prepare for that trip and it didn’t happen. I believed it was a timing issue and kept on preaching our normal ministry schedule, believing He would work the timing out.

I felt like the Spirit of the Lord said He wanted me to re-plan this Pakistan trip and cancel the Bangladesh trip for now. I made my complaint to the Lord that I did not want to die yet. There is still too much to do to prepare for His coming. After my prayer I felt the Lord put on my heat that I would not die their and to confirm this was Him funds would come within 24 hours from our conversation specifically for this trip. After this prayer I said be it me according to the will of God.

The next day I called my contact for the Bangladesh trip and told him I must delay the planning of this trip. During the course of the next 24 hours someone that I talked to about changing the trip in the middle of our conversation said they would give an amount toward the Pakistan trip that almost covers the airfare of the trip! And note that I didn’t tell them I felt like the Holy Spirit said He would send funds within 24 hours for this trip until after they communicated the leading of the Lord to give funds.

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

Needless to say I feel confident in planning the rest of this trip. Jan 15th through the 29th Warrior Nations is planning a trip to Pakistan and as the Lords provides we will take 4 days to do a few meetings in Dubai, The United Arab Emirates. The amount we need to carry out this mission is the about the same as our first budget, only changing by a few hundred dollars. The sooner the rest of the funds come in the more detailed we will be able to plan this trip. Please keep the WHO 2014/2015 trips ion your prayers and planning.

We leave for Australia on Monday for our first of 3 planned World Harvest Outreach meetings. We will be there for 10 days and believe the Lord is going to do mighty things! Please keep this trip lifted up while we are away. There is still a small need for this trip. We are about 20% under budget for this trip and are asking for prayers and support.

Thank you to all our current partners that send us around the world and the nation of America. We are so thankful for you.

Together we are Gathering the Harvest for our King,

Shawn Patrick Williams


Take the Warrior’s Challenge!

Commit to PRAY for the ministry, outreaches, & the staff everyday!

Commit to SUPPORT the WNIM outreaches financially every month with $10, $20, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000 or more. No amount is too small!

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work”
2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Thank you and may God richly bless you for supporting the end time harvest!




Embrace Your Identity in Christ

When You Look In The Mirror, Who Do You See?
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July 29, 2014

Embrace Your Identity in Christ

Fast Time: Tuesdays 6am-6pm

Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing! Above all, please be Spirit-led as you fast. Please note that this is the designated time frame set forth by the Shine Empowerment Network. You are invited- but not required- to join us in any way that you can. If you have a medical condition that prevents a complete fast, then please look for another way to participate. Use wisdom and follow the Holy Spirit.

Teaching: Identity: Who Are You Really?

When you stroll past a mirror and catch a glimpse of yourself in it, what goes through your mind? Does your mind focus on the positive or the negative? Maybe you are the one who says, “Wow, look at that stud or foxy momma.” Or maybe words from your childhood flood your mind, words that have stung and followed you into adulthood. However you see yourself can affect your quality of life. It can also play a difference in the choices you make throughout life. When you put value on you as an individual, you start living a little differently.

Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;”

Regardless of how we see ourselves, an incorrect perception of who you in Christ can affect your relationship with Christ, relationship with others, and relationship with yourself. Too often, Christians walk around looking and feeling defeated. They have failure, sin, and guilt hanging from them which directly affects their hope and worth. This is the exact opposite of what Christ died for us to walk in.
If one sees themselves as a failure, that individual will likely feel like a failure, speak like a failure, and ultimately fail. Our perception is a powerful force. After all, we look at the world through our eyes and perceive what we see. I have heard it said that “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” What do our eyes say about ourselves? Are they beaming, overflowing with love?  Are they cast down, depressed, and flowing with tears? Are they blinded?

John Newton in 1779 wrote the popular hymn called, “Amazing Grace” in which it gives the picture of someone lost but now found, someone blind, but now receiving sight to see.” What a beautiful picture! I believe that God wants you to have the same experience. The things that have blinded you to who you truly are in Christ, needs to be revealed!

So, my question to you is not only who are you but who does He say you are? I believe that the One who created us, has the best picture of what the finished product is supposed to look like. If God is our Alpha and Omega, our beginning and our end, then I think we ought to listen to the Creator. In Genesis, God says He created us in His image. What an image to be modeled from-the Creator of the universe! God could have chosen to model us after any number of other images but He chose to use Himself. So when we shine to the world, we should actually be shining reflections of Him to this world.

In Jeremiah, the Lord talks about forming you in the womb, knitting you together, knowing you, and setting you apart. The word for knowing depicts an intimate knowledge. He is a God who handcrafts us and knows us personally- not from a far off.  So, right there that tells me: 1. That you are no accident. 2. God knows you intricately even when you don’t understand yourself. 3. He has a plan. 4. He used the best model to make you and wants the best for you. God don’t make junk, no matter who ever told you that you were! All you have to do, is seek and you will find. Search for what He says about you and replace it contrary to what all the other voices say. Choose life.

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” His words expose what is truly in our hearts. That is why we must meditate on it day and night. It divides between what is soul (our inner part containing our mind, emotion, and will with which we contact all the things of the psychological realm) and what is spirit (our innermost part with which we contact God and substantiate all the things of the spiritual realm). Most folks are led by their soul. They make plans with their mind solely, they are led by their emotions, and will to do whatever they desire. However Christians are to be led by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit in “their” lives. We are not our own when we surrender to Him. We become His once again since we were separated from Him by sin.

When the Church of Jesus Christ finally starts becoming whole- being made perfect in His love, we will start to represent Him accurately to the world. We won’t be the hypocritical, depressed, hurting, broke, mean Christians that the world views us as, but the loving, self-controlled, fruitful image of a loving Father, who sent His only Son, to die for a people lost in sin. We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” You are the evidence, His light, the way that points to Him in this fallen world. You are His ambassador.

In Ephesians, we are directed “to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” God is talking about the church, which is you and me, being washed in the Word and presented as a radiant (shining) church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, holy and blameless. Wow, we are His prize and He is ours. We are called to be one as the Bride of Christ- the Church! So, let’s get started to day. I challenge you to speak daily out loud to yourself and possibly in front of a mirror these Identity Statements listed below. The word will not return void. God wants to transform you into the shining brilliant Bride of Christ, who has been made whole- sozo- saved and complete!

Tools: Identity Statements

This is a partial list of statements. The complete list can be viewed on warriornations.org on our blog. The more that you agree with God about your identity in Christ, the more your behavior will reflect your God-given identity.

Steps to Correct An Incorrect Perception of Who You Are

  1. Stop thinking about your past. Repent of the wrongs that you have done, give them to the Lord, and move on.  Hebrews 8:12 says, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities I will remember no more.”
  2. You need to begin looking at the truth. Focus on the Word of God. Jesus died so that you could walk in freedom- not shame, not beating ourselves up, not ridden with constant guilt. Jesus paid a steep price for your freedom. He wants us to approach Him with a clean conscience that can only be obtained through repentance and the washing of the water of the Word.
  3. Receive that you have been made new and walk in it through application. Make that change! Instead of working the Word, let the Word work you! The Word of God is powerful. It has the power to change you. When you receive this living Word, it grows on the inside of you until it becomes apparent on the outside. Just like a new plant if you nurture the seeds, water it, weed it, give it food, it will grow into a fruitful mature plant. Receive what He has done for you and grow!  2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

A Word From Christy

God’s best is available to you. We have to decide if it is worth the pursuit. I have decided to follow, no turning back, no turning back. I want all He has for me. I want to know what He says about me. I want to grow better, not bitter. I want to go from shame to shining. I choose life and encourage you to speak it over yourself daily! If you do, no matter where you go, you will be representing the way, the truth, and the life. You will be fulfilling the Great Commission and you won’t even have to have a pulpit!

Shining Brightly for the King,


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Copyright © 2014 Warrior Nations International Ministries, All rights reserved.

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It matters what you say. So, what have you been saying?

It matters what you say. So, what have you been saying?
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July 7, 2014

The Power of Prophetic Declarations

Fast Time: Tuesdays 6am-6pm

Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing! Above all, please be Spirit-led as you fast. PLease note that this is the designated timeframe set forth by the Shine Empowerment Netowrk. You are invited- but not required- to join us in any way that you can. If you have a medical condition that prevents a complete fast, then please look for another way to participate. Use wisdom and follow the Holy Spirit.

It Matters What You Say

Job 22:28, “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.”

Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat it’s’ fruit.”

Did you know your prayers matter? Prayer is communication with God. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools available to us when it comes to changing our lives through the words we speak. Prophetic declarations are often viewed in a different light than prayer. When in fact, the ability to decree future events in your life is not only a legitimate form of prayer, but one of the most practical and effective ways to engage. You, through prophetic declarations, have the opportunity to bring a shift in the atmosphere of your city, church, home, and personal life. You have power from the Most High and your prayers do matter!

One description of a “prophetic declaration” is “a trumpet sound that pushes back the darkness, that makes a way where there is no way.” What a powerful, descriptive picture of prayer. Through the study of God’s Word, I found that He has given us the authority to speak for Him. We are His voice in the earth. We are ambassadors of Christ. I also discovered that God has orchestrated a strategic time for prayers to break through. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will prompt us to pray the right kind of prayer at that moment. Powerful things will happen as we participate with the Lord at these specific times. We must co-labor with Him in obedience. The Word doesn’t say “if” you pray, but “when” you pray.

God established the church on the earth to continue in the work of putting Satan under our feet as He has already put Satan under His feet. Paul speaks in Ephesians of the work and power made available to the church. He says he was called to “bring to light…the mystery” hidden for ages in God “in order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places” and declares that God “is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us” (Eph. 3:9-10,20, NASB).

Paul indicates that God is going to make known His wisdom through the church. According to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, the word “known” comes from the Greek verb gnoridzo. It means “to certify, to declare, make known, give to understand, to come to know, discover.” To “make known” means that God is going to use the church to make declarations to the demonic rulers and authorities.

Making declarations is the same as making prophetic proclamations. The Hebrew word for proclaim, qara, means “to call out to, call forth, cry unto, invite or preach. It is usually addressed to a specific recipient and intended to elicit a specific response. Rarely does it refer to a random outcry” (Zodhiates, “Lexical Aids to the Old Testament,” Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, AMG Pubs.).

The Greek language has several words for “proclaim.” One of them is katagello, which Zodhiates says means “to tell, to declare plainly, openly, or aloud.” Katagello has the sense of an offer of information or encouragement. Another Greek word for “proclaim” that Zodhiates defines is kerusso, a much stronger word. It means “to be a herald.”

A herald was a public crier who was a speaker of divine truth. The message delivered by the crier was a public and authoritative announcement that demanded compliance. When you kerusso, you are like a town crier making an announcement that requires the hearers to comply. How powerful!

Town Criers

Today public heralds have been replaced by newspapers, television and other electronic information sources. Perhaps the best known town crier in all of American history is Paul Revere. However, the tradition predates his famed ride from Boston to Lexington and carries great significance for us today.

Attendants and friends. In Greek literature the public crier was the attendant of a prince—but not just an ordinary attendant. Raised above the status of other servants, the crier was given a respect and status similar to a friend. As believers, we serve the Prince of Peace. Yet Jesus said, “‘No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My father I have made known to you’” (John 15:15). In this, Prince Jesus has raised us to a status like that of the town crier—we are His friends.

He says that He will make known to us everything He has heard from the Father. The Greek word meaning “make known” is the same word used in Ephesians 3:10. What does that mean to us as intercessors?

  • It means we are not giving just a random outcry, but we are participating in a process released from heaven.
  • God the Father makes known (gnoridzo) His intentions to Jesus.
  • Jesus makes known (gnoridzo) the Father’s intentions to the church.
  • The church makes known (gnoridzo) the intentions of God to the evil powers through proclamation (kerusso).
  • The result? Breakthrough!

Deputies of the prince. A town crier was given a herald’s staff. The scepter in his hands made it clear that as he carried out his commission, he did so under the prince’s authorization. When Jesus rose victorious from the grave, He took back the authority man had given away in the garden. Jesus then turned and gave the authority He purchased to those who would follow Him, declaring that whatever they bound or loosed on earth would be so also in heaven (see Matt. 16:19).

Proclamation carries with it a nature of binding, commanding and settling. Zodhiates says the word “bind” means “to fasten or to tie up with chains or a cord.” Prophetic proclamations released through the mouths of intercessors have the ability to tie up the effect of evil powers like an animal tied with chains or a cord.
The verb translated “loose,” according to Zodhiates, means “to loosen, break up, destroy, dissolve, unloose, melt or put off.” When you loose the powers of darkness from a situation, person or city, the enemy is no longer able to do what he intended to do.

Protected heralds. The Greeks believed that a herald who came in wartime must not be touched. If he were, the one who touched him would incur the wrath of both the one who sent the crier and his gods.
The security of the intercessor is his faith in the powerful blood of Jesus. Intercessors are on assignment in a spiritual war. They have been sent by the Captain of the Hosts to do His bidding. A scepter of authority has been given to them, and they are to rule in the earth.

Crier Characteristics

There are some general characteristics that apply to all public criers, historical and current.

Under authority. A crier was always under the authority of someone else. The crier was only the spokesman. Intercessors should always be under the authority of the Lord. A submissive spirit is vital. We also need to submit to others (see Eph. 5:21). No person is above the need for accountability. Each of us has blind spots. We need those who love us enough to tell us the truth.

Convey the message of the master. The crier was not to deliver his own message or compromise with the one who was receiving it. He simply delivered the message he was sent to speak. Often, I find people who were, at one time, very powerful in prayer. As difficulties came into their lives, they retreated and stopped involving themselves with the body of Christ. But an intercessor cannot compromise with the enemy during a spiritual battle.

Announce judicial verdicts. What the public crier announced became valid by the act of proclamation. Likewise, Jesus the righteous Judge hands the verdict to the intercessor, who then delivers a prophetic proclamation to the evil powers. The verdict becomes valid through the proclamation spoken by the intercessor.

Jesus said, “‘What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim [kerusso] upon the housetops’” (Matt. 10:27).

In 2 Timothy, Paul wrote: “The Lord stood with me, and strengthened me, in order that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that all the Gentiles might hear; and I was delivered out of the lion’s mouth” (4:17).

When intercessors are given the right word to speak at the proper time, there will be great victory and spiritual breakthroughs. There will be deliverance for God’s people, for cities and for nations. God will provide strength to intercessors so that they can do the will of the Lord.

Jesus will make known to you the intentions of His Father. Let Him strengthen you so that the prophetic proclamation of His Word can go forth from your mouth without compromise and establish His will on the earth.

“It’s imperative to understand that your present declarations are becoming your future manifestations. What you say today is creating your tomorrow.” 

Important Things To Remember When Making Decrees

  1.  Use the word of God as your basis. So when I declare a thing over my life, I speak it in the now with applicable biblical context to back what I’m saying.
  2. The next step is to identify your problem, find the proper scripture to apply to that situation, and speak the antithesis of what you are going through.

An Example Of Praying With Prophetic Declaration

Father in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare that I am now healed according to your word. I confess according to Isaiah 53:5 that by your stripes I am already healed. I declare that according to 3 John 2, above all things I prosper, I am in health, even as my soul prospers. I thank you that I now walk in divine health. “

I implore you today to identify the areas of your life that you are ready for God to invade. Whether it is health, deliverance for yourself or a loved one, financial breakthrough, or a complete overhaul of your life, find the scriptures that relate to your desires and speak it as if you already have it in the present tense. Then praise God for it until what’s in the spirit manifest in the natural. Remember, it’s already done!

A Word From Christy

Fellow Believers and Prayer Warriors, you can’t quit now! The Lord is calling us to return to those things that we know to do: to pick back up the things that we may have laid down due to distractions, weariness, or even busyness. Remember, we have already been handed the victory, we just have to agree with it, declare it, and then stand in it. The Lord is faithful and true. He has marked breakthroughs for this time. We must receive His word and choose to believe. May this Tuesday of prayer and fasting truly bring breakthrough to your life, your family, your city, and your nation. Transformation Tuesday, it is ON! “Lord, refresh your people. Father, re-ignite the Holy Spirit within us that we may SHINE brightly for YOU! I the name of Jesus, Amen.”

Shining Brightly for the King,


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